Aloha everyone, I really want to thank everybody for your Well wishes and your generosity! I love my customer so much. You guys have are amazing, you have offered to bring stuff I might need, send food or have just offered to help out in any way that you can. I appreciate you all for your generosity.❤️
I want to give you an update on my current situation. I am now testing negative for COVID which is fantastic. However the effects of COVID continue affect me. My energy is pretty much non-existent. I'm having issues with brain fog and I still don't feel well and continue to fight the symptoms that come along with COVID. I have attempted to go out and do a few things to try to build up my stamina to start coming back to work. However yesterday I was out for about 20 minutes and then had lunch,that required a 4-hour nap 😴. Unfortunately I am going to have to cancel this week including cat day which kills me. I will work to get everybody back on some kind of regular schedule as soon as possible. I will be going in to make calls to cancel this week's appointments. I am so so very sorry 😭 Also if you don't get a call from me it is simply because I don't have your phone number somewhere and I apologize if you show up and I have not called. I am doing everything I can to contact everybody and let them know my situation. It's as disappointing to me as it is to you guys. I typically work about 12 hour days 5 to 6 days a week and there is just no way that I can make it through half a day right now. I cannot tell you how very sorry I'm. I wish I had better news to share. I do really look forward to seeing all of your beautiful faces and fur babies back in the salon as soon as I'm able to work!