Church on Sunday:
Gale force winds today! The horses are taking cover and I keep counting the chickens to make sure I still have all of them. Only kidding.
Even the strongest winds can’t knock us down, literally and figuratively. We still get outside and enjoy every day. Ava is enjoying her collection of deer antlers for this season. It is such a fun thing to walk the property and behind the house and find antlers on the ground this time of year.
Thank you so much to Ali for the beautiful art piece you did of Ava! You even got the wirehair right!
Chickens and ducks are laying eggs in full force if anybody needs farm fresh eggs! (Your donation goes directly to creature care.)🥚🦆🐓🐴
When I put the old cat tree in the barn, I didn’t expect the chickens to claim it and use it to lay eggs in! They are such amusing creatures that bring me endless joy.
There have been a lot of changes lately for a lot of people. If anyone needs some ranch time and animal time to take the sting away, just know that we are here for you and please reach out.
Take care of each other and hold a good thought for us at Red Desert Ranch as well.