Atticus' foster mom, Halla, took time to write this lovely note about him, and we would love to help find him his forever. Greyhound Gang will also donate Get Up & Go to his forever home.
Her words - The bio says Atty never met a person he didn't like - well..... come to find out .... he never met a DOG he didn't like.
He has been in our care since May 20th. He is walked in our huge, dog oriented neighborhood 4-5 times a day, and sees multiple dogs each day. Gradually, we have let him meet certain dogs. Each time Atty has greeted them with a playful, non-aggressive manner. This dog has never had a bad day or bad thought. He is terminally happy! It's contagious!
But he IS big, and incredibly strong, so he wears his harness - with style.
Atty obviously came with the knowledge of a few commands, and he is quite compliant and easy going, but he IS strong willed. However he can be convinced to walk where we need him to go, if we just wait a few seconds until he realizes he won't win this one! He has a bit of separation anxiety when Mark leaves the house, but we are overcoming that, too, (we've only had to replace 3 door handles) and he is realizing that we ALWAYS return. He LOVES car rides. He LOVES rolling in the grass. He does zoomies that make you think all of his appendages will take leave of his body and go in different directions. He is food oriented, petting oriented, touch oriented .... you can do anything to this hound, and he just smiles through his heart. Except use the dremel for toenails.
I wish for Atticus a safe yard to run, play and roll in. For he desires this several times a day. Living in a townhome, we accommodate this several times a week at another location.
Oh, and Atticus believes the Earth should be wiped clean of CATS, and he is the one to do it.
He is a delightful, loving, funny creature that loves to head butt to get you out the door faster. We love him to the moon and back, but we do wish for him MORE. He has many more
This hound. He will be the death of me.
Oliver and Remy are all bitey-face over the $130.78 donation this quarter from Amazon Smile. Thank you to all who donate to ANY charity!
Remy and the jiggly bone.