Hydrating Rescues
It is just about impossible to mimic out side weather inside your house. Unless you are able to house them outside.
I like to use a drip from any faucet non chlorinated. Filtered. Slow like rain dripping off plants or rocky surfaces. I use a rock that I had under heat just so they are a little more comfortable sitting in a shiny empty box!
I don’t know how to make a seasonal cycle of rain in a controlled area so this is what helps me the best! And if I do it just builds up to much moisture in that area. I have not tried a drain pan filter set up under the substrate yet!
A spray on his salad works also. And a bath works to hydrate. Live plants in there environment.
They are from an area with a rainy season. So there main source of hydration will be the plants they eat! Hope this helps.
We got some dehydrated beared dragons in here! Kevin had some other stuff going on with his tank. Way too small of a tank. Not the right uvb. And he was house with another juvenile in a tank already too small for one beardy. Please do some research when taking care of these guys! They are very cheap to maintain. If you have any questions about your beardy. Please do not hesitate to ask!
This is for my son! We will continue to care for others through our sanctuary! We will continue to love others when they are in there lowest point here at the sanctuary! And most of all we will always be here. Waiting for the day we get to see you again! We all love you big man. And thank you to monster jam. For all of this. It means so much much to me and the family. All of it was more than worth it. You all are some amazing people over there at monster jam. My son would have never left that truck seat! Thank you all so so so so so much!! #monsterjam #f**kcancer
SOS for more screen tops and uvb lights! If any one has some extra I will take them! Looking for the long strips not the screw in bulbs.
We have grown a little this week.
We will post about a rehome for some bearded dragons here soon. I post photos of all the bearded dragons that can be re-homed!
If you have a reptile that is need of a home please contact me!
We have our triops growing more and more every day!
One is taking shape. You can see what shape it will be when full grown now!
In about a week they can go in bigger tanks!
Family business might be changing
As hobbies have changed in the family sustainability of a hobby is always the hardest. We are here to say that we might be looking into reptiles and or pet rescue business. I hope every one sticks along for a long ride!
Trying hard to not to cut or weld! Stuck here. Motor is long. I have to drill or cut something or weld.
Any better ideas!
Body swap
International Co1800 body swap on Volvo 1984 F6 inline 6 turbo diesel
K1500 pulling cab over
Pulling old cab over with air brakes. Spent most of the time running to get air tanks filled up. (Reminder being a generator or 20 gallons of compressed air next time)
Snow blower service call
Friend of a friend of a friend of a friend
Thats what I hear!
We love our friends got to let them have a shot until I get to it.
Came in no start. Not even a chug.
5 min service
Back and running!!
Bring me your equipment instead of selling it. Fixed stuff sells for more any way guys!!!!!!
Winter is coming!
Don’t let this happen to you this season. Cold drafts are a simple fix! Give me a call to set up free estimates!
Paint and watch it dry then paint again!!
@handyman @paint