A message from the Board of Directors of our Suffolk registry.
Many questions have arisen from the public announcement of the formation of a new Suffolk sheep association in the United States yesterday. We are saddened that this has come about, but we need to add some clarity to the public conversation that has arisen.
The Board of Directors of the United Suffolk Sheep Association voted 9-2 to put to membership vote the question of how sheep will be presented at the National Suffolk Show and the National Suffolk Sale, with any change voted in taking effect in 2024. The two options the membership will vote on are either no change OR to be exhibited with 30 days or less fleece. The decision to put this to a membership vote was based on historical and current feedback from the membership and customers calling for that to happen. Copies of all these documents in their entirety are being sent to the membership this month, and they can all also be found online here on the USSA website: https://suffolks.org/wp/2022/ussa-strategic-planning/
Additionally, the Board voted to respect the vote of the membership. As a membership-driven organization, we feel regardless of any individual board member sentiment; this decision deserves a vote of the entire eligible membership. It is their National Show and their National Sale; they should get to decide.
USSA believes in and celebrates the Suffolk’s role in the greater sheep industry. Whether it be roaming public lands in the west breeding white-faced ewes as the foundation of the American lamb industry, in midwestern farm flocks, as youth projects, or in the most esteemed show rings in the country, we believe in the future of the Suffolk breed. The Suffolk ram’s role as the terminal sire of choice is of the utmost importance for our breed and the industry. With that, we understand that regardless of how a Suffolk sheep is presented, they should be large framed, muscular, structurally correct and fast growing.
We have made a tremendous investment in the last year to better serve our members. We have implemented Digital Suffolk the most technologically advanced sheep registry and production record-keeping program in the United States. The use of this program is a free service to USSA members.
Also, regardless of the outcome of this vote, the United Suffolk Sheep Association will remain more than just a registry. We will continue to provide membership benefits that include educational webinars, moderate the online Suffolk Sheep Marketplace, facilitate the online communication platform, maintain an informative website, and publish a comprehensive membership directory. In addition, we will continue to have designated office staff to provide one-on-one membership support, have a physical presence at industry-wide events such as the American Lamb Summit and the American Sheep Industry’s Genetic Stakeholder Committee, as well as have access to all of the historical registry information for the entire Suffolk breed.
Any member of the Board of Directors would be happy to discuss any of this further. Their contact information can be found here: https://suffolks.org/directors.html