A Human Happy 💜😍 Arkansas Division of Children and Family Services has named our Conway operations manager Hailey Manion and her fam as the Area 5 Foster Family of the Year!!
Hailey and her husband Calvin have been part of the HH family since 2016, long before they had human children and were just dipping their toes into the world of dog rescue. Not long after having their first human puppy Arlo, they decided to open their big hearts even more to local children in need. Since 2022 they have fostered 8 children and adopted one, their daughter Morgan.
Despite the sometimes tragic circumstances that bring children to their home, we love getting to hear about the kids and their sweet personalities, and it always makes our day to hear about how much comfort they find in all the animals around the Manion’s farm! Dogs do indeed
make everything better and a few farm animals never hurt either!
Hailey is a fierce advocate for anything she is passionate about - you do not want to play against her on a staff game night 💀😂 - and we are fortunate that under our roof all that energy is channeled into providing the best care for our pets and being a great manager for our staff. But we all agree being an advocate for the kids in their care is by far her most important job, and she and Calvin do it with huge hearts and endless energy (seriously when do they sleep, we do not know). We are so proud of their hard work to make Arkansas a better place for pets, and now also for kids! 💜💜