Roo and I have been in a slump the last few months in Barn Hunt. I thought maybe I was doing to much with her so I cut back to 1 day instead of 3 day trials. But no, we are most definitely in a slump.
Oh, Rats Dog Training
Master we went 1 out of 2. Leaving Rats on the course her first run. Ended up pulling off a High in class her second run. Not sure how we managed that.
Crazy 8's out 80 points with lots of micromanaging.
9/21 - 9/22
Roy's Run a fundraiser for Canine Cancer at Happy Feet K-9 Agility LLC
Master we went 1 out of 4 runs. Leaving many Rats on the course.
Crazy 8's earned 50 points.
Oh Rats Dog Training for Rat Rodeo
Master we went 1 out of 2. Leaving Rats on the first run.
Crazy 8's earned 50 points. It was a rough run. Lots of barking and not wanting to indicate on the Rats.
As always great judges, courses and trial committee's. Everyone puts on a great trial!