Every Rescue in Texas is suffering right now. It's really tough to keep going. It's even harder to ask everyone to give when it seems so much hardship is occuring in so many lives. We appreciate the support beyond words. This life is not for the weak. Knowing every day we wake up we are responsible for 400 animals. Feeding them, their medical, we are retaining dogs longer so that means not a week goes by we don't have to take several dogs to the vet. We spend nearly $2500 on medical food alone. $3000 on medication, $28,000 a month on payroll and this is a skeleton staff. then we have Electric bills and many operations costs. We are proud that our main admin team is not paid and none of our board members are paid and they work really hard and give of their own time. We pay those to care for the animals on site. Having a facility has saved so many lives I don't regret it but it is HUGE undertaking I never thought would be. "Build it and they will come"... I thought that meant volunteers..... Nope this year it meant dumping dogs. We have had to sacrifice our meet and greet room and lobby to setup crates. Its so hard now to show a dog when it's 100 degrees outside. I really hope we can raise money to care for our dogs medial and to build another building so we can offer better options for on site adoptions. I hoping this will improve our adoptions. Please consider giving a small amount for North Texas giving day. We have asked a lot of you this year and we are hanging on because of this support THANK YOU!!!! Jennifer Smith
Donate to your favorite North Texas nonprofits anytime from now until Sept. 19.