Pawsh Pawsmetology Pet Grooming Services LLC

Pawsh Pawsmetology Pet Grooming Services LLC Servicing: Kennewick, Richland, Pasco all dog breeds under 60 pounds


Hi everybody!
Effective immediately the Pawsh Pawsmetology Pet Grooming Services LLC FB page will be on hiatus until January 2024.
I’ll be back then with new content and pictures 😊
Have a safe upcoming holiday season and I’ll see you all soon!

That’s a wrap for July!

That’s a wrap for July!

Sometimes we do get to play with puppies 💕 When it’s a slow day and we’re having a day of strays showing up, I take the ...

Sometimes we do get to play with puppies 💕 When it’s a slow day and we’re having a day of strays showing up, I take the time to groom them to go into rescue 😊

Round two for this photo dump! Enjoy 🥰

Round two for this photo dump! Enjoy 🥰

Here we gooooooo!Photo dump for the last two weeks part 1

Here we gooooooo!
Photo dump for the last two weeks part 1

Another day, another round of doodles 🤣😂                                             🐶✂️🛁

Another day, another round of doodles 🤣😂 🐶✂️🛁

When you post your days grooming pics on the wrong account 🙄                   🐶✂️🛁

When you post your days grooming pics on the wrong account 🙄 🐶✂️🛁

I am truly grateful that I enjoy grooming Doodles 😂                                     🐶✂️🛁

I am truly grateful that I enjoy grooming Doodles 😂 🐶✂️🛁

Jake had the lovely opportunity to be groomed in his home! Yes, I do offer in home grooming services as well as salon se...

Jake had the lovely opportunity to be groomed in his home! Yes, I do offer in home grooming services as well as salon services! This option is perfect for the senior dogs, those who are stressed in a salon setting, or if you’re looking for an alternative to taking your dog to a salon. Jake loved getting the one on one attention 💕

It was a quiet week this week due to the holiday but there were a few doggies who needed a summer ‘do 😊                 ...

It was a quiet week this week due to the holiday but there were a few doggies who needed a summer ‘do 😊 🐶✂️🛁


Here are the last of this months doggies! All are ready for the holiday and some summer fun!

Here are the last of this months doggies! All are ready for the holiday and some summer fun!

And that’s a wrap for June! I know I’m missing a few pictures but that’s a big pile for me to go through Lol            ...

And that’s a wrap for June!
I know I’m missing a few pictures but that’s a big pile for me to go through

I even have a few spots left before July 4th!!Please share 😊

I even have a few spots left before July 4th!!

Please share 😊


We are not “Just a dog groomer” for so many reasons

It’s been a busy last half of the month! But I am not complaining whatsoever 😊 Here’s round two for the last two weeks! ...

It’s been a busy last half of the month! But I am not complaining whatsoever 😊 Here’s round two for the last two weeks!

First two weeks grooming! I love the people I work with but will miss the groomer I’m replacing.Enjoy the pictures 😊 # P...

First two weeks grooming! I love the people I work with but will miss the groomer I’m replacing.
Enjoy the pictures 😊
# PawshPawsmetology

And let’s add leaving them in a car or truck is deadly even for 5 minutes

And let’s add leaving them in a car or truck is deadly even for 5 minutes

The weather is getting hotter. Please be aware that the concrete sidewalk and the asphalt can burn your dogs feet. Take into consideration that the concrete and asphalt will be warmer than the daily temperature.


Post Clipping Alopecia or PCA is defined as loss of proper coat growth due to clipping/shaving with clippers. There are a few things you need to know regarding PCA.

1. Who is most at risk of PCA? Fur bearing breeds are extremely susceptible to PCA. This includes any breed whose coat grows to a genetically predetermined length and stops. Nordic breeds are even more prone to PCA. Geriatrics, even those with hair, are also very susceptible to PCA.

2. What causes PCA? There is no definitive answer at this point, but there are two scientific theories from recent research. The first has to do with vasoconstriction of the blood vessels in the skin. When the coat is shaved, even in warm weather, the skin reacts by constricting blood vessels that feed the follicles in the skin. Once these vessels constrict the follicles no longer proliferate leading to PCA.
The second theory has to do with the growth cycle. When the coat is shaved, the growth cycle becomes disrupted due to the skin sealing itself with oils from sebaceous and apocrine glands. This traps clipped hairs beneath the epidermis preventing them from shedding out leading to improper growth as well as skin diseases.

3. PCA is unpredictable. There is no way to tell if a particular canine will acquire PCA if you shave. Often there is no issue, but on the third or fifth or even the tenth time, it can happen.

4. Are there actual health risks posed by PCA? The short answer is yes. Again, diseases such as Alopecia X, Black Skin Disease, Furunculosis, and other skin diseases often accompany PCA.
Once the coat has been clipped, the body now strains to properly regulate body temperature. Because dogs do not sweat, a properly maintained coat keeps a canine both cool and warm. This strain to cool the body puts a strain on internal organs.

5. Can there be other causes? Yes. Heath problems such as Diabetes, Cushing's diseases, and Addison's disease should be ruled out. Pets who are known to have these health problems should not be shaved if at all possible.

6. Do felines get PCA? The short answer here is yes. While there is minimal research for canines there is even less for felines. Hair coated breeds such as Persians, Himalayans and others are not affected as often as true fur bearing breeds. While felines seem to be less affected by PCA than canines it can happen.

While there are situations such as severely matted or pelted coats that must be shaved for health health purposes, shaving because you think a pet is hot or shedding too much is simply not in the best interest of the pet. A professional groomers responsibility extends to protecting and promoting a healthy coat. A properly maintained coat will help regulate body temperature and prevent shedding.

Join us at the IAPEG where cutting edge education in the best interest of the pet is our top priority.
Get your membership here >


Hi Everybody!
Goodness, it’s been a long while hasn’t it?!
Pawsh Pawsmetology is ON THE MOVE!
I am relocating to the Tri-Cities area and will be grooming over there 😊
I’m really excited about the move but sad to be leaving all my clients that have been so wonderful and gracious the last 3.5 years.
Thank you all and keep following the page for new pictures, new doggies, and new life adventures!!


I’m honest about my prices and what it costs to run my business and am not for everyone.

I’m honest about my prices and what it costs to run my business and am not for everyone.



Stay safe 😂😂



Working with animals is not just a job, it's a passion. Every day you have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives and bring joy to their owners.

Embrace your love for animals and let it fuel your passion for providing the best care possible. Running your business The Savvy Groomer way can help you stand above the rest. Come and see what the hype is all about.

We have a website!!

We have a website!!

I’m fortunate that the few doodles I groom are well behaved but I’ve also worked hard to be selective about the ones I g...

I’m fortunate that the few doodles I groom are well behaved but I’ve also worked hard to be selective about the ones I groom.

We would like to preface this post with the fact the IAPEG and it's members love dogs. All dogs. Big dogs and small dogs. Fluffy dogs and sleek ones. We love pure breeds and we love mixed breeds.

The 'doodle craze' began after a breeder attempted a litter of mixed breed pups that were smart and hypoallergenic. No dog is truly hypoallergenic, but that's another discussion. He was in no way trying to create a new breed. News traveled quickly and before you know it, they were all the rage as pets. Very expensive pets. They became something of a status symbol as they wear price tags in the thousands and cost more than a sound, well developed, carefully chosen pure breed.

As professional groomers, we see the fallout with many of these pets and there are a few things you need to know:

1. Doodles are not a breed. They are (insert breed here) mixed with poodle. Golden doodle, labradoodle, maltipoo, pomapoo, yorkie poo, no matter the title, doodles are in fact mixed breed dogs. Being a pure breed of dog mean predictability...size, colors, skull shapes, temperament...any and all genetics are predictable for that specific breed. This is not possible with doodles.

2. There is a misconception that if you mix another breed with a poodle, you get the best of both breeds. This is simply not true. The truth is you have no idea what you will get. You are not getting the best of the breeds because responsible, ethical breeders do not allow their dogs to participate in mixed breeding.

3. As professional groomers, we hear misnomers from pet owners whose pup is a year old and has never been groomed. This is a nightmare for both the dog and the groomer. The truth is, any doodle will need professional grooming. They should start as early as possible just like any other dog. This seems to be a selling point for doodle breeders telling buyers they are low maintenance. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

4. Doodles often have very difficult coats to work with. Doodles with these coats will be more expensive. With most doodles you have a fur bearing breed (Labrador Retriever) mixed with a hair bearing breed (Poodle). This causes many doodles coats to be difficult with a mixture of the two. Some have fur as guard coat and hair as undercoat and some have hair as a guard coat with fur as the undercoat. Either way, more work and time means your professional groomer must be properly compensated or it will lead to number five.

5. There are many professional groomers who are simply not accepting doodles as clients anymore. Misinformed owners are price shocked when they've been lied to by a breeder. Your professional groomer is tired of arguing and explaining just to be properly compensated when there are so many other clients who know what to expect and respect our professional practices.
Because doodles are not the best representatives of their breeds they are often not the most well behaved pets either. Many are high strung, a bit neurotic, and/or have some type of behavior problem.

If you do in fact choose to own a doodle, speak with your professional groomer beforehand so you'll know what to expect. And please respect your professional groomers advice. Their job is to keep your pet on a regular schedule. Depending on the coat...remember these are mixed breed dogs and therefore not predictable before birth...most will need a schedule of 4-6 weeks.

Wishing all of the pets I groom a Happy National Pet Day!!Show me your pets!!!!!

Wishing all of the pets I groom a Happy National Pet Day!!
Show me your pets!!!!!

Some good advice.I don’t groom Kloe nearly as often due to her age and thin coat (she can’t stand for very long and gets...

Some good advice.
I don’t groom Kloe nearly as often due to her age and thin coat (she can’t stand for very long and gets cold with short hair) so we do what we can and call it good

Working with geriatric pets is a very specialized part of the professional grooming industry. It is not the same as grooming younger pets. Here are some things your professional groomer wants you to know:

1. Geriatrics often have joint issues. This means your groomer may not be able to maneuver particular body parts in a comfortable way. For example, your poodle may have had shaved feet it's entire life. But now that joints are not as healthy/flexible this may no longer be possible.

2. Your geriatric pets coat can change with age. To keep the coat in optimal shape and prevent matting, you may need a more frequent (or less frequent) grooming schedule. Discuss this with your professional groomer and respect their advice.

3. Again because of possible coat change and/or difficulty maintaining brushing/combing between grooms, your pet may need a new style that means a shorter groom.

4. Geriatrics often cannot spend the same amount of time on the grooming table as they did in their younger years. This may mean that your pet's groom isn't perfect...and that's okay. There comes a point that we must perform 'maintenance grooms' where the best interest of geriatric must be considered.

5. Cognitive dysfunction is common in geriatrics. This may mean that your pet now attempts to bite over something that never bothered them in the past. This can include handling of feet and commonly involves grooming the face. This can be dangerous for both the groomer and the pet. While there are some groomers who specialize in working with these cases, it is not the norm. Expect to pay an additional fee. However, if your professional groomer advises grooming under sedation at a veterinary clinic, please respect their decision.

6. Many geriatrics have health problems. This can include diabetes, Cushing's disease, and commonly heart problems. Again, there may be those who specialize in these cases, they are usually represented by those with a veterinary technician background. If your groomer feels they can no longer groom your geriatric due to health risks, please respect their decision. You will typically be referred to have your pet groomed under veterinary supervision.

Please respect your professional groomers decisions when it comes to your geriatric. These decisions are difficult for your groomer and they should never be guilted or be the target for anger. Your professional groomer makes these decisions in the best interest of your pet.


Now that’s an excited puppers!

You bet’cha!LolKloe and PugPug are treat wh**es 🤣

You bet’cha!
Kloe and PugPug are treat wh**es 🤣

Seems about right 😂😅


NEW name!
Same location 😊

It’s inevitable: they always wait for the towel to be put down Lol

It’s inevitable: they always wait for the towel to be put down

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE!!!!!FOR ALL NEW CLIENTS!We will be offering FREE paw balm ($15.00 value) for the month of Marc...


We will be offering FREE paw balm ($15.00 value) for the month of March to ease those sensitive feet with all this cold and snowy weather we’ve been having!
And if you’re a CURRENT CLIENT share this post with your friends and family with dogs and you’ll get a free paw balm package as well!

Message me here or at 425-931-3308 to schedule your appointment 😊

Usually under a tail or a butt Lol

Usually under a tail or a butt

On purpose ...

FOR ALL NEW CLIENTS!We will be offering FREE paw balm ($15.00 value) for the month of March to ease those sensitive feet...

We will be offering FREE paw balm ($15.00 value) for the month of March to ease those sensitive feet with all this cold and snowy weather we’ve been having!
And if you’re a CURRENT CLIENT share this post with your friends and family with dogs and you’ll get a free paw balm package as well!

Message me here or at 425-931-3308 to schedule your appointment 😊

I’ve been MIA since the beginning of the year and I’m hoping that things will start settling down. I’ve been in the proc...

I’ve been MIA since the beginning of the year and I’m hoping that things will start settling down. I’ve been in the process of moving since January, been house sitting, dog sitting, and just plain trying to remember where I’m supposed to be. I’m house/dog sitting for this next week and then going on a long break for side work. Kloe and Tuna are tired of being on the go all the time and want to get settled as they should be in their own place and not just client homes

Pawsh Pawsmetology (formerly A girl and her dog house call grooming) is currently accepting a limited number of NEW pups...

Pawsh Pawsmetology (formerly A girl and her dog house call grooming) is currently accepting a limited number of NEW pups 40lbs and under in the KIRKLAND, EDMONDS, SHORELINE WA areas

Your furry friend gets an all inclusive service using the highest quality products IN THE COMFORT OF THEIR OWN HOME.

Take the hassle out of getting your dog to and from the groomer and let me come to you!
I will pamper your pups with my undivided attention while catering to their grooming needs and your lifestyle.

To learn more or to request an appointment message me here or on the Pawsh Pawsmetology IG page


Kennewick, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 3pm





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