Urbavore Urban Farm

Urbavore Urban Farm Rebel Farmers, Adventurous Eaters! Celebrating local food, culture and community. Brooke Salvaggio and Dan Heryer. Former owners of the one and only BADSEED!

An urban farmstead setting a precedent for sustainability while producing the best tasting food in the area! Follow us on Instagram!


ur-ba-vore [ûr'bə-vôr] noun
(1) any animal that consumes urban-grown foods. (2) an organism that feeds from the energy, surplus, and/or waste of a city. Move over “100 mile diet” the new local food is but a bus ride away…. Welcome to U

RBAVORE in east Kansas City - one of the nations largest, most diversified urban farmsteads - a living, breathing organism that both feeds from and provides food for its urban surroundings. Born in 2011, URBAVORE is working to create and “edible oasis” that brings organic growth, sustainable life, and creative solutions to a city neighborhood. The farm uses “Beyond Organic” practices to produce heirloom vegetables, culinary/medicinal herbs, and edible flowers noted for their unique appearance and extraordinary flavor. The fruitful future of URBAVORE holds much more than annual vegetables:

Farmers, Brooke Salvaggio and Dan Heryer (aka the “Badseeds”), are hard at work creating a wholly sustainable, off-grid farmstead that includes an organic orchard, vineyard, heritage livestock, and alternative infrastructure. This 13.5 acre farm is but 7 miles from the BADSEED downtown storefront. Come and explore the unimaginable flavors of our extensive selection of “earthly delights” on Saturdays at Brookside Farmers Market on 63rd and Wornall.

Yay compost!!!🥳 This week has been balmy 😎 and we’ve been hitting the fields like mad! Compost is being spread on soon-t...

Yay compost!!!🥳 This week has been balmy 😎 and we’ve been hitting the fields like mad! Compost is being spread on soon-to-be onion and potato beds. Overwintered spinach and carrots are getting uncovered and tended to. Seeds abound in the greenhouse, and even some beds in the fields are getting seeded down with early spring crops and flowers! The birds are rotating around and prepping tomato beds, and the lovely Lauren is packing the last of the sweet taters for tomorrow’s distribution from 10 to 1. Stop by if ya want to! We’ll have extra eggs, pork, and roots. And you can also snag some FREE BLACK GOLD for your garden!!! Bring your own buckets! The fact that Urbavore & can provide such a valuable resource in the form of FERTILITY from KC food scraps (that would have otherwise ended up in the landfill causing serious environmental harm) is, well…it’s just so FREAKIN’ COOL!! We do this work (all of it) without reliance on federal funding or even the support of our City government! I don’t agree with this DOGE crap in the White House and this anti-diversity bu****it, but I do think there are many ways that we as organizations, businesses, and individuals can be much more RESOURCEFUL and EFFICIENT. We shouldn’t rely on funding from (sometimes unethical) sources, and we’ve learned that we cannot rely on the government either. I would like to see more self-sustaining enterprises that celebrate grassroots DIY problem solving and community collaboration. A long time ago Dan and I made a choice to keep our initiatives as “for profit” endeavors that did REALLY GOOD THINGS while creating enough revenue to self-fund those “good things”. What’s happening to all these amazing local organizations is truly heartbreaking, but we need to plan for resilience as we all figure out “next steps” and “how to” during these next 4 years. I’m proud of what we’ve created here on 13.5 acres in the 3rd District, and I’m also proud that together (as a community) we ALL stood strong against our own city government, as they tried to strike us down. Long live compost!!! 🌈🌎🌱 ♻️

Remember these two? I sure do!! We are waaaay overdue in giving a formal THANK YOU to these two incredible individuals a...

Remember these two? I sure do!! We are waaaay overdue in giving a formal THANK YOU to these two incredible individuals and their respective companies!! After all, if it weren’t for badass attorney Kristen Ellis Johnson of Stinson Law Firm, and sustainable architect extraordinaire Jeremy Knoll of , your two favorite “green” businesses would be OUT OF BIZ! We are putting together robust farm baskets to be delivered to their offices early next week. If you’d like to write a “thank you” note, please do so and bring it to the farm on Saturday when you pickup your goodies (10 to 1pm). Alternatively you can email me a nice note at [email protected]. Please understand, Kristen put in hundreds of hours of top notch legal service for free (covered by her firm). This amount of aid was in the ballpark of 1 MILLION DOLLARS!!!😳 You can see why the City had every reason to believe that they could “do us in” during this two-year debacle, and if it hadn’t been for Kristen, we would have folded long ago! As for Mr. Knoll at BNIM, they gave us a 50% discount on what ended up being a year’s worth of intense design, community engagement, and bureaucracy. The Master Plan that BNIM created was breathtaking, and a true testament to the possibilities of self-sustaining communities where food, education, energy, and waste recycling is happening on the ground level directly benefiting the neighborhood, and reducing the need for outsourced services and resources. This is exactly where we need to be headed, and although KCMO couldn’t embrace such a “gift”, this plan is not dead and we will make it a reality one way or another. So show some THANKS 🙏 KC!!! And thank yourselves while you’re at it. You all raised money to keep us afloat and you rallied like crazy for the betterment of KC! We love you!! We are hurt and broken, yes, but we have so much GRATITUDE!!🩷💛💚 💙💜🖤🤎

POP UP on the farm THIS SATURDAY, 10 to 1pm! I’ve included a few slides from our (food porny) newsletter to get you droo...

POP UP on the farm THIS SATURDAY, 10 to 1pm! I’ve included a few slides from our (food porny) newsletter to get you drooling! Link to full newsletter below, as well as a link to order your “yum yums” for Saturday pick up! Dan made the 8-hour round trip trek to our processor way out in Herman, MO so we are FINALLY stocked up on all our luscious PASTURED PORK products including nitrate-free & sugar-free BACON🥓🥓🥓as well as our coveted Breakfast Sausage! Pastured EGGS are in no shortage around here, and we also have the last of the taters and the winter roots! Come stock-up and get some FREE COMPOST for your garden while you’re at it! We’ll see you Saturday locavores.💚♻️🌈


Dear City Council, What I want more than anything is simple: honesty, transparency, & factual statements (plus a little ...

Dear City Council,

What I want more than anything is simple: honesty, transparency, & factual statements (plus a little less BLATANT hypocrisy). Beyond that, you are welcome to feel/vote any way you want to about Urbavore & community composting.

Dan & I participated in a wonderful event yesterday - the State of the 3rd District Address, led quite graciously by our in-district Rep, Melissa Robinson. The Mayor spoke as did other leaders. The resounding message was community, resilience, sustainability & thriving local/small business. In fact, many of the types of initiatives mentioned were all aspects of our Master Plan Development: a plan that was recently voted down by these same individuals.

That’s okay!! That’s not my beef anymore. I’m moving on. In fact, both Dan & I are extending “olive branches” to people/orgs that have frankly hurt us & taken advantage of our plight. It’s hard to suck up our pride and do this (when it really ought to be the other way around) but I’ve learned that I personally can’t function when I carry hate/grudges. Furthermore, we at Urbavore & won’t be able to pickup the pieces of a two-year saga that almost destroyed us unless we move forward with love, gratitude, & a willingness to work with everyone no matter their actions of the past.

That said, I am (in this moment) going to hold my at-large 3rd District Rep Melissa Patterson Hazley (MPH) responsible for continued statements that are factually false & damaging. MPH was supposed to attend this event, but canceled last minute (perhaps due to our known presence?) and had her aide read a statement instead. This statement (last couple slides) is right in line with MANY comments she has made (post Urbavore troubles) about her sincere commitment to urban agriculture “LONG BEFORE” the recent controversy with us. This is absolutely untrue. MPH learned about our plight when Dan met her at a neighborhood meeting while she was campaigning for office back in 2023. They had a nice conversation about our troubles, and we voted for her as a result. After that she visited the farm and I told her about all the other wonderful urban ag. initiatives namely in Ivanhoe. She admitted she "needed to get over there" and it was evident that she hadn't really given urban ag. much thought at all! Shortly after, she began stonewalling us - a close friend who also knew her personally asked about her thoughts on Urbavore and she lied, saying she'd never heard of us. This unfortunate (dishonest) relationship went on for some time, as MPH began working more and more with other urban growers (maybe just to "save face” & shift the narrative). Later, we FINALLY won our BZA Appeal (which proved we were NEVER in violation over our compost site). Immediately after council voted down our Master Plan, MPH went to a gathering supporting urban growers, and alluded to Urbavore in stating how important it was to follow code. But a non-political body had already determined that we DID NOT break any rules, and stating otherwise was divisive, manipulative, and completely inappropriate.

We are SICK of being punching bags for KC urban farming and grassroots climate resilience! We are SICK of divisive tactics by the very people who should be building us up and bringing us together. We are SICK of racial divides and the redirection of hate to achieve an end that is ultimately self-serving, and does nothing for our 3rd District community.

I will extend the "olive branch", but first I ask for honesty and transparency!! Apologies are good too!

Enough is enough.

Fellow Humans, please, just marinate in these words for a moment… I’m learning to embrace intense (almost debilitating) ...

Fellow Humans, please, just marinate in these words for a moment… I’m learning to embrace intense (almost debilitating) change at this time in my life. This braid “branded” a boy (my boy) but it was so much more than a rope of hair. It was a symbol of wild unadulterated freedom, androgyny, authenticity, and rebel spirit! It was the uninhibited wonder of childhood and wizened growth marking its years like the rings of a mighty tree. It was femininity where it is needed most. It was simply something I loved to stroke…and smell. My son (sun) “Sol”🌞made an informed decision to cut off his hair for practical reasons of ease and comfort but also cuz every young boy gets sick of being called a girl! Society is sorely limited in its capacity to understand diverse identities and even fashions!🤷‍♀️ But this post and these “changes” I speak of aren’t actually about the slashed braid. That’s just icing…and icing I can handle because I empower my kiddos to make their own decisions (even when it breaks mama’s heart💔). The cut braid simply adorns a larger theme: the pruning of years of intentional growth and flowing abundance. A situation out of our control has forced us to step back, trim off, and reevaluate. As we all know, split ends are a bitch🤣, and so often new growth comes in much healthier! Maybe that’s the happy ending, but I also can’t deny the many “wild heads” buzz cut at the hand of government mandate and war. I like analogies and I like symbolism as you can see, and I might even have a head for drama!!😜But I FEEL so intensely, and my fingers are capable of such intense CREATION! I’m reacting to change and to our clipped wings, but I’m also embracing this metamorphosis and I’m hopeful…I think. Cheers to renewal?

Farm Update!! I’m so sorry for skipping out on the newsletter & online store this week! FIRST TIME in 18 years that I’ve...

Farm Update!! I’m so sorry for skipping out on the newsletter & online store this week! FIRST TIME in 18 years that I’ve dropped the ball!! As a result, we will NOT be at the on Saturday. Instead, we’ll do a little pop up on the farm sometime next week so stay tuned! The last 5 days have been incredibly difficult (hence my failure to “do the things”). Dan & Sol left town and then the crazy weather hit. I was alone on the farm (with my useless 13 year old🤣) caring for 300 some odd chickens out on pasture & heating the home with wood. It was a full time job just keeping the animals alive & keeping the wood supply going. We cook on wood too and that’s its own time-consuming art form. Oh and then school got canceled for the entire week, so I didn’t even have the relief of pawning my kid off on someone else🤪. I also kinda went through an existential crisis.😬I had NO IDEA there would be so many “aftershocks” from our two year ordeal. I’m a mess, and deeply depressed/disturbed with some major anxiety to boot. Part of it is the national political situation of course. I’m mortified by the Musk/Trump hate campaign, but I’m also deeply distrustful of my own LOCAL DEMOCRATIC leaders. I’ve seen so much unethical s**t go down (under the guise of economic development and helping those in need) while my own basic rights as a land owner and business owner get completely ignored. The City bent THEIR OWN rules to try and destroy our livelihood. Furthermore, all of it felt very much driven by racial discrimination, which is touchy to bring up, I know.🤷‍♀️ As you can see, it’s a complete conundrum and I don’t think either political extreme is any where close to providing the honest integrity-ridden leadership that this country needs. Selfishness & extreme GREED have to go. Period. End of story. Our entire society needs a makeover because to be honest, most people are incredibly self-serving whether they are political leaders or simply your nextdoor neighbor. I’ve experienced the worst of humanity on both sides of the political spectrum & frankly I’m tired of humans. I’m ready to check-out! Take this rant with a grain of salt, dear eaters. I’m processing.

Farmer Dan is out of town and I’m left with the full farm load including keeping our house warm…and I’m almost out of wo...

Farmer Dan is out of town and I’m left with the full farm load including keeping our house warm…and I’m almost out of wood!😳 But that isn't what’s chilling my bones in fact. What’s got me shivering in fear & utter disgust is the sociopathic Fascist who is mindlessly slashing funding from the very federal programs that strengthen our urban core, keep our city thriving, and give folks access to fresh produce while teaching them resilience through gardening & urban farming!! One example of this happening in KC is the termination of a USDA grant awarded to & . These incredibly crucial organizations had already launched a visionary plan for food sovereignty & grassroots economic growth in a community & district that is historically underserved. Having the funding swept out from under them is jarring at best, but the larger implications of these national cuts will be felt by ALL - not just marginalized communities. See comments for ways to support Ivanhoe!🙏

Big changes for 2025!! Please stick with us KC as we get back on track after a rough couple years…🙏✌️🫶

Big changes for 2025!! Please stick with us KC as we get back on track after a rough couple years…🙏✌️🫶

Did you guys know that in another life Farmer Dan was an origami master? Snow days are the perfect opportunity to teach ...

Did you guys know that in another life Farmer Dan was an origami master? Snow days are the perfect opportunity to teach Solomon and the dogs. Look at this couch full of zen masters.🤣

Nice article from The Packer! Seeing Dan with Baby Percy (now 13) on his back sure brings back memories!!

Nice article from The Packer! Seeing Dan with Baby Percy (now 13) on his back sure brings back memories!!

A Kansas City couple’s dream was flourishing, then came the reality of balancing urban ag and city codes.

I know y’all have Chiefs on the brain, BUT remember “three peats” won’t save the world…farmers and compost might! Ol’ Fa...

I know y’all have Chiefs on the brain, BUT remember “three peats” won’t save the world…farmers and compost might! Ol’ Farmer Dan quite eloquently sums up the failures of our City Council in today’s Op Ed. I’ve included a few blurbs from the article here, but to read the full piece please visit the link in our profile. (Facebookers can see the link below) PLEASE SHARE. The future resilience of our neighborhoods and city truly rely on visionary (grassroots) change-makers like Farmer Dan - CEO of . Think about it: if our leaders can’t even tell the difference between a landfill and a compost site, we are truly DOOMED! Conveniently, I shot a couple of photos of Dan in our Compost Site last night. Does this look like a landfill to you? Can you tell the difference? Furthermore, can a landfill get recycled into endless tonnage of nutrient-dense organic food? I think not. If any of you have tasted our copious quantities of mouthwatering fruits and veg (proudly produced right here in the 3rd District) then you know this is one “special” landfill. In conclusion (yes, my rant is almost finished😂), this City lost BIG when it so fiercely back-tracked on our approved compost site, and went on to shut-down a Master Plan Rezoning that reenvisions sustainable communities and brings resilience from the ground up! VOTE for progress in 2027!!

Full article:

There is something about Dan calmly reading “Animal Farm” with a 7-foot python around his neck, and something about Sol ...

There is something about Dan calmly reading “Animal Farm” with a 7-foot python around his neck, and something about Sol steadfastly mixing meatballs that makes my life seem so utterly complete!😂😂😂 I put both of them up to this🤣, but they are definitely in their element. Am I right?

We’ll be open from 10 until 1 tomorrow so our customers can pick up their orders of eggs, pork, and veggies! If you miss...

We’ll be open from 10 until 1 tomorrow so our customers can pick up their orders of eggs, pork, and veggies! If you missed the order window, you can still swing by and snag stuff!!

Lots of succulent offerings for pickup this Saturday from 10 to 1pm on the urban farm!! The store is live until midnight...

Lots of succulent offerings for pickup this Saturday from 10 to 1pm on the urban farm!! The store is live until midnight. Link in profile. We’ve sold TONS of pastured eggs (due to the national shortage) and we only have about 20 dozen left, so act fast eggheads!!🍳🍳🍳

Guess What??? We are doing a “Pop Up” Market on the farm this SATURDAY from 10 to 1pm! 🥔🍠🍳🥓🥩We’ll have plenty of bird-fl...

Guess What??? We are doing a “Pop Up” Market on the farm this SATURDAY from 10 to 1pm! 🥔🍠🍳🥓🥩We’ll have plenty of bird-flu-free EGGS with golden yolks, luscious Pastured Pork Products from organic-fed heritage hogs (including the BEST ITALIAN SAUSAGE in KC - and that’s coming from my Paisano bros who have tasted them all from here to St. Louis😂), as well as creamy Sweet Potatoes, the last of the Purple Majesty Potatoes, and a smorgasbord of Winter Roots like purple daikons and watermelon radishes. Please pre-order your goodies at the link in profile. You can also show-up and shop, but some items could be sold-out. THERE IS NO THIS SATURDAY (hence our pop up on the farm). WE WILL NOT be at the market next Saturday so act now or be deprived of URBAVORE yumminess!😋 And for any city officials that might be reading - this is a legal distribution of our products as we are NOT selling anything that wasn’t produced on the farm!😅 Man, I wish the City would tackle gun control and neighborhood safety as hard as they tackle nefarious sales of local & organic oyster mushrooms…😂 (I’m leaning hard into my bitter sense of humor…sorry) Also, that first pic features the best dang sweet potato sage rolls on the planet! Hit me up for the recipe.

THIS!!! Seriously, just take a moment & read this post made by an our former neighbor whose family lived in Brown Estate...

THIS!!! Seriously, just take a moment & read this post made by an our former neighbor whose family lived in Brown Estates for decades. Percy played with their son until they sold their home in 2020 to an individual who would end up plaguing our family & farm for the subsequent 4 years. Not everybody sees “eye-to-eye” with their new neighbor, but THIS is unacceptable (& illegal). For two years, our supporters have (quietly) been trying to out the development agenda of this neighbor - the underlying reason for the “nuisance” complaints that eventually led to our fateful zoning violation of the compost site. As you know, fighting City Hall over this wrongful violation was a full-time job and (although we won) has drained us of finances & spirit, as well as the means to continue running our farm as we had before. It’s been life-shattering to say the least. And yet, this “master plan development” by our neighbor was always at the core of our troubles! In an effort to be “tactful”, supporters initially chose to “protect” this family & simply focus on the merits of our case. Over time, as harassment by this family grew in frequency/severity, our supporters became more “open” about their true agenda & tried to enlighten members of Council. Sadly, it was always ignored because it was easier to fall into cliches and troupes, casting us as the “privileged white business owner” weaponizing our privilege against our “helpless” black neighbors. It’s an age-old tune, and largely a LEGITIMATE one - but not this time. Hearing after hearing, this (newer) neighbor & her family would testify at City Hall, calling us a “disease on their community” and an “invasive species” that was taking over their home. In truth, whose “home” was being taken over?? They claimed the traffic we created was so bad you couldn’t go outside safely, and that the odors were so foul, they’d make you sick. Oddly, other neighbors on the same street (majority in fact) smelled nothing & asked “what traffic?”. Furthermore, it’s quite possible some Councilmembers stand to benefit from a development. It’s time for quality investigative journalism!

Little Sunday morning reading for y’all!! A story like this should be in the paper and other news sources, but due to th...

Little Sunday morning reading for y’all!! A story like this should be in the paper and other news sources, but due to the ol’ media blackout ( any thoughts on that?), I thought I’d just go ahead and share the results of the FINAL City Council Vote on our long-anticipated Master Plan Development Re-zoning (which we lost).😞 But hey, as painful & disturbing as this defeat is, it’s important to remember that we WON the larger fight. If it had been up to my 3rd District Council Reps & their disciples (or maybe Mayor Q and his disciples… or maybe Mayor Pro-Tem Parks-Shaw and her disciples… or maybe our two connected neighbors and theirs) we would have LOST our Appeal at BZA and been forced to upend our (legal) compost operation altogether. For TWO YEARS the City threw every trick in the book at us - we were not supposed to SURVIVE this y’all!! And here we are, back to square one after being beaten to a bloody pulp, fighting tooth and nail. It’s frustrating to be back at square one and see so much time and money wasted (as well as the lifeblood of two farmers who should have been farming & feeding people) but it’s a grass-roots moment of SURVIVAL against the powers that we aren’t systematically designed to beat! It’s the ol’ David & Goliath story playing out in real-time, and it’s an important story to celebrate in the age of broligarchy.😂 I admit, I bit my TONGUE a lot in editing these slides. I did not reveal the underpinnings I know to be true regarding why certain people voted one way or the other. We saw the underbelly of local KCMO politics these past couple years. The information we’ve been privy to through various sources is hair-raising and dis-heartening. Some of it’s rumor of course, but a lot of it is simply ugly truths that I’d rather not believe. I won’t expose these deets, but I’ll just continue to hope that one day investigative journalism will be the beacon of truth for the people that it ought to be. But more than that, I will count on YOU to change the tide with your VOTE in 2027!! My DEEPEST GRATITUDE to those of you who stood side by side with us at each painful hearing, and each unfair turn.🥰 In good food & food waste, Farmer Brooke💚


5500 Bennington Avenue
Kansas City, MO


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