Giveaway Winner🎉
The winner for the Valentines Day giveaway is….. Martina Kaiser LeDoux 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations!! 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you to everyone who participated! We will be doing an Easter one as well! 😇
How to Whiten your horses tail!😇
How to whiten your Horses tail😇
Schooling Stops
Khol Guillory & my Mare Vegas schooling stops today! Our first show for the year is the Dixie Nationals in Mississippi next month🥳🔥
*I do not own the rights to the music*
Coming 2 year old Luka learning to pick up his bit
Do it for the horse!
You have to do it for the horse!🫶🏻 We have a long way to go but good minded horses make it fun!
How I teach Liberty Circles - Day 2. Let me know what else you would like to see!🥰
How I teach lead changes
🌟How I personally teach lead changes🌟
Start by making sure your horse understands simple hip yields. Then asking them to walk forward, and pushing their hips around making sure their hips are really soft and broke to your legs. My next step is to put them in a straight line and making sure they understand which leads I’m asking them to pick up. I will not ask for a change if they don’t understand this step! Go back to the basics if needed! After they fully understand that, I will counter canter them then ask them to switch, it will not be pretty at first. But do not release your leg until they switch! After they switch stop and release all pressure. Showing them that’s what you where expecting of them! You can start by doing simple changes, letting them break down to a trot before picking up the opposite lead. I forgot to video this step! Make sure you fully understand the ques before confusing your horse!😊
*I do not own the rights to the music*
Playing with Vegas on this beautiful Saturday🫶🏻 I have so much love for this mare
4 year old - 120 rides
My 4 year old filly with almost 120 rides, I am really going to miss this sweet girl! She’s was a fun one!🫶🏻
This is Hunters 3rd lessons with us and his 4th time ever on a horse! What a natural! He is about to turn 10! I love seeing kiddos showing Interest in this sport!🐴💞
Showing off Vegas tricks at horse camp this weekend! We had such a great group of kiddos both days!🐴🫶🏻