Everything Dog NH

Everything Dog NH At Everything Dog, we are invested in providing you with effective and efficient training techniques

The worst way to help your dog stop her aggressive behavior is to continue to compare her to your last dog, who was perf...

The worst way to help your dog stop her aggressive behavior is to continue to compare her to your last dog, who was perfect!

I know mine was!

No one and no dog is perfect.
Perfect doesn’t exist.

When you can fully accept your dog for all her fun, and all her naughty, then we can really help you, help her to stop her aggressive behavior.

You have to let go of what you wanted in your new dog and look at who she is.
You have to acknowledge your GAP.

You GAP is the difference between what you had hoped for in a new pet dog: friendly, go anywhere, trust her all the time to the reality of what you have in your pet dog; barking, growling, lunging at people, at other dogs, fighting with each other and/or growling, barking at you.

It’s hard to have a dog who is aggressive.
It’s embarrassing to have a dog who is aggressive.
You can feel defeated.

Wondering "what’s wrong with me?"
"What have I done wrong?"

I know you don’t want to give up on her.
You’ll do anything to stop her aggressive behavior.

I’ve got answers for you!

Click the link below to be the first in line for our next FREE, LIVE webinar on stopping your dog’s aggressive behavior. 🐶🐕🐩


If you are feeling...• Embarrassed when you walk your dog• Worried your dog will bite someone• Frustrated because your d...

If you are feeling...

• Embarrassed when you walk your dog
• Worried your dog will bite someone
• Frustrated because your dogs keep attacking each other
• Angry when your dog growls at YOU when you try to take away the stolen sock

I can guarantee that you are doing one of these things or you’ve been told to do one or more of these things:

- More socialization
- Enrolled in doggie daycare
- Gone to dog parks
- Walked her around more people & more dogs

You've hired so many trainers, "cookie" trainers, balanced trainers, & shock collar trainers.

You've spent thousands of dollars.

You've been “alpha". You don't let him on the sofa, or sleep in your bed.

Doing these things is like saying in order to be a good parent, you must:

- Use corporal punishment
- Say "Because I said so..!"
- Force your children to eat all their Brussel sprouts, lima beans and/or spinach
- Force your children to hug your old smelly aunt

99% of aggression is rooted in fear, genetics and/or environment.

Tired of feeling blamed?
Tired of feeling shamed?
Tired of feeling defeated? Hopeless?

Want some real answers?

Click the link below to be the first in line for our next FREE, LIVE webinar on stopping your dog’s aggressive behavior. 🐶🐕🐩


So many times we only can see the barking, lunging, growling, and biting behavior because it’s embarrassing as hell, it’...

So many times we only can see the barking, lunging, growling, and biting behavior because it’s embarrassing as hell, it’s annoying and frustrating.

You just want to walk your dog, but it’s not enjoyable when she turns into a barking, lunging, growling menace on the end of her leash.

You just need to rescue the dish towel from her, but she starts barking, growling, and showing her teeth.

You really don’t want any more veterinarian bills because the dogs fought....... again.

Understanding your whole dog is the only way you’ll stop her reactivity i.e.: barking, lunging and growling on leash walks as well as ending the fighting between your dogs.

The most important skill your dog can learn is how to self regulate his/her emotions.A dog who can regulate his/her emot...

The most important skill your dog can learn is how to self regulate his/her emotions.

A dog who can regulate his/her emotions is calm in new environments, can play and quickly calm down, and is a pleasure to walk.

When your dog is barking out the window and you ask him/her to stop, they do, easily.
Emotionally regulated dogs can ride in the car without barking, whining, pacing, panting, and drooling.

Emotionally dysregulated dogs are challenging. They’ll bark out your house windows… at everything. They’ll bark in your backyard.. at the moon, at any little noise.

Emotionally dysregulated dogs are easily frustrated, barking, digging, spinning, whining when they can’t access you, when crated and you are home, when they can’t find the toy.. any time they feel frustration, they might lash out.

A dog who is emotionally dysregulated is more likely to aggress towards you, and/or towards another dog.

The most important skill you can teach your dog is how to regulate his/her emotions.

“The straw that broke the camel's back”“I'm at my wits end”“My rope is about to snap”Trigger stacking is when stressful ...

“The straw that broke the camel's back”
“I'm at my wits end”
“My rope is about to snap”

Trigger stacking is when stressful events get piled on top of one another in a short period of time leading the person or dog to go “berserk” at the smallest situation.

Many times we can not understand why our dogs are barking and lunging at a person or another dog when they seemed “fine” just minutes before.

Well, if the dog has walked past 2-3 other dogs and is now encountering dog number 4, and he’s afraid of other dogs, he’ll go berserk, growling, lunging, because he is trigger stacked.

A few months ago, my mother was sick, our car broke down, our basement flooded and a tree fell on the house. I was coping until one morning when I burned the toast…


I was a hot mess, crying, and yelling. After a few seconds, I looked at Amy and said, “Wow, am I trigger stacked or WHAT?”

Sometimes it’s the small thing that causes us to “blow up” at someone, to over react to the situation.

Trigger stacking can cause your dog to have a bigger reaction to her trigger then you would normally expect.

No one wants to be “that” person who can’t control their dog.We walk our dogs for the enjoyment of being outside, for so...

No one wants to be “that” person who can’t control their dog.

We walk our dogs for the enjoyment of being outside, for some peace and quiet, to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. 🐕

But when your dog turns into a swirling dervish, growling, lunging, barking it’s just plain embarrassing and frustrating. 😕

Prong collars work by stopping the behavior.
Prong collars stop behavior because they cause pain/discomfort.
All of us will work to avoid pain! Dogs and hoomans!

You maybe using a prong collar because you tried everything else:
- Cookie trainers
- Balanced trainers
- Clicker trainers
- 1, 2, 3 Trainers

You’ve spent thousands of dollars:
- On Board and train
- On classes
- Private trainers

You’ve felt:
- Defeated
- Hopeless
- Blamed and shamed

What I want you to know is that it’s not necessary to cause more pain to your dog in order to stop the aggressive behavior.

What I want you to know is that YOU DIDN’T CAUSE YOUR DOG’S AGGRESSION.

What I want you to know is that aggressive behavior is just the TIP of the ICEBERG!

You’ve suppressed the annoying, embarrassing behavior, such as barking, lunging, growling, but underneath, your dog is still afraid of the other dog, of people she doesn’t know, etc.

It felt good to you to have the behavior stop, but it’s making your dog worse.

Click the link in our bio to be the first in line for our next FREE, LIVE webinar on stopping your dog’s aggressive behavior. 🐶

Are you ready to Reveal Your Dream Dog??Did you know that our online program, "Revealing Your Dream Dog," has helped hun...

Are you ready to Reveal Your Dream Dog??

Did you know that our online program, "Revealing Your Dream Dog," has helped hundreds of dogs and their owners across the country find relief and calm when it comes to their dog's reactivity and aggression?

You may be wondering, "How is your approach different?" Here's the deal; if simply training or socializing your dog was the key to fixing aggression or reactivity, you'd be all set and your dog would be a rock star.

Many participants in our program have already worked with 1, 2, 3, or even more trainers, and see very little improvement. Their dog's behavior remains unchanged, so what's missing?

The coaching in the "Revealing Your Dream Dog" program focuses on the underlying factors that drive aggressive or reactive behavior. We start our work by taking a deep dive beneath the surface, understanding what makes each dog tick, and most importantly, addressing the Emotional Dysregulation Cycle that many of these dogs are stuck in.

In short, we have to address the things that are influencing each dog's behavior in order to change the behavior.

Curious to learn more? Check out the details now because the opportunity ends tonight (8/31) at midnight!

Click here for testimonials and details: https://denisemazzola.com/revealing-your-dream-dog/

Owners of dogs with aggressive behavior such as Stranger Danger, Fighting in the House, Resource Guarding, or Dog Reacti...

Owners of dogs with aggressive behavior such as Stranger Danger, Fighting in the House, Resource Guarding, or Dog Reactivity are constantly blamed and shamed for their dog’s behavior.

I want you to hear this loud and clear. It’s not your fault.
You are not to blame.
You haven’t done anything wrong.
And there isn’t anyone BETTER than you to help stop your dog’s aggressive behavior.

You’ve tried:
- Shock Collars
- Prong Collars
- Expensive Board & Train… where your dog comes back with a “go to place” command 😉
- 100’s of hours of YouTube
- Treat Trainers
- Balanced Trainers

And yet, you are still embarrassed, frustrated and worried about your dog’s behavior.
You still feel hopeless, defeated and just plain tired.

When you understand that you must look at your Whole Dog; genetics, environment, past trauma, breeding, and health THEN and only THEN can you stop your dog’s aggressive behavior.

To support dog owners who have dogs who are struggling with aggression and reactivity, we are offering the opportunity to join our online program, "Revealing Your Dream Dog," until midnight tonight (8/31).

This program provides personalized coaching, support, and a video library of training games to help owners understand and work with their dog's specific behavior. It's all virtual so no matter where you live you can join us!

Say GOODBYE to your dog's aggression and reactivity and embrace a future where your dog is calm and trustworthy. You both deserve it!!

Check out the program here:


HOLY SMOKES!! We are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming response to our webinar on dog aggression and reactivity. ...

HOLY SMOKES!! We are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming response to our webinar on dog aggression and reactivity.

More than 600 people from all over the world joined us on Wednesday night! 600 people!! We are just blown away. 🙏

It's amazing to see so many dog owners seeking help for their pups, but it's also disheartening to realize how many dogs are struggling with reactivity and aggression in today's complex world.

Every dog trainer we talk with is seeing the same thing:

➡️ More dogs who are anxious, stressed and fearful.

➡️ More dogs who have pre-loaded genetic foundations that make it so hard to live a primarily indoor life.

➡️ More dogs who are behaving aggressively and reactively as a symptom of underlying issues that are screaming to be addressed.

➡️ More dogs who are desperately asking to be honored and understood for who they are.

To support dog owners in addressing these challenges, we are offering the opportunity to join our online program, "Revealing Your Dream Dog," until midnight tomorrow (8/31).

This program provides personalized coaching, support, and a video library of training games to help owners understand and work with their dog's specific behavior. It's all virtual so no matter where you live you can join us!

Imagine a future where you and your dog can leave aggression and reactivity behind, and instead enjoy a calm and trustworthy canine companion. The possibilities are endless!

Check out the program here:

The question isn’t "HOW do I get my dog to stop growling, lunging, barking, biting?"The question is "WHY is my dog barki...

The question isn’t "HOW do I get my dog to stop growling, lunging, barking, biting?"

The question is "WHY is my dog barking, lunging, biting?"

Your dog’s behavior is a symptom of a bigger issue.

• Fear or anxiety
• Past trauma
• Genetics

When you ask “Why is my dog barking at strangers walking past our house?”, you’ll get better answers than simply asking "How do I get my dog to stop barking out the window?"

Both questions need to be asked & answered.

By understanding the why, you’ll understand the motivation.

• Is the environment encouraging your dog to bark out the window?
• Has your dog learned to bark out the window?
• Does your dog have genetics that are thousands of years old, telling her to protect her territory? Genetics at work.

Each of these scenarios has a different answer in the How category.

You simply cannot jump right into "How do I get my dog to stop________?", you’ll be frustrated and your dog will be even MORE frustrated.

When a small child yells “I hate you.” You know it isn’t true, but what DO YOU DO?

You ask WHY! Why is my child feeling like she hates me?

• She may feel frustrated (or mad!) by turning off the TV before bed.
• She might be trigger-stacked from school and lash out at you.
• She could be hungrey!

Again, just like with your dog, each of these scenarios will require a different approach to fixing it.

The next time your dog is annoying you, ask “Why is my dog doing that?”
What is the motivation behind this behavior?

• Is it something she has learned?
• Is it motivated by genetics?
• Have I set up the environment to cause this behavior?

Ask WHY, not how!

Most of us appreciate “where the line is” you know… boundaries.In March of 2020, my daughter called me and said, “Mom, I...

Most of us appreciate “where the line is” you know… boundaries.

In March of 2020, my daughter called me and said, “Mom, I wish I could tell my friends that ‘my mother won’t let me’”. She is an RN and her friends were still behaving as if COVID didn’t exist. I’ve always known that children do better with clear boundaries, but her comment validated that.

Well, guess what, your dog needs boundaries too.
And they are more black & white than hoomans.

Either they can get on the furniture or they cannot.
Either they can jump on you, or they cannot.
Either they can run to the neighbors or they cannot.
Either they can paw at you for attention or they cannot.

You get the idea.

When you create boundaries, your dog can rely on when she feels safe.
She understands where the “line” is.

Post in the comments the boundaries you’ve set up for your dog/s.

I have sat personally and virtually in thousands of homes across the United States talking with clients about their aggr...

I have sat personally and virtually in thousands of homes across the United States talking with clients about their aggressive dog.

And everyone has one universal feeling in common…

They feel responsible for their dog’s behavior.

They blame themselves.

Everyone blames you, even the people who are supposed to help you.
· Trainers
· The rescue
· The breeder
· Your veterinarian
· Your family
· Your friends
· Social Media

Everyone knows and agrees that genetics are responsible for a dog’s bad hips, bad elbows, allergies, poor coat condition etc.

Yet, no one recognizes that behavior problems, such as anxiety, being shy and aggression – are also genetics. Puppies are not blank slates that you get to mold into your perfect dog.

Breeds and their genetics play a huge role in your dog’s behavior.

Brene Brown said it best: “Genetics load the gun; environment pulls the trigger.”

Of course, she wasn’t talking about dog behavior, she was talking about human behavior!

If you put a beaver in the middle of the desert and play the sound of running water, guess what? She’ll start to build a dam. Her environment pulled the trigger.

Your dog’s DNA might get switched “On” by your cat, the squirrel, motorcycles, cars driving by, birds, children running and screaming.

It’s not that your dog is being bad, they are behaving according to what their DNA says to do.

If you have a mixed breed dog, have her DNA tested so you can ensure that you really know and understand who your dog is, on a DNA level.

Comment “Calm” to get on the priority list for our next Free Webinar, Dog Aggression Fact vs Fiction: Learn Why Everythi...

Comment “Calm” to get on the priority list for our next Free Webinar, Dog Aggression Fact vs Fiction: Learn Why Everything You've Been Told to Do Isn't Working.

Catch Denise on WKBK 1290 AM radio today (8/26) from 9-10 AM EST. You can catch the show whether you live locally or not...

Catch Denise on WKBK 1290 AM radio today (8/26) from 9-10 AM EST. You can catch the show whether you live locally or not!

If you live in the Monadnock Region, just turn your radio dial to 1290 AM or you can livestream it via the link below.

Live out of the area? No problem!
You can stream the live broadcast from www.wkbkradio.com

Have questions about your dog's behavior?
Call in and get Denise's advice at 603-357-1290
OR you can email your question to Danny Mitchell at [email protected]
Kindly include the name of your dog, age, and your question/issue.

Denise has been a monthly guest on Danny Mitchell's morning radio show for over 15 years. Call in with your question or just listen in for some great entertainment and advice about dog behavior!

Catch Denise on WKBK 1290 AM radio tomorrow morning (8/26) from 9-10 AM EST. You can catch the show whether you live loc...

Catch Denise on WKBK 1290 AM radio tomorrow morning (8/26) from 9-10 AM EST. You can catch the show whether you live locally or not!

If you live in the Monadnock Region, just turn your radio dial to 1290 AM or you can livestream it via the link below.

Live out of the area? No problem!
You can stream the live broadcast from www.wkbkradio.com

Have questions about your dog's behavior?
Call in and get Denise's advice at 603-357-1290
OR you can email your question to Danny Mitchell at [email protected]
Kindly include the name of your dog, age, and your question/issue.

Denise has been a monthly guest on Danny Mitchell's morning radio show for over 15 years. Call in with your question or just listen in for some great entertainment and advice about dog behavior!

Catch Denise on WKBK 1290 AM radio on Monday morning (8/26) from 9-10 AM EST. You can catch the show whether you live lo...

Catch Denise on WKBK 1290 AM radio on Monday morning (8/26) from 9-10 AM EST. You can catch the show whether you live locally or not!

If you live in the Monadnock Region, just turn your radio dial to 1290 AM or you can livestream it via the link below.

Live out of the area? No problem!
You can stream the live broadcast from www.wkbkradio.com

Have questions about your dog's behavior?
Call in and get Denise's advice at 603-357-1290
OR you can email your question to Danny Mitchell at [email protected]
Kindly include the name of your dog, age, and your question/issue.

Denise has been a monthly guest on Danny Mitchell's morning radio show for over 15 years. Call in with your question or just listen in for some great entertainment and advice about dog behavior!

I thought I knew so much about dogs. I mean I'd had dogs since I was a kid and the SECOND I graduated from college and g...

I thought I knew so much about dogs. I mean I'd had dogs since I was a kid and the SECOND I graduated from college and got my own place I managed to fill space in my new apartment with a stray dog I picked up in Troy, NY. Her name was Cooper Morgan.

I've had lots of dogs ... rescues .... strays I kept .... strays whose homes I was able to track down .... even old dogs whose owners had died. At one time I had up to four or maybe even 5 dogs at a time.

Anywhere I went I was surrounded by dogs that belonged to me or my friends or my family. I never stopped and counted but over the years we are probably talking about hundreds of dogs.

I know this is true for many of you too!

But then that thing happens .... a dog comes along and unwinds EVERYTHING you thought you knew. A dog that is UNLIKE any dog you've ever owned or ever met. A dog that doesn't fit the breed description or respond to training in the same way as all the others.

We get these calls all the time. Exasperated dog owners tell us, "But I've always had this breed!" or "This dog isn't like any other dog I've ever owned!"

I get it because I've been there.

For me, the dog that changed everything was Big Mama Jubilee. She was fun, smart, amazing, and beautiful. She could FLY! She loved performing and training and achieved more awards, ribbons, and accolades than I ever will.

BUT she was also VERY reactive on leash. Going for a walk was absolutely no fun, she spun and screamed and barked and was just out of control anytime we saw another dog. Frankly, it sucked.

Her reactivity didn't respond to anything I knew about dogs or training at the time.
Nothing made a dent.
Zero progress.
Lots of frustration ... even tears.

This dog changed everything when she asked me to take a step back, re-evaluate, and decide to learn more.

She taught me that changing the behavior of another being is a cooperative effort on both sides.

She taught me that when behavior is driven by EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATION, we can change the behavior by focusing on calming the emotions.

Want to learn more? Click this link to join our upcoming free dog aggression and reactivity webinar. We can't wait for this event and have so much info to share!

Photo Credit: Maureen Kavanagh


Comment “Calm” to get on the priority list for our next Free Webinar, Dog Aggression Fact vs Fiction: Learn Why Everything You've Been Told to Do Isn't Working.


Comment “Calm” to get on the priority list for our next Free Webinar, Dog Aggression Fact vs Fiction: Learn Why Everything You've Been Told to Do Isn't Working. 🐶

I have sat personally and virtually in thousands of homes across the United States talking with clients about their aggr...

I have sat personally and virtually in thousands of homes across the United States talking with clients about their aggressive dog.

And everyone has one universal feeling in common….

They feel responsible for their dog’s behavior.

They blame themselves.

Everyone blames you, even the people who are supposed to help you.
· Trainers
· The rescue
· The breeder
· Your veterinarian
· Your family
· Your friends
· Social Media

Everyone knows and agrees that genetics are responsible for a dog’s bad hips, bad elbows, allergies, poor coat condition etc.

Yet, no one recognizes that behavior problems, such as anxiety, being shy and aggression – are also genetics. Puppies are not blank slates that you get to mold into your perfect dog.

Breeds and their genetics play a huge role in your dog’s behavior.

Brene Brown said it best: “Genetics load the gun; environment pulls the trigger.”
Of course, she wasn’t talking about dog behavior, she was talking about human behavior!

If you put a beaver in the middle of the desert and play the sound of running water, guess what? She’ll start to build a dam. Her environment pulled the trigger.

Your dog’s DNA might get switched “On” by your cat, the squirrel, motorcycles, cars driving by, birds, children running and screaming.

It’s not that your dog is being bad, they are behaving according to what their DNA says to do.

If you have a mixed breed dog, have her DNA tested so you an ensure that you really know and understand who your dog is, on a DNA level.

Comment “Calm” to get on the priority list for our next Free Webinar, Dog Aggression Fact vs Fiction: Learn Why Everything You've Been Told to Do Isn't Working.


Helping your aggressive/reactive dog get out of her Emotional Dysregulation Cycle is a long game too.

The only way to stop the aggression and reactivity is to calm her nervous system. You won’t do that with command-based training. You need to look at your dog as a whole being and you need functional training.

Comment “Calm” to get on the priority list for our next Free Webinar, Dog Aggression Fact vs Fiction: Learn Why Everything You've Been Told to Do Isn't Working.


Keene, NH


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