Back stage pass! Let’s go! @bestdressedballs
Palmstreet auctions about to go live.
Palmstreet talk ahead of live auction with @bestdressedballs & @aurareptiles
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles
Can’t make it to NARBC STL or want to have some fun while there. Well you’re in luck! Thanks to NARBC: North American Reptile Breeders Conference Redline Shipping & Palmstreet we will be joining their LIVE AUCTION taking place Saturday and Sunday (Nov. 9th & 10th) On the Block for us will be Proven female Leachianus Gecko. The locality of the gecko is Nuu Ana/Nuu Ami X Brosse valued at $1500. This auction will start at just $1 so definitely worth checking out! #epicstylellc #whynotreptiles #palmstreet #betteroffred #palmstreetapp #narbc #liveauction #leachianusgecko
Good Morning Tinley!!
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles
Mystery Box will be 4 bigger boxes with a price point of $600. These will be available Saturday morning at 10am!
🦎💜What’s in the Box💜🦎
Each box will be a bit different here’s the breakdown.
🎁Adult Pine Island Chahoua (RTB) Male
🎁Juvenile Leachianus Gecko
🎁Adult Lilly White Crested Gecko (RTB) Male
🎁2 Baby Leachianus Geckos one being a GT and the other being from our high color line
If you have any questions let us know.
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles #betteroffred #narbc
The Georgia Aquarium is absolutely amazing definitely will back again. So many photos and videos were taken. Memories to look back on a rainy day. It was really neat to have a chance to see all these animals up close.
Have you been? What’s your favorite sea creature?
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles #georgiaaquarium #whaleshark #hammerhead
Show Time! @southeastreptileexpo is open and business is happening!
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles #southeastreptileexpo
Enjoy a little of our trip to @iguanalandzoo
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles #aarpexpo
Plain and simple #NotAPrank stealing isn’t cool.
Happy @simontreptiles will be getting their snake back and again shout out to @no_limit_royals for these shirts all proceeds go to @usark_official Link will be in our story.
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles
Special thanks to those at we got a chance to sit down with @briankusko and have a fun conversation while we were at the @allamericanreptileandplantexpo in Denver.
Comment “Watch” to have the YouTube link 🔗 sent straight to you. Enjoy the show!
#epicstylellc #whynotreptiles #betteroffred