Brother Waylon came over today and the welding truck with him! So of course everyone is invited to that party! They are a little nervous about it, but doing great overall! Even have gone over to the welder for some love! Shea's Doings Mobile Services thanks for taking the time to work with the dogs today!
Trakr and Hadassah's first 42 seconds of Wheelbarrow riding. Even in this short video, you can see them grasping the concept well. I didn't get a video of them later in the session when they were a little more solid. They'll need another good session before they are solid.
Trakr VS Long Line
Mr Trakr's first day on the long line. A few days ago I put him on the long line for the first time! He did really well. And of course, sweet Hadassah felt the need to jump in to help as much as possible.
The goal for his first session was to see him get comfortable with the line and harness attached to him. I was kind of hoping I would see him give into pressure. But I knew they were cold and wound up, so wasn't sure we would get that far. Well this smart fella surprised me! Not only did he figure out how to give to pressure, he realized where his perimeter was and very quickly learned to stop before hitting the end of the rope. He learned to come back on his own for a little bit of attention, even with the rest of the pack running around like mad. And he learned to be pretty sensitive to the line.
Added to that, he also figured out how to slip the harness :D Sassy little man!
Oh and we all decided that we love playing in new snow!! So much fun!
Attempting to clean pens this morning. So far, getting in play time and accomplishing nothing else.
New Toy! Notice how fast it takes them to warm up to a new sound! Loves these sweeties!
This might be the wackiest food challenge I've tried so far. Enjoy.
First group manding session. I was amazed at how quickly they picked it up! By far the fastest of any litter so far! Michael and Todd got it first and the ladt two to get it were Moira and Trakr. Which makes sense to me. Todd, while quiet is whip smart and picks up on new things quickly and Michael loves food!
Moira is very play driven and Trakr isn't very food motivated. He likes a job or a toy better. After we were done we had lots of play time to finish off.
Well I thought I had them stumped with this one, but nope!
Food challenge for today. Tippy surfaces.
The puppy's first exposure to explosions. They reacted very well for their first time I would say. They still were somewhat stressed out, but not terrified.
Stuffed to the gills this morning! Time to crash into a food coma for the next couple of hours!
My favorite time with puppies right between wound up and napping. The calm, curiosity of their world! Watch when they find their reflection in the food bowls!
Mr Todd showing off his sassy side this morning!
Last week I described how the pups were starting to show problem solving skills and how Moira was pretty vocal about the whole deal. Well here she is a week later doing exactly the same exercise. And rocking it!!
Some growling lots of playing and getting mouthy. Even heard a good, solid bark earlier.
Activity level is certainly increasing! Look at these little buggers go!
Chilly, early morning rambles
There always has to be that one who talks all throughout the meal! 😆