Dariana Burr's Pet Services

Dariana Burr's Pet Services • House Sitting • Pet Boarding • Drop-In Visits • Pet Day Care • Dog Walking • Grooming


This is perfect logic.


Did someone say chikin nuggtz 😛🤣

It’s only Monday.. but it’s definitely been one of those weeks..

It’s only Monday.. but it’s definitely been one of those weeks..

I’d be lying if I said she didn’t get away with almost anything 😂 look at those pitiful eyes 🥺♥️

I’d be lying if I said she didn’t get away with almost anything 😂 look at those pitiful eyes 🥺♥️

Little Nova finally has her ears standing up!🥺 Did you know that German shepherds ears will stand up and flop down over ...

Little Nova finally has her ears standing up!🥺 Did you know that German shepherds ears will stand up and flop down over the course of their teething stage while they lose their puppy teeth and have their adult ones come in - I’ve noticed that even when they’ve come to stand up, they’ll still flop sometimes when they are waking up from a long snooze.😴☺️


Miss these morning sounds a little extra today.. I’ll be home soon little Kota 🥺

A popular question asked by new owners of power breeds / dominant pups:"I am seeking advice since I am a first time pupp...

A popular question asked by new owners of power breeds / dominant pups:

"I am seeking advice since I am a first time puppy owner. We picked up our GSD 5 weeks ago and I have been struggling establishing myself as the "alpha". My 15 week old tests me everyday. He bites me very hard which at times I feel is play fighting but he definitely takes it too far. Now today, he started growling at me and my boyfriend when he is eating his food. I feel like I am failing as a mom. My fear is that he will become aggressive when he is older. Any advice/ constructive criticism would be appreciated"

My advice to all alpha pup owners:

I find that very strong alpha dogs take a lot of will power but you have to assert your dominance now or he will end up testing you and it’s much easier to get it across now then when he is 80-100lb dog. If he’s eating and growls, take it away. He eats because of you and if he doesn’t respect you, then he can be hungry for a little while. Food aggressive is very bad, don’t even give an inch. Whatever he gets was yours first, so try that. If he growls, pop him and tell him no and take it away. Wait awhile, and try it again. If he bites, it takes a lot to get it across. Mom dogs will grab them by the neck and hold them to the ground. No, I do not mean choking them, but she won’t put up with it and neither should you. You are perfectly normal to be worrisome because it can escalate very badly if not corrected early on. If he bites, tell him no, if he bites again; pop him and tell him no again, if he bites again, grab the loose skin and hold him down and tell him no. Be stern. He needs to know there is a big difference between play and hurting you. Once he knows that you’re not messing around, it should take you one time of telling him "no" and he should be done with it. At first, I know it is hard to be stern with them and you might feel bad because they are so young, but this is the time to start and if you can; make it very obvious what is okay and what is too far. I’m not saying to be abusive with your young, but watch videos of momma dogs putting their pups in their place, and it’s our job to simulate that position of power and assert dominance so they know their place. When you have a 100lb dog and a little kid walks by his food, you can’t have growling and you most definitely cannot have any rough biting. I am sharing this not to make any of you think you should always be physical with your pup and you should never abuse your animal. Tell them what they need to do, be vocal. If that doesn’t work, use appropriate corrections in order to show that you are the alpha and earn their respect. Ask questions! New dog owners should always do research before getting a breed, but not all problems you can understand until they are presented to you. Ask for help! Ask for new methods if yours are quite working! Start young, please please start young! The minds of young pups absorb everything, including who plays the role of the pack leader. Puppies are so hard to try and think of in terms of stern corrections because “aww.. they’re just playing” “its cute” “it doesn’t hurt that bad” are all things we say. I am a victim of doing this. It wasn’t until I got a very dominant male puppy that constantly tested these bounds that I found what methods worked and what to resort to. Their actions can go from playful to aggressive very quickly. Mess with your dogs food, their toes, ears, and face. Get them used to being open with you and other people, shyness is the first symptom to an older timid dog that reacts to situations in a scared aggressive manner. Teach them to be okay with having their paws touched. If the day comes that they get hurt, they need to be able to be looked at if they’re injured by either you or a vet. It is one more thing to keep in mind. If they react badly, work on it, just like anyone, puppies and dogs make mistakes too, we are just here to help them learn and to keep their behavior is check. In case anyone is questioning corrections, please watch videos on how mom dogs react to their young and their types of corrections for your breed of dog. You must think of them as dogs in the way that we must correct our pups the way a mother dog would correct hers. We wouldn't expect a mother dog to correct our human child the way she would correct her fur babies, so we must take each species, do the same, and learn their ways of corrections in order to get the best results. You have to be very stern with them or else they will just keep testing you. Always stay positive, even with puppies testing your position as the alpha. They are still young pups just trying to find their way in the world. Our job is to give them guidance and to help them be the best they can be.

- Correct - Redirect - Treat - Repeat - ❤️

|JO Reise | The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone..

|JO Reise |

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone..

| Zakota | Knowing the love of your beautiful heart.. I cannot begin imagine what thoughts you have running through your...

| Zakota |

Knowing the love of your beautiful heart.. I cannot begin imagine what thoughts you have running through your mind..

Why so serious?

Why so serious?

| Zakota | I cannot believe how fast this boy has grown up. He started out being this shy lil’ fragile pup (don’t let hi...

| Zakota |

I cannot believe how fast this boy has grown up. He started out being this shy lil’ fragile pup (don’t let him fool you... he’s still fragile), but he has truly turned into such a beautiful work of art with such drive to succeed and please. God truly outdid himself making you.🖤

A common asked question: “How old does a dog have to be before starting obedience classes?”The answer: It doesn’t have t...

A common asked question:

“How old does a dog have to be before starting obedience classes?”

The answer:

It doesn’t have to be old at all! True dog training starts within the first couple weeks of the puppy’s life! After puppies open their eyes, they are already watching and learning from their mom. They are learning to crawl, walk, and how to go to the bathroom by themselves.

After a few weeks, you start training them to go to the bathroom outside. This training can start very young. Although puppies won’t perfect this skill until they get older, they can learn those starting at a very young age.

When you first adopt a puppy, at 8 weeks old they can already start doing some basic obedience skills! Clicker and treat training can be very beneficial to start at a young age because many puppies are treat motivated. Puppies are constantly growing and maturing and love to learn so they can pick up on these skills at a very young age!

Some tips: You never want to overwork a puppy, just doing some tricks and obedience for a few minutes starting out and then slowly work up to longer periods of time. Although puppies can pick up on things fast, they also have a very short attention span, so you never want to overwork a puppy! Their brains will learn as fast as they can and then they need praise and a break.

Puppies also learn best by repetition. If you work a puppy for a whole hour once a week vs work a puppy for 10 minutes 6 times a week, the puppy only training 10 minutes a day once a week will learn much faster because you are going over the skills multiple different days and he can focus all his fresh energy on learning! Teaching a tired dog and overloading his brain will make him potentially do the skill, but once he’s done - he’s going to p**p out and probably not retain as much.

Remember also to never over-treat a puppy. The stomachs of young pups go through a lot growing up. They start on their mom’s milk, and then transition to soft food, and then hard food. Sometimes this change alone can cause some loose stools. Treats can do the same thing, you always want to use treats that the puppy can handle and never over-treat them because it can also make them have looser stools and make their tummy hurt (just like ours does when we have too many sweets)!

Doing some short training sessions and practicing every night, my 9-10 week old German Shepherd puppy learned: sit, down, crawl, roll over, speak, stand, jump, and shake.

Although I got lucky and he was a very quick learner, all puppies are different and may need a alternative training methods so they can better learn! Some of my other puppies picked up on things a little slower, they will all learn at different paces (not everyone is a sprinter, sometimes we are distance runners, and sometimes we only like to walk).

When training your puppy, remember to always be positive. They want to please us dog moms and dads. They will try their best to do what we want, but sometimes it takes awhile for them to figure out what that is. Always start a session positive, and end it with positivity and lots of love and praise.

Dogs are gifts from god and deserve to be loved and cherished. Thanks for your time and I hope this helps!

Much love,

Dariana ♥️

Feat: My beloved smart boy, Journey.

Recently, I have had a lot more requests for dog obedience! If you are ever interested or have a particular skill you wa...

Recently, I have had a lot more requests for dog obedience! If you are ever interested or have a particular skill you want your pup to better understand or learn, please do reach out! I mainly start with the basic obedience training first, but I love accommodating to each dog's needs!

Don't hesitate to Direct Message me on this page or you can also reach me at my main page: Dariana Burr ♥️ Thanks so much for everyone that has contacted me and always let me know if theres anything else you are wanting to know more about! Tell your fur babies I say hi.

Much love,

I'm Dariana and I'd love to host your dog next time you go out of town! Want to learn more about me and my services? Ent...

I'm Dariana and I'd love to host your dog next time you go out of town! Want to learn more about me and my services? Enter this link into your browser, and send me a message directly from my profile on Rover:

If you’re new to Rover, you can get $20 off your first booking by using the promo code DARIAB01832 🐾♥️ Valid for first-time Rover customers only.

About Me: I’ve grown up on a farm with animals ever since I was born. Throughout my life, they were my family... and my whole heart. I had the typical farm pets, dogs and cats, and even exotic animals. My mom used to be a vet so I learned a variety of helpful tips and skills from her growing up. She’s a professional dog and service dog trainer and I followed under her footsteps also doing dog training. I also have showed in the county and state fair with my Dobermans and showed my German Shepherd in AKC shows. I know how to train dogs in confirmation, basic up to open obedience, all levels of agility, and am currently working on training my two German shepherds to be service dogs. I have had experience in dog training since I was 8 years of age and been dog sitting and boarding for the past 4 years. Along with this, I also have volunteered at a variety of different dog shows including the Nebraska State Fair Dog Show and the Nebraska Dog Expo. I also have service hours at the Crane Trust, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Food for Thought, teachers aid at Kenesaw Public School and Lincoln Elementary School, and also helped younger kids at dog class. I have the experience in administering dewormers, frontlines, insulin and other shots, along with administering oral medication. Additionally, as far as grooming goes, I have 12 years of experience in doing basic dog, cat, and small animal grooming. This includes giving baths, trimming claws, brushing teeth, blow drying, brushing, cleaning out ears, and applying wax moisturizer for the paws of dogs and cats. I also know how to groom things such as finches, cockatiels, geckos, lizards, chinchillas, ferrets, turtles, hamsters, gerbils, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, horses, ducks, sugar gliders, and most other critters of the alike. If you have any questions or requests, don’t ever hesitate to ask! :)As of right now, I am a full-time student at Hastings College majoring in biology. I am a photographer and also farm part-time. For photography, I work mostly from home and college is only a twenty minute drive from my house when I have classes. Typically, I am home every morning, afternoon, and all night. I’m very flexible when it comes to pet sitting, but also am open to setting dates in advance. Texting is the best way to contact me.Currently I am living on a farm of 20 acres with a huge back and front yard along with pasture ground. I have my mom, dad, and two brothers at the house along with a variety of farm animals for pets to interact with and three dogs: JO Reise (German Shepherd), Nikita (German Shepherd), and Acacia (Doberman). My family loves pets and the dogs are friendly when introduced to new dogs. When pet sitting or boarding, I usually prefer to stay at the pets original home for the purpose of the dog not getting stressed out and being more open and comfortable. If that’s a possibility, that is always my first option, but if the circumstances are not suitable, they can always stay at my house as well.

About My Services I offer:

Dog Boarding: $30 per night. I'm comfortable taking care of dogs who are:
small (1-15 lbs), medium (15-40 lbs), large (41-100 lbs), giant (100+ lbs).

House Sitting: $25 per day & night. I'm comfortable taking care of dogs who are: small (1-15 lbs), medium (15-40 lbs), large (41-100 lbs), giant (100+ lbs).

Drop-In Visits: $15 per visit. I'm comfortable taking care of dogs who are: small (1-15 lbs), medium (15-40 lbs), large (41-100 lbs), giant (100+ lbs).

Doggy Day Care: $25 per day. I'm comfortable taking care of dogs who are: small (1-15 lbs), medium (15-40 lbs), large (41-100 lbs), giant (100+ lbs).

Dog Walking: $15 per walk. I'm comfortable taking care of dogs who are: small (1-15 lbs), medium (15-40 lbs), large (41-100 lbs), giant (100+ lbs).

If you want to learn more about me and my services? I have 6 reviews on my Rover profile. Here’s what a couple of my clients had to say:

★★★★★ "Dariana has been checking in on my pup during the day for the past few weeks now. She has gone above and beyond with her drop in visits! She treats Charlie like her own and you can clearly tell he adores her too! She has always been very reliable and provides updates after every visit. I sure plan to continue booking her in the future whenever possible! I would highly recommend her to anyone :)" --Allison K.

★★★★★ “Thank you so much for taking care of our little pups for the night. Appreciate that not only you but your whole family made them feel at home. Loved that you provided updates and pictures along the way. Don’t know that we’ll ever travel that way from Colorado again but if we do and we need somewhere for our we**ie dogs to go we’ll definitely be in touch!” --Laurenda R.

If you want to read more reviews, you can go to http://searchdogsitters.com/sit/dariab01832

Don’t forget, if you’re new to Rover, you can get $20 off your first booking by using the promo code DARIAB01832 on the Rover app! Valid for first-time Rover customers only.

I hope you’ll consider me if you ever need one of your precious babies watched. Have a wonderful day! 😌♥️

Hey there, my name is Dariana! I’ve grown up on a farm with animals ever since I was born. Throughout my life, they were my family... and my whole heart. I had the typical farm pets, dogs and cats, and even exotic animals. My mom used to be a vet so I learned a variety of helpful tips and skills ....



Juniata, NE


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A little about me 🐾

Hey there, my name is Dariana! I’ve grown up on a farm with animals ever since I was born. Throughout my life, they were my family... and my whole heart. I had the typical farm pets, dogs and cats, and even exotic animals. My mom used to be a vet so I learned a variety of helpful tips and skills from her growing up. She’s a professional dog and service dog trainer and I followed under her footsteps also doing dog training. I also have showed in the county and state fair with my Dobermans and showed my German Shepherd in AKC shows. I know how to train dogs in confirmation, basic up to open obedience, all levels of agility, and am currently working on training my two German shepherds to be service dogs. I have had experience in dog training since I was 8 years of age and been dog sitting and boarding for the past 4 years.

Along with this, I also have volunteered at a variety of different dog shows including the Nebraska State Fair Dog Show and the Nebraska Dog Expo. I also have service hours at the Crane Trust, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Food for Thought, was a Teachers Aid at Kenesaw Public School and Lincoln Elementary School, and also helped teach younger kids at dog classes.

I have experience in administering dewormers, frontlines, administering insulin and other vaccinations along with oral medication as well. Additionally, as far as grooming goes, I have 12 years of experience in doing basic dog, cat, and small animal grooming. This includes giving baths, trimming claws, brushing teeth, blow drying, brushing, cleaning out ears, and applying wax moisturizer for the paws of dogs and cats. I also know how to groom things such as finches, cockatiels, geckos, lizards, chinchillas, ferrets, turtles, hamsters, gerbils, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, horses, ducks, sugar gliders, and most other critters of the alike.

As of right now, I am a full-time student at Hastings College majoring in biology. I am a photographer and also farm part-time. For photography, I work mostly from home and college is only a twenty minute drive from my house when I have classes. Typically, I am home every morning, afternoon, and all night. I’m very flexible when it comes to pet sitting, but also am open to setting dates in advance. Texting is the best way to contact me and if you have any questions or requests, don’t ever hesitate to ask!