Practice getting balanced while mounting, without pulling yourself onto your horse.
Lunging that circle without crowding.
Trish and Maverick working on their communication lunging. With the help of Isabeau of course. #fyp #horsesofinstagram #horsemanshiptraining #horsemanshiplessons
Maverick on the obstacle course.
Building confidence and relaxation in Trish and Maverick as a team.
Trailer loading on a point.
Success!!!! So proud of Trish and Maverick. The trailer loading lessons have only been approx 20 mins for the last 10 days. Consistency and patience.
Trish and Mavericks trailer Loading session #9.
Trish and Mavericks best trailer loading session yet. She also had a great lesson in the round pen previously to loading. Good job Trish!
Trish and Maverick on groundwork.
Trish working on changing directions on the lunge line, creating a rollback for Maverick. My round pen is a jungle. Lol
Trish's progress, self reflection and connection with her horse.
Trish's progress in her words. π So proud of her!
Backing calmly out of a trailer.
While trailering previously, Trish had untied him from inside the trailer and he turned, slipped and bolted out of the trailer. So much better experience for both of them. !!
Trish working with Maverick trailer loading.
I'm very proud of the work Trish has been doing with Maverick. Safe trailer loading has been a difficult process, but look at the success. He will be going in on a point only very soon.
Mavericks original way of loading.
Mavericks first ride in training, assessing issues.
I am looking forward to having Maverick in training to fill in a few holes. The main problem is trailer loading confidently and safely for his owner. He definitely has had years of show training being collected, although he is stiff in the neck and poll, very jumpy to anything unexpected and kicks out with hind left to intimidate. All horses have holes in their training if they are only "ridden" and the small behavioral issues aren't addressed.