Cugno's Canine Center

Cugno's Canine Center David Cugno’s Canine Center specializes in training people to understand and live harmoniously wit

Conveniently located just moments from King of Prussia, the Main Line, and Collegeville, David Cugno’s Canine Center specializes in providing the highest quality training and socialization in the region. Follow on Twitter:
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Anyone looking for a daycare or boarding facility for your dog I recommend What A Good Dog. I don’t know about their trainers not that it matters since I’m sure you’d use me but as far daycare and boarding goes definitely use those guys. The owner of company Mary is maybe one of the kindest people I’ve ever met I was very impressed with her and it’s because of her being the owner I’d recommend that place. When the head Honcho the big cheese the HNIC the boss is Mary Remer a women that cares a lot about quality you can be sure the people working for can be trusted. Their a bit expensive but it’s worth it.


I spent 20 years doing good things and I was willing to sacrifice my immediate happiness for the greater good. I didn’t half ass my dedication to doing good things I put everything on the line because I believed it was making a difference. After believing something so strongly for so long to the point where it was an impossibility things were not that way I had learn very quickly I was totally wrong . I had no clue how to live life now and I understood nothing. That caused problems for me and threw me into a depression i doubt most people can even relate with. The next 5 or so were bad and I disappointed a lot of people a couple of them were really really really important to me and I’ll never get over doing that to them. Now I’m close to normal again although I still have a tiny bit of hope everything is the way I once believed. I’m not removing any comments no matter how bad because ultimately I’ve done far more positive than negative and I mean far far more so it is what it is. I’m sorry for anyone I’ve hurt and believe me when I say anyone I owe money will eventually get it I’ve forgotten nothing I promise. Right now I have to eat and prioritize what’s most important. The world is full of s**tty people and there’s absolutely no doubt that I’m not one of them


I wanted to let everyone I’ve ever worked know something very important. Once you’re a client you’re always a client. You paid for life and until the dog you initially came to me about passes your all paid up and no matter how long between meetings you’re still a client. There are some people I owe money to and believe me when I say you will be paid back. Unfortunately if I have to choose between eating and paying you back I’m going to choose eating unless what I’m eating has mushrooms in it because mushrooms are gross. Anyway remember there’s nothing that makes me happier than hearing from a client I spent lots of time with. I just heard from Tommy’s owner and I was so happy but I could tell he was worried that I wouldn’t remember him or would for some reason not have the time to deal with him. I’d prefer to deal people I’ve known for years and since I filtered my clients and only allowed people I liked to book with me unless of course they had a dog that was on the verge of being put down in which case I didn’t care if Hi**er called me I would’ve helped him. Of course I probably would’ve found a way to poison the dude and take his dog but that’s just me

Let me tell you something about ol Davie Dave. I lost one friend because I didn’t want to do wrong to another friend and...

Let me tell you something about ol Davie Dave. I lost one friend because I didn’t want to do wrong to another friend and both ended up hating me. Only with me is that possible I am very easy to dislike apparently. I should probably be more upset than I actually am. Oh well I still have Amber


Don't know how many Game Of Thrones fans there are out there but for those who are i have good news. I just watched tomorrow's episode that I found on line and all I can say is HOLY S**T!!! I'm not gunna spoil it but I will say you all have something really really really kick ass to look forward to. What a fu***ng awesome show Game Of Thrones is and it's just getting better. For those who don't watch it you really don't know what your missing they'll never be a show like this again and there's only 12 episodes left till it's over. I know it's hard to follow sometimes but if you watch it from the beginning you won't regret it. After what I just saw there's no way in hell I'm sleeping tonight

Just wanted to let everyone know my buddy Tag is doing much better 👍👍😁😁. I was so worried about him but whatever it was ...

Just wanted to let everyone know my buddy Tag is doing much better 👍👍😁😁. I was so worried about him but whatever it was seems to have passed so WOO HOO!!!

I've had a recurring nightmare the past 10 years that my little dog Tag died and when I wake up I'm in tears because Of ...

I've had a recurring nightmare the past 10 years that my little dog Tag died and when I wake up I'm in tears because Of all the dogs I've ever had Tag has something none of the others have had. He's super sweet and friendly. He exudes joy and makes people happy just by looking at him. I love this dog so much he makes my life better and a little bit easier no matter how hard it may get. Something's wrong with him.... He can no longer walk without falling over and looks like he's drunk. Although he's in no pain and is eating drinking and going to the bathroom normally he's not well. I think it was a stroke based on his symptoms and although it's not getting worse it's also not getting better. I can only hope that whatever this is it doesn't take him away from me because I honestly don't know what I'll do if it all does. I'll never let him suffer and if he was in pain or suffering in any way I'd let him go but until that day I'm gunna spend as much time with him as I can. From now on where I go he goes no matter where that may be. If I need groceries he'll be in the cart . If I'm doing a lesson he's doing it with me. If I go to the mall he'll be with me. Many years ago a client named Patty Tawadros came to me for training with her two dogs Tag and Ava. A little while later when she felt like two dogs were more then she could handle and knowing how much I liked Tag asked if I would take him and give him a good home. I of course said HELL YES! and ever since then my life been better. I've thanked her many times over the years for giving me such a awesome gift in Tag and I'll always be grateful to her. Once again Patty thank you so very much


What makes a person a good dog trainer?
This is a question that should be relatively easy to answer but I assure you it's not. Some may say it's all relative and what's good for one person may not be good for another. I believe being a good trainer has nothing to do with how much you know or the amount of experience you have. What makes a good dog trainer is honesty and the ability to know your limitations. Based on that criteria there's very few good dog trainers out there. Being honest is something that seems hard to do for the majority of trainers. Their more concerned about their ego then they are about being honest. I can't tell you how many times I've worked with dog owners that have been told by numerous trainers to put their dog down or find another home because the behavioral issues their dealing with can't be fixed. In almost every case that assessment was completely wrong and that's a big problem. That happens because so many trainers won't be honest about their level of understanding dog behavior and would rather recommend that a dog be put down then admit they don't know how to help them. A good trainer knows and accepts their limitations and will gladly say to someone " I'm sorry but I'm not qualified to help you with this particular behavioral issue". Thousands of dogs have died because of trainers not being able to say that to people. Forget about weather or not your a good trainer anyone that would tell a person to kill their dog instead of admitting they don't know something should worry about weather or not their a good person.


After 25 years of working with dogs I've helps lots of people. Time and time again the clients I've helped tell me how grateful they are for fixing their dogs and making their relationship so much better. I tell them all the same thing..... All I did was teach you what to do and helped you stay motivated. You did all the real work not me. If I did all the work all you'd have is a dog that listens to the trainer which doesn't help the owners. Any improvement to the dogs behavior that happened after going through my program was far more a result of the owners work then it was mine


Spoil Me by Mad Serenade: Listen to songs by Mad Serenade on Myspace, a place where people come to connect, discover, and share.

Hey everyone! Check out my new website Thanks for your patience while it was down. Please li...

Hey everyone! Check out my new website Thanks for your patience while it was down. Please like and share to let me know what you think!


Hey everybody I just wanted mention my website is currently being updated so I apologize for the inconvenience . I am currently taking new clients so please feel free to call me for an questions or to book training 610 574 7657. Thank you
Dave Cugno


If more trainers actually understood what's really going on with dogs there would be much less talk of negative vs positive. Dogs are confused and don't understand there's a difference in thinking for humans. As far as they know humans see the world in the same way they do. When a dog does something consider by humans to be a "bad behavior " they do it because they believe they have a right to most times its not to be bad. They don't see things as good or bad in the same way humans do . They think like dogs and we think like humans the problem is they don't realize that. Everyone's worried about how people deal their dogs behavior. What's your beliefs? Are you all positive or do you believe in negative reinforcement? It's absurd that in a profession with so many people involved in it there's so few that truly understand it.


The link below was a thread In one of the dog groups I belong to. I wanted to share the thread along with my comments because it's a good example of what happens in the dog training field. I hope the person that wrote the thread took my comments in the way they were intended . If they did all I can say is WOO HOO!!😄


So many people have conflicting opinions when it comes to the importance of walking their dog. So many people attribute their dogs negative behaviors to lack of exercise. Then there's the different views on HOW the walk should look . Does your dog need to walk behind you ? How important is a loose leash ? Some say it makes no difference and some say it makes all the difference ... The reality is physical exercise alone fixes nothing.... Of course after a five mile run your dog most likely won't jump on people but only because their sleeping! They eventually wake up.. Dogs build up a tolerance over time and the more exercise they get they more they need to tire them out. You can avoid some negative behaviors with lots of exercise but I assure you those negative behaviors are still there. To actually effect behavior you need to focus on technique. This is where a loose leash comes in to the equation. Keeping a loose leash does wonders because a loose leash means the humans making the decisions. A leash is like an extension of your arm that connects to your dog. If the leash stays loose it doesn't matter what your dogs doing or where their positioned. Weather your dogs in front or behind you it doesn't matter. Your dog can sniff the flowers , or p*e on trees as you walk as long as the leash is loose. He can look anywhere he wants and do anything he wants if your leash is loose you'll effect behaviors. A loose lease means your the number one priority in your dogs mind. Spending time interacting with your dog attached to a leash making the decisions is extremely productive. People often say your dog needs to look at you on walk...... Nope !!! Not if the leash is loose. If your walking for am hour and the entire time your dogs focused on the deer or squirrels never once looking in your direction it's fine because as long as that leash is loose your more important then the wildlife. Dogs should be allowed to be dogs and with the right training you get to the point where a walk is both productive AND enjoyable

This is Dash being dropped off at Cugnos Canine Center. Notice the terror she's feeling at the thought of coming to my Canine Center for the first time . This is our very first meeting and as u can imagine her mom is equally terrified. She's here to build her confidence.


I used to spend hours a day stressing over how can I keep clients consistent. I wanted them to follow through so bad but couldn't convince them there NEEDS to be rules and boundaries. For years this dictated my thoughts and I spent many a sleepless night worrying about it. Over time as I understood dogs better I realized there was a solution to this issue.. I knew why bad behaviors developed ( constant spoiling with zero boundaries) but I do I change people? Simple i don't!!! People spoil because they love their dogs and expecting to change them so they spoiled less is impossible.... People that have a hard time enforcing rules with their dog also tend to coddle them a lot. I used to get annoyed with those people until I realized something that changed my opinion. Where does the spoiling come from? What makes them unable to say NO to their dog? Love ...that's what makes them do that stuff. How can anything motivated by the love for their dog be bad? They feel guilty enforcing rules but why? Once again it's about love.... Those people are the nice ones and trying to stop them from being who they are is wrong!! Yeah the same thing that makes them spoil also makes them kind human beings. So the key was learning how to help them with their dogs without changing who they are. People suck in general so when you find a nice one let them be who they are so the world is better. Luckily over many years I understood dogs enough to know their best trait... The ability to adapt. As trainers If you can't stop a person from spoiling we have a responsibility to help them work around it and have the best dog possible. Learn what side effects develop when they can't say no to their dog and help them accept what they have. If an owner treats their dog in a way that creates anxiety when left alone the answer don't leave it alone!! If the interactions create a dog that pi**es in the house don't yell at them when they do it.
When there's people that you can't change make sure they understand what problems they cause and teach them to accept them. As long as that happens the dog is happy.. However when you have an owner that creates behavioral issues by their actions and still yells at the dog when the problems they create develop..... Feel sorry for the poor dog and convince them to find another home if possible..OR don't work with those people because their evil


Let me tell everyone the goal of my training program so there's no confusion. When a client completes my program no matter how long it takes they never need another trainer .I'm not talking about another trainer for their current dog, I'm talking about every dog they ever have ,or their children ever have or anyone else in the family ever have for the rest of their lives. The sad reality is my clients end up learning more about dogs then most trainers. Everything works exactly the same way no matter what kind of dog or how old ,or even what behavioral problem they come to me for. That's right people everything's the same.... Why do I say every dogs the same when every trainer knows each dog is different? The answer is EVERY DOGS THE SAME!! The only differences are tiny and theres simply different degrees. Oh and another ridiculous thing you constantly hear is ( not one system works for every dog) .....Really? WRONG ! What I do works for every dog no matter how minor or severe the issue. I don't bully or bribe the dogs in training but I do teach people how to spoil their dogs without the negative side effects ( yep that's what I said ). SPOIL! ....
The goal of every training program should be to educate both dog and owner.... But based on REAL facts and as opposed to made up facts..... However a good trainer realizes the most important part by far is not what the trainer knows it's what the trainer can get the OWNERS to do. I get so much crap from the training community for things I tell clients . What those idiots don't get is all that matters is the end result! Everything I tell my clients makes perfect sense and seems completely logical weather or not its "technically " accurate doesn't matter because the basic idea is understood which keeps owners motivated. At the end of the day everything works and 99% of my clients go all the way without quitting and they live happily ever after..
The way I see it anyone spending time bashing me CANT like dogs. How can they ? I'm sure this post will be picked apart and criticized by more then a few haters for everything that's wrong with it. Then I'll go about filming it over and over and over and over until even Ray Charles sees the good in it.
If anyone feels I'm wrong and actually doing bad for dogs all you need to do is convince me in a rational way. I'm not like most trainers because I really do have an open mind and have no problem seeing another point of view .. As long as it works better I'm happy. I don't care about being wrong .... Why would I if I'm in this for dogs... There's no ego here despite how I sound . I didn't just come up with this stuff last yesterday . I've done nothing else for 20 years . Lastly I have a challenge for any takers... I'll gladly give you a equal and fair forum to express any views against me or my believe in the good I do. I have confidence in my program and TRULEY believe its the most effective program for achieving the deepest relationship that goes far beyond most peoples concept of what it is to own a dog. To really understand your dog is a wonderful thing .


Anyone that wants to help dogs please click on and follow the links I posted below ... Oh this is what I've waited for and I'm sure will be just a bunch of fun 😉


I posted a like below for anyone following me to keep track of and I'd really be thankful if you would follow it . If you care about dogs you'll be interested to watch what happens


Fool enough to almost be it
And cool enough to not quite see it
And old enough to always feel this
Always old , I'll always feel this

No more promise no more sorrow
No longer will I follow can anybody hear me
I just want to beeeeeeeeeeeeee ME!
When I can , I will
Try to understand
That when I can, I will


I wanted to mention something to all my supporters. The Philly Hot List "Best in Philly" is going on again. I would ask everyone to please NOT vote for me. Even though I won last year (THANK YOU!), I don't agree with the way it's judged. It's all about popularity and how many friends you get to vote for you. When it comes to dog businesses like boarding kennels or training facilities, I believe there should be more to being called the best then how many friends you convince to vote for you. It offends me to be part of a contest that cares so little about dogs and whom they consider the best


With all the different methods and beliefs there are when it comes to dogs and training them there's one thing that all methods should shoot for as the end goal..... NEVER HAVING TO GO TO A PROFESSIONAL TRAINER AGAIN FOREVER!!! That's it people... Any type of training should have one price that includes an education geared towards teaching owners enough about dogs so for the rest of their lives they won't need another trainer.... You want to find out if a trainer REALLY cares about helping dogs? That's how you'll know ..... If your trainer acts like a salesman or attempts to charge more money for " extra training" they don't give two craps about dogs.. It's money they care about . They should be shot ....


Wow man this stuff is crazy .. The past couple days I've been taking a bit a of a beating. Here's what I'm going to do .... I'm going to do everything possible to change a few minds or make a few people look really silly😜 . It's almost like I'm in a twilight zone episode .....No s**t. I'm not sure how many of you saw the last few days of post from me ? Most of them are on other pages, I'm sure you can find them by looking at my actively or something.. Keep checking in people and feel free to comment


Hey everybody , I wanted to let you know about a post you should follow. It's on my personal page ( Dave Cugno) not DCCC page.. I joined a group called (ban shock collars ) and posted my thoughts on the subject which of course drew huge criticism. Please don't let the comments get you angry or try to hard to defend me. I want people arguing about their views on training and how dogs learn. Hopefully the discussion brings change for dogs and the way their understood. My minds very open to change if that change is positive... I can only hope the people that decide to comment about what they believe have the same open mind and ability to change


King Of Prussia, PA


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