Lets talk about PEMF for a minute!
It is amazing to see the reaction from the animals when we utilize PEMF. It facilitates an immediate release and obvious comfort to the animals. An animal can quickly go from anxious and tense, to calm and relaxed within the first couple of minutes. Horses will yawn and chew and even almost fall asleep. Owners love seeing the immediate, undeniable responses and results from their animals.
Depending on the situation PEMF can be a great tool before or after an adjustment. We have noticed the adjustments can last longer when we add PEMF during or in between adjustment sessions.
It is important to make sure PEMF is recommending for your animal. Also just as important to find someone educated and knowledgeable in the field. I'm always happy to help give recommendations and help you find the right team for your pet or athlete!
*always check with your veterinarian before seeking alternative therapies. I don't just saw this because it is recommended. It is very important to have a good relationship with your veterinarian and consult them. If your team can work together the outcomes will be far more beneficial!