Hi friends and family! We took in a dog this morning that was found wandering on Sapphire lane near Amber lane in Jarrell! We’ve posted on all the local Jarrell pages, and no one seems to know her 🥺 I honestly have the hardest time believing that she doesn’t have a home. She’s very well behaved, knows sit, and is honestly the sweetest dog!!! She has very very very specific markings on her back that would be easy to identify her. Please please please share and help me find her owner especially if you live in the Jarrell area. She is microchipped, but that chip is not registered 😕 my kids are struggling with RSV currently, and I have 2 dogs, so I may have to take her to the shelter tomorrow if I can’t find her owner. I’m also starting to think maybe her owner just isn’t on Facebook so the shelter could be beneficial for her! To be clear I am NOT rehoming her. I am trying to get her back to her home!