I do not post often.
Thinking about as I become an old timer in veterinary medicine and practice I continue to enjoy learning. At this time that learning includes nutrition for myself, wife and my patients. Continuing educaton yesterday strengthened this knowledge. Whole food, non processed, grass fed meat, chicken, pork, wild caught fish along with Omega 3, micronutrient supplements decrease inflamatory Omega 6 foods and processed foods will enhance our lives and allow us to feel better. I am feeling this and as my clients are improving their pets nutrition they are seeing a happier, healthier pet. My main whole food supplement company is a 100 year old organic company, Standard Process Inc. I have been privelaged to visit the 840 acre organic farm in Wisconsin and will be going to a CE at the research faciltiy in Charlotte, NC next April. Feeding your body in a healthy manner is cheaper and better than visiting your doctor and taking pharmacueticals because of your lifestyle. Many of the pharmacueticals treat (not cure) a given problem but block other necessary feedback sytems that we need, insitgating the need for another syptom treating situation. Consider a lifestyle change for the better for you and your pet. Talk to your doctor for a referal to a good nutritionist or you veterinarian about you pet. Hoping your Sunday is peaceful.