Booking for Thanksgiving!
Kenosha Pet Sitter Guys
Check out our new ad!
Short ad, and the exaggerated Kenosha accent is done out of nothing but love!
Dog walk
Dogs are social creatures that need regular exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. Spending too long inside can result in stress, leading to behavioral problems! It's why we're such a fan of regular dog walks! Walking helps burn off excess energy, prevents boredom, and promotes enrichment. Sound like something your pet needs? DM us!
Pet career
If you could take your pet to work, don't you think morale would immediately go up? Which got us thinking . . . if your pet were going to have a career, what do you think they'd be? Let us know below!
There are so many fun ways to spend time with your pet, especially in Summer! What's been your favorite memory you've made so far with your pet?
Can you keep a secret? If we could, we would probably have about 8 more pets than we currently do! What's your ideal number of pets?
Got travel plans? Getting a professional pet sitter may be just the thing you need to have complete peace of mind while you're away.
Dog Anatomy
I'm not sure we've ever seen a more accurate description of canine anatomy! Not sure about you, but we're crying over here.