Kendall Wigen is running for NRHyA Vice President for 2025. She has held officer positions for NRHyA as Treasurer 2022, International Liason 2023, and Vice President 2024.
During her time on the officer team she has:
•Traveled each year to the AQHYA Youth Excellence Seminar.
•Traveled yearly to Washington DC lobbying bills with congressmen which affect the equine industry
• She has ran youth events and meetings at local and regional shows
•Helped plan NRHA Derby and futurity youth meetings and gatherings with the officer team
•As International Liaison she helped to strengthen the European and Oceanic NRHyA programs by meeting with them virtually and giving them ideas on how to begin a board, meeting activities, etc.
•Over her time on the youth officer team she has been able to develop important leaderships skills which make her qualified for this position, including public speaking, relationship building/networking, problem solving, dependability and decision making.
• Kendall is excited to run for the position of 2025 NRHyA Vice President and hopes to earn a spot on the team for her last year of youth eligibility. She has goals in place for the 2025 year to help continue to grow the NRHyA with her many leadership skills and love for the NRHA and the sport that it represents.
She would really appreciate your vote as she enters her last year of youth.
Must be an NRHA youth member to vote