This happened last year but it’s worth repeating 🫶
“ What a dirty shame it is watching you give all these pigs those big beautiful salads”
~ unplanned visitor that I gave a tour to while I was trying to get meds and veggie chopping done
After multiple similar comments I finally responded with “ What would make you feel better right now? If the salads were rotten would you not be so disgusted?”
I was met with a blank stare and the tour ended a few minutes later. The real problem with this entire scenario is how did we become so cruel to certain species of animals? Some view them as edible so they aren’t worthy of love, medical care and fresh produce? As I watch Kip follow me all over the sanctuary tonight while I pass out big bowls of salad freshly chopped and washed ( another thing she had an issue with) I thought it might be a good time to share his story especially for new followers 🐽💗
🐷💗🌱 This boy knows where I am at all times🥰 We have a special unique bond that I am so grateful for. He came here at just under a month old with a lengthy list of medical issues and a university that would only euthanize him. I brought him home after I was told we wouldn’t even make that trip🙄
I treated Kip at home with our local veterinarian and lots of guidance from fellow sanctuary directors. This boy couldn’t catch a break, it was one issue after the next along with 2 surgeries and a diagnosis of a neurological disorder that caused severe head shaking that improved greatly over the years💕 Neither of us gave up and all those sleepless nights created the most amazing bond 🐷 Love you so so big Kiperdoo❤️
Be kind to every kind🌱☮️