Maine-ly Quail

Maine-ly Quail I'm a breeder of exotic quail and am located in the midcoast Maine area.

Breeder of exotic quail,including Elegant (Benson) Quail, Mearns (Montezuma) Quail, and Mountain Quail.

For some reason it just hit me that it feels strange not being a lobster fisherman anymore after around 35 years in it. ...

For some reason it just hit me that it feels strange not being a lobster fisherman anymore after around 35 years in it. It’s been just over a year and a half since I hauled a trap over the rail. I recall mentioning here not long ago that I don’t miss it other than fall fishing.
Lately the daytime temperatures have cooled down a bit and the nights are actually a little cool. That always made my mouth water when it got like this in September. I knew that later in the month it would be time to wheel some gear right up in a pint of water up in those muddy coves next to the shore in the eelgrass, waiting for those newshells to crawl as soon as the water cooled down. As soon as the first ones strike, that’s when I knew the fun was just beginning and I had a couple months ahead of me of some great hauls and most of my year’s income ahead.
Those days are gone and I’m a full time quail breeder now. It was so damn hard doing both at once. I worked around the clock. It still seems the bad outweighs the good, so I’m not at all considering going back to full time fishing.
I kept my work skiff and about 30 traps, rope, and buoys, and kept my license renewed for last two years. I thought I might do some recreational play fishing but everything’s set out in the yard all this time. I’ve had no time to maintain a wooden boat or even think about setting a trap. It would take away from my brook fishing fun! Maybe next season after a lot of projects are finally finished.
I remember putting my business up for sale here on a few of the Maine and New England commercial fishing gear for sale sites. I knew what everything was worth because I know what things cost because I bought everything new and took really good care of things.
Here on Facebook no matter where you look, it doesn’t matter the group subject or category, there are always a buncha trolls looking to start some s**t. Usually the local losers in every cove along the Maine coast will be the first to jump all over it. And it’s a big coastline!
So I had a price in mind and was determined to get it. I had a ton of comments from those dubs, telling me that I was crazy to list things so high. Well things are high, and since Covid hit, they got a lot higher! I got all kinds of wisecracks and laughy face emojis from these halfwits. I even got into it with a few and told them to meet me anywhere, anytime. None took me up on it.
Even a former friend of mine, well more like a fair-weather friend who only ever called me when he wanted something, gave me a bit of s**t. I’m waiting to spot him around Brunswick, and I will. He sold out too. He was one of the bigwig offshore fishermen. I’m sure he got what he wanted for his gear because he took a thousand times better care of it than he did his own body.
I told the bastard then that he’s only got about 10 years to live. He keyboard tough guy wised off to me quite a bit. Like I say, I’ll run into him sooner or later. Why I told him he’s only got another decade if he’s lucky is because he’s a heavy smoker and a hardcore pothead. When he doesn’t have a cigarette in his mouth, he’s got a joint or a pipe fulla w**d. He’s been a real partier since he was a young kid, drinks a ton of beer, some hard stuff, and occasionally some coke. He eats nothing but fast food. All grease, salt, and sugar. He’s one of those guys who has that , “work hard, play hard” mentality. Anyway, not long after that he had a stroke.😃 Only 3 years older than me.
But with all of those wiseasses, a few guys who are on the ball and know what things cost, stuck up for me some on those sites. Little by little everything that I wanted to sell sold for what I wanted. When they all came up to look at things, not one guy tried to beat me down on my price. Boat, traps, rope, buoys, and my boat mooring.
I remember the first one to look at my boat. He was a guy from Portland, just a bit older than me and only a summer fisherman. He took his gear up in the fall before the fishing gets good.🙄 He hung here for a couple hours and looked her over from stem to stern. He had the exact same hull as mine but rigged up a bit differently. Everything was old and half fallen apart. All the guy did was complain about everything to do with lobstering.
But he loved the boat it seemed and the last thing he said to me was, “The only thing wrong with that boat is that it’s in your yard and not mine and I’ll get back to you tomorrow.” And of course, just as in the quail business, when someone says they’ll get back to me, they never do.
Not long after that I had a guy from Massachusetts interested. I called the first guy to see if he was still interested. He answered in a sarcastic way, “I’m good.”, and that was it. He knew the price when he came to look at it.🙄 Anyway, the other guy’s bank was jerking him around with things and in the meantime another guy came along and gave me a big cash deposit, then picked the boat up the following week, no questions asked. They loved it.
Here’s a good one!😅 This summer, a bit over a year after I sold it, that first prick knocked on my door. He asked if I remembered him and told me that he lost my phone number but wanted to take a chance and drive up and see if I still had the boat!😅
He was carrying on about what things would cost to repair his, all the fiberglass work, a new cabin, new hauler, electronics either a stern drive or new outboard ... I told him it sold over a year ago right after he looked at it. You snooze, you lose!😅
He was some disappointed. I think he expected it never sold and I’d be desperate and take a low offer. I saw his heart sunk when I told him it was gone. He looked mighty dejected getting into his truck and driving away.
That was great.😃


A good supply of young Barbary Partridge. More in a pen up above. Nice birds.


Some hens started laying late and most quit early. I let go too many eggs. I’m holding back 10 pairs for myself. Not too many up for grabs this season. I’ve got a couple other batches and eggs in the incubator still.


Got a few birds outta the shed and into the new pens where they belong.🎉😃


More new ones in place.👍👍


Finally rebuilt this and 10 new ones coming.😃


One fine hen she was!


Dilly in the front with Dewberry in the back last spring.


Don't ya hate it when certain people pick your brain for months, or even a year or more, and then go buy their birds from someone else? And a lot of the time the place is a s**thole? Maybe they saved a couple bucks.🙄 This happens to me now and then. I oughtta charge for my advice like that one in Texas does!😄 Some of you people on here have done this. You know who you are.🤥

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Scaled ready for the brooder and some Gambel’s right behind.


This sure is the year of the quail scams!

Since winter I’ve been seeing more posts than ever on the Facebook quail groups, some advertising birds and eggs, and some inviting people to join their new groups. Most look a bit sketchy to me. I suppose that I can spot things like that a lot easier than some just because I’ve been raising quail for such a long time.
I’ve spotted stolen pictures, some were even mine on occasion. The people writing the posts don’t really know what they’re talking about and can’t give a straight answer, so I see they always ask the potential victim to PM them for the answers.
I notice a lot of the time their English is no good and the titles of their groups aren’t worded very well. Some actually stole other people’s group names. There’s one guy who has several aliases and has taken a lot of people’s money. This one is from Cameroon and is a good example of what I’m talking about.
This one and I’m sure others operate the same way. They con the people into sending them money through Friends and Family on PayPal because through that category the buyer has no recourse and can’t be refunded because of fraud, as they could if it was sent under Goods and Services.
Then as soon as they get the payment, they block the person from PayPal, and block them from Facebook. Another person out of a lot of money and no birds or eggs. This has made a lot of people paranoid and I’ve been questioned by some people who got stung, asking me if I’m another scammer who’s about to rip them off. I got tired of it and refunded two people right off the bat. Another messaged me frequently throughout the spring with a million questions that I answered from everything egg to chick, to adult.. Then she had the nerve to tell me that I might be a scammer. These people already got stung for hundreds of dollars, some more than once. They had no problem throwing money to complete strangers who nobody really knows about but afraid to do business with a well-known guy like myself who has a page right here with a ton of posts since I got Facebook in 2016, a real website, and a YouTube page.
Does anyone ever notice how most of these people don’t even show their farm?!! I’d never send any money to someone unless I saw their operation first. Some of these websites have the same old pictures since way back when, no up to date posts, no recent pictures of things going on, and zero videos of anything, especially farm tours. Most of these clowns won’t show their setups because they either don’t have one and are just a total scam, OR are a Mickey Mouse backyard “breeder” with a few cobbled-together junk pens, or just a plain slum farm.
Nobody can see their pens, brooders, hatches taking place, hear their voice, see their face... As I said a hundred times on here-do your research first before you send any money. Some of the regular advertisers are just posers with high prices and will NEVER show a video of their place.
There’s even a fairly new group on here called, Exposing Quail Scammers. That’s how bad it’s gotten. I recommend that you join that one.
More new videos coming soon. More hatches and ten new 4’ by 12’ colony pens under construction.🎉 I’ll have a decent little crop of Elegant Quail this season and am going to expand on those suckers. They need space!
A short season on Mearns this year. Most hens started on time but some quit early. I sold too many eggs so I didn’t hatch as many as I normally do and am keeping some of them for next season’s breeders.
I’ll have a decent bunch of Mountains, a ton of Gambel’s, a fair amount of Valleys , Scaled, and colored Bobwhites, African Harlequins, and Barbary Partridge.


A nice hatch of Elegant Quail just put in their brooder.


It only took Krazy Keith, a total fraud, about a year to con enough people to get 3500.🙄Oh well, at least he folded.😃

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African Harlequins, maybe almost twice the size of a Button Quail but can take below zero temperatures with no trouble. Tough little guys. As long as you have a solid floor with some shavings they’re fine at well below zero.


Rebuilding an oldie. Short Mearns season.


A great hatch of Gambel’s and Scaled just in the brooder. In the 90-something % hatch rate. I will have a ton of these in the fall along with Valleys and colored Bobwhite mutations.


Another decent batch of chicks 🐥🐣🐤

Almost done with the last 4’ by 12’🎉everything with new metal roofs within an hour.😃Finally.🎉🎉 More pens to build 😩

Almost done with the last 4’ by 12’🎉everything with new metal roofs within an hour.😃Finally.🎉🎉 More pens to build 😩


Absolutely no more eggs going to foreign countries after one more on a trade next week. Too much hassle. Too much trouble. That’s it.


I can’t get over some of the questions and comments on that Quail Family group on here.😅 I had more common sense than these people when I was 5 or 6 years old, years before I started raising quail.😲🙄
One I just saw was someone asking if he raised quail would it keep the mice away.🤣


Foster mother bantam hen with some Barbary Partridge chicks and their real parents right in front of them! And Buck Wheat waiting for his treat.🥬


He wasn’t too bad this time. He let up when he saw his handsome reflection in the phone.😃


I logged into Facebook a little while ago to look at my messages. I was informed that I can’t use messenger for 24 hours because something I said went against their little community standards!
The strange thing is that I haven’t got into it with anyone on here for a long time so I don’t even know what they’re talking about. On top of that, aren’t PMs supposed to be private messages? What the hell are they doing spying on my private messages?


Your Gambel’s and Snowflake headquarters this fall.


P. O. Box 243
Jefferson, ME


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Our Story

Breeder of exotic quail including Elegant (Benson) Quail, Mearns (Montezuma) Quail,and Mountain Quail.

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