Skunk mating season is just around the corner, February through March. This will become more recognizable by a strong, unpleasant smell in the air. This is the time of year that they will begin to come out of their dens. Skunks are polygamous, meaning males will mate with multiple females. They may travel several miles each night to find mates. Male skunks spray each other when fighting over a female, and female skunks spray when they're not interested in mating. Skunks are nocturnal and emerge from their dens, which can be under a porch, deck, or building.
In the event your household animal gets sprayed during the next couple of months or even after mating season, bring your pet to us at Green Valley Kennels. No matter what time they get sprayed, we will meet you at the kennel and board your pet at no additional cost and proceed to do a skunk bath the following morning.
Skunk mating season is just around the corner, February through March. This will become more recognizable by a strong, unpleasant smell in the air. This i