Rocky would not be here if it weren't for the help of Critter Crusaders of Cedar Rapids. Please share this post and if you can, please donate to help them pay his bill. We and Rocky are extremely thankful for their assistance and dedication to this boy!
Another Emergency. ‼️ Donations Needed‼️
(We don’t take lightly our recent multiple requests for monetary assistance on the big cases we have going right now. Please know that we would much prefer to not have to ask for help).
This past Thursday Critter Crusaders had another MASSIVE emergency with Rocky, a dog who came to CC through Iowa Veterinary Specialties in Des Moines on December 1st. Rocky was a critical foreign body obstruction that went directly into emergency surgery. The surgeon removed a good sized piece of rubber ball from his small intestines. Rocky was discharged on Wednesday December 4th to his Forever Home Dog Rescue foster mom and vet tech, Madison.
The very next day, Thursday December 5th, something wasn't right with Rocky. He went back into IVS through CC for additional testing. The worst possible complication in any intestinal surgery had occurred…dehiscence of the intestines, spilling GI contents into his abdomen. Rocky was gravely septic and in need of another emergency surgery to save his life. Madison transferred Rocky emergenctly to Iowa State University Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital where he was quickly admitted through the ER Service and then went directly into life saving surgery. Critter Crusaders placed a whopping $10,000 on his account. We had no choice. Once we start a case, we cannot just “cut our financial losses” by euthanizing the animal. Our goal is to save them.❤️
This has been very difficult on our organization as Rocky’s first procedures were over 8k. Veterinary care is expensive. Anytime we do surgery, we always run the risk of complications and for Rocky, this was a huge event. The surgeons removed a portion of his small intestines, they placed a J-Tube for feeding. They lavaged the heck out of his septic belly and placed drains to evacuate the fluid that accumulates as he heals.
Rocky has been holding his own and he is on day 4 of critical care hospitalization at Iowa State and doing well with no further setbacks. We appreciate everyone’s donations from his original surgery and we are asking once again for donations if you are so fortunate. If only we would win the lottery! Oh the good we would do for these pets. Please continue to send Rocky good vibes. He has been through alot but we know he will recover from this horribly traumatic event.
If you are so fortunate to donate, you can do so through our website with multiple payment options at CritterCrusadersCR.Org or CCCR at PO Box 10111, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410. We Thank You.❤️🐾.