Marra's Menagerie is an animal rescue/sanctuary farm and organization. The rescue has been running since 2020 privately – and currently working on getting their 501c3 status for tax exemption. Marra's Menagerie's whole mission is to try and help every farm animal possible and we will not stop until we can save all animals from cruelty. We can't wait to see where the future will bring us and how m
any other lives we can save. Patreon:
Instagram: Marrasmenagerie
Facebook: Marra’s Menagerie Farm Sanctuary
At our farm we are a no kill farm sanctuary meaning our farm friends will get to live out their days here in peace with all the love they deserve. Being that they will not be slaughtered for food they are expensive to care for, but we understand the burden. Each animal that comes here to live requires, feed, bedding, vet care. Running a farm sanctuary is expensive. Funds received help with general farm maintenance, vet care, marketing, utilities, the property, transport for newcomers as well as transport for vet care, medication, vaccines, feed, fundraising, events, animal care and so much more and it all adds up. All funds help care for each animal as well as everything else needed to keep moving forward. The more patrons we have that help by donating the more lives we can save! Please consider being a patron today. our private parties and birthday bashes are schedule to run past our open hours that is ok! we are just set for other appointments to end by our set hours, parties can end after.