Ok Kilgore (and all east Texas communities), time for some “real talk”. Everyone who follows Kilgore pages, knows I’m a pretty upbeat person where animals and animal control are concerned. Having said that, I am human. There are days that make me swear under my breath (sometimes right out loud), cry (both from sadness and anger), and on occasion, just feel defeated.
The attached picture is the face of animal abandonment in the City of Kilgore alone. This is a MUCH larger problem than Kilgore, east Texas, and Texas as a whole, but these animals are from our own city. Also, I didn’t go any further back than THIS MONTH for these pictures, and this isn’t all of them. This. Is. Senseless. Period. For the life of me, I fail to comprehend how someone falls in love with an adorable animal, brings it home, and then somehow decides it is now someone else’s problem. They take it somewhere “down the road”, open their door, take the dog out, and then speed away as the poor dog chases the car thinking they were somehow forgotten. Yes, I have witnessed this and it brings me to tears. Red hot, infuriated, burning tears of anger and heartbreak. Just imagine, that pets last interaction with that owner, was to show them the loyalty of following them at top speed (however undeserved), as they speed off in their vehicle.
It is because of this, that I come to you today in full transparency. We cannot “rescue” our way out of this. The rescues and shelters remain at max capacity. Don’t believe me? Call around to any, or ALL of them, and let me know which tells you that they “have plenty of room”, just know I won’t be holding my breath. Throughout the animal control and rescue communities, we had a nice pipeline to shelters up north that were taking on animals from southern states, and adopting them out there. This pipeline is drying up quickly, and the problem will get exponentially worse when this happens.
So, why do they have the room up north? It is simple, they have more stringent laws than we do, period. SO IN FULL DISCLOSURE, I will be speaking with our City Council about much needed ordinances to help our community combat this problem. To wit, I will be asking for spay/neuter/intact animal registration ordinances, along with microchipping (in lieu of pet licensing), as I want our missing or escaped pets to have a sure route home. Also, if a microchipped pet is dumped, then I have the means to track that crime down, also. Ask anyone who knows me in an animal control capacity, I have brought MANY animals back home as they were outfitted with a microchip that aided me in contacting the owner.
If you want to help, please keep your eyes peeled for suspicious vehicles. If you see an animal dumped and you can let me know the color and make of vehicle, license plate number, description of individuals involved and/or what you witnessed, and I will be tickled to follow up and file appropriate charges! Yes, all leads and reports are confidential.
While this is a “community problem”, it’s being fed by a vast minority of our population. However, as such, the only way we are going to combat this, is as a community. I will update this post as we get closer to action being taken. Thank you ALL for your time. If you have further ideas, please feel free to leave a comment, or message me directly, either here or on the animal control line at 903-988-4120.