Because there are 5 Saturdays this month, Tractor Supply Co. 4777 East Kenosha St, Broken Arrow, OK will be having an extra swap. I plan to be there on 7/31/21 from 8 AM till noon with the following, and more.
2 week old Pullet chicks . . . R.I.R. - Dominque - Brown Leghorn - Buff Orpington. $3.75 each.
2 week old Guinea keets . . . Lavender - White, $5.75 each. - pearl, $5.25 each. And 3 week old pearl. $5.75 each.
7 week old Turkey poults . . . Royal Palm. $16 each.
6 breeds of Ducklings, from 8 to 11 week old. From $8.50 to $10.50 each.
And other assorted chickens, and eating eggs.