Greetings from the field trial grounds here in SW Missouri. I handled Keeper here on Friday and, like in Tennessee at the Hall of Fame trials, I was not feeling well enough to handle him effectively.
I feel the need to go back to Idaho for another round of HBOT therapy, and to be seen by my Boise medical teams as well as my Kalispell, Montana electrophysiologist. Just a week ago I spent both Sunday and Monday in two different Missouri ER’s.
So, my young North Dakota dog trainer friend, Hannah Hayes, had graciously agreed to work with Keeper and handle him in some field trials for me this spring. We are both very excited about the arrangement and see it as a win-win-win for Hannah, Keeper, and me.
I wish Hannah and Keeper good luck and may they have lots of fun together. As the photo below shows…they have already hit it off pretty well!