Thank all your concern for my loss of SAPO.
I let him down, as he totally trusted me and I let him die. The timing was so bad for a vet trip. I kinda suspect he was sick When I left to take my sister for her surgery, but didn't make the effort for a vet checkup because of Christmas. That's why with a couple of solid reasons I hate holidays they GET in the way of everyday life. I am a very routine person, and holidays interfere with my routines Christmas takes out so many useful days.
The Emergency Animal Clinic in Fort Smith is awful, leaving me to travel 2-3 hours drive Tulsa or Bentonville, and I didn't. The local vets are nearly impossible for ER time, and Christmas time makes that impossible. Dr. Dubois might have tried. I did not accept how sick he was and thought I could get him in early Monday Morning, but he didn't make. It will always hurt me for the rest of my life because I didn't do the right thing and make more effort to save the most precious pet I ever had.
Don't get me wrong I love Pay Pay, but SAPO was very special. I was God to him. He rarely fail to do what I ask. Pay Pay never does what I ask unless he knows he is in big trouble. I have woken up sick several times not having him sleep by arm is difficult to resolve. I could have given him fluids, myself. I can and know-how, and have done this before, attach the IV, but I didn't try. The hydration and electrolytes may have made a difference by giving me more time to get to the vet. I simply didn't accept or realize how sick he was.
I have Cardio issues and no doubt he increases my life. Lots of decades of research prove an individuals with heart trouble live longer when they have a bond with a cat pet child. It's about 6 years longer. It appears to be related to helping with blood pressure and heart rhythm. It's the reason many heart specialists recommend adopting a cat for people with severe heart issues.
I have three younger cats I a thinking of training one for my therapy cat. It's a lot of work and none of these will probably walk next to me like a dog as SAPO did wherever I visited and avoid the temptation of surroundings. All will be okay to ride in the shopping cart basket, in fact ready now. Temptation of surroundings will be the question for each.
Pep, the rescue from Stigler Bank is probably the best bet. She has no fear of people, comes when I call her name and is learning what I requesting her to do. Pep I bottle feed from 3 weeks old as she was discovered abandoned in the grass next to Stigler Bank.
Range my Bengal King Breeder, has most of the same personality as SAPO, loves to be with me wherever I go, and is well-behaved with me, but has some fear of people that would have to be resolved. He is okay when he gets acquainted, but he has to be okay whether acquainted with people. Resolving that behavior can be hit miss with cats. He loves to sleep next to me and comes whenever I call him.
Saches, a neutered Savannah male, age 3, was kept because he developed FIP when 4 months old and is cured 3 years out. He comes when I call him, and understands many of my requests, or at least those he wants to honor. However, he must honor all requests. Likes most people, but sometimes has fear of a person, maybe of smell on the person. That can be fixed fairly easily. He sleeps in the same place as SAPO and much like SAPO, often. the two vie for that special spot trying to share it. However, he is extremely jealous/protective of me. Worry that could develop into future problems He is great with other animals, and most people but doesn't want other animals hugging me at all. That bothers him a lot.
I may try a kitten, I have a 5-week Ocicat female. She is the right age to start from the beginning. I need to name her, and start training her now, taking places with me, using leash and harness with her. She is a beaut, orange with small spots.