Do you dream of your dog walking next to you on a loose lead even with distractions? We can help this become reality!
Remi helping with acclimating Ara. What other training facility has a 3 year old to read a book to your dog ❤ 🙂
It is easy to see Louie enjoyed himself on this beautiful day!
He now allows all 5 of our staff members to walk and pet him. ❤
This video was taken the day after Lucas came to us. you can see how timid he is with Jay. The first thing we do before training can begin is develop a bond with the dog. When dogs are afraid we take things very slow and allow them to feel comfortable. As you can see Jay is not making a lot of eye contact and just feeding Lucas treats. It is important to let the dog make the moves and come to you when they are comfortable. If you try to rush this process the dog may feel threatened. Our assistant trainer Mike also spent a lot of time sitting in the kennel with Lucas feeding him treats and just talking to him.
This beauty is Lily. Lily is enrolled in our program for basic obedience and dog aggression. In the video you will see Jay introducing Lily to the training method. He is using a lot of treats and leash pressure to direct her. It is always important to make it a positive experience. Especially in the beginning to gain trust. Without trust there is no training. Lily is doing great!
Thank you @jrsaintfilms for helping us finally get some website content we desperately needed. We focus so much on training that it’s very hard for us to take time away from the dogs to get videos done but please be patient. THE LOYAL HOUND BOSTON
Almost ready to go home. Great job Jay. #dogtrainingboston #aggressiverehabilitation
FROM RESCUE DOG TO HOUSHOLD NAME and starring in a doggy commercial. 🙌🏽
So proud of this Pitbull. Daisy was enrolled in our aggressive rehab program at The Loyal Hound about a year and a half ago.
Yesterday she was on set with us shooting a commercial for a doggy product and she did amazing. We’re so proud of her and how far she’s come.
Ps. This was her first time meeting the actress and first time on set.
directed by JR Saint
if you need any corporate commercials be sure to go to the best.
Duke is going home. Came in unruly and going back home a new behaved pup. #offleashobedience #aggressivedogtraining #bostondogtraining #aggressiverehabilitationtraining
“Boo” came to us a few weeks ago for aggression. He’s doing awesome! #aggressiverehabilitationtraining #bostondogtrainers #offleashobedience #bostondogtraining #aggressivedogtraining
“Sicario” having fun and playing in the snow. He loves it! 😂
We really appreciate you guys sharing.