Here’s the video of the drawings for the door prizes! What a fun day!
Big shout out to Jerry Sobba our grill man. He cooked the hotdogs and did the onions (grilled and raw) as well as brought homemade bread and butter pickles! Catherine F. Thank you for donating the plates and napkins. Jana and her family brought meatballs and bbcue sausages and Halloween plates, etc, Lance T made the crack cookies and Vicki W. Made the cute cupcakes! We couldn’t have done this without each and everyone one of you.
Big shout out to Suzanne M. For the Bundt cake, Lisa and Terry McGowan for the roses and The Golden Oldies for their thoughtful bouquet of flowers.
Patti S. Thank you for all that you did and Kathy F. Thank you for vacuuming after the party!
Last but not least a HUGE shout out to my wonderful groomers Bentley, Bryan, Maegan, and Malene for helping clean and decorating the office. Dennis Akins Photography appreciates your hard work as well. #grand #opening #dog #grooming #doggr #pets #grooming #groomingsalon #groomingshop #Jacksonville #PetGroomingServices #petgroomingsalon #newbeginnings2024