1.0 Homes Hingeback Tortoise looking for a new 🏡.
Last babies of 2024! First soak!
#beardeddragon #beardie #babybeardeddragon #bath #lizard #reptile #pet #animal #nature
Baby 3 toed box turtle enjoying a super worm treat! #boxturtle #threetoedboxturtle #babyturtle
Not the best video but got some footage of our ornate wood turtles mating!
#ornatewoodturtle #rhinoclemmyspulcherrimamanni #turtle #reptile #animal #pet #nature
Not the best video but got some footage of our ornate wood turtles mating! #ornatewoodturtle #rhinoclemmyspulcherrimamanni #turtle #reptile #animal #pet #nature
Not the best video but got some footage of our ornate wood turtles mating!
#ornatewoodturtle #rhinoclemmyspulcherrimamanni #turtle #reptile #animal #pet #nature
Giving our tortoises a soak!
Baby to adult yellow belly slider! #babyturtle
Taking deposits on these guys! Should be ready to go in the next week or two! We have:2 hypo trans3 hypo leatherbacks 4 hypos #babybeardeddragon #beardeddragon #beardie #lizard #reptile #pet #animal #nature #baby
Male redfoot tortoise combat! #redfoot #tortoise #combat #mma #tortoisemma #turtle
The sweet sound of chickens!
How we food prep for our herbivorous reptiles! (Our cyclura, tortoises, and bearded dragons)
Panther chameleon absolutely smacks a HUGE caterpillar #pantherchameleon #reptiles