Milo is looking for his forever home!!
Milo was surrendered to one of our fosters last October! He's still waiting for his family to find him!
Milo is a little shy but warms up quickly! He falls hard for his family and deserves the same dedication in return! He's very affectionate and enjoys hanging out with his trusted friends!
Milo gets along with everyone! All dogs, cats, bunnies, and people are approved by Milo! He will make a great addition to any home!
Milo is 5.5 years old. He's been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated for RHDV2.
Foster-made video below!
We need to raise $40 for Angel's booster vaccine on the 10th! Any amount helps!!
Venmo: @Operation_Bun_Bun
We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!
Sammy headed back to the vet this week and is doing great!!
Sammy is our splayed leg bunny who we saved from imminent death a few weeks ago! Splayed leg is a disability where one or more legs develop improperly. He is not paralyzed and he still uses his disabled legs to move. They just limit him a little bit!
Sammy's wound where several maggots were hiding is completely healed!! He has some redness on his rear end where he is constantly sliding around, but we're brainstorming ways to help him!
Other than some redness around his back legs, Sammy is living a normal bunny life! With a few accommodations of course.
Through various stretches and physical therapy, we are working on keeping his muscles loose as he grows! With his disability, some of the muscles in his legs aren't being used, so our goal is to keep these healthy to allow him to develop as normal!
He moves really fast and sometimes trips up and ends up on his back, unable to right himself. This was resulting in us keeping him more confined when not supervised. He has learned to roll back over to his stomach to continue the zoomies, so he's been able to slowly get more space!
Sammy has graduated to a full sized pen with lots of supervised freeroaming! He's a fast little guy and very tiny, so we have to keep our eyes out for him! 😆 He needs solid paneling around the bottom of his pen to keep his legs from getting stuck.
Sammy has also been introduced to littertraining this week and has been learning to use his hay feeder! It has to be placed very low on his pen so it took us some time to find what worked best. This has been helping him with his litter training! His litter box is also very low entry (less than 1/2 inch tall) so he can easily access it.
Sammy has also been playing with a few bunny friendly kitties and enjoys the company of his small dog friend!
We are currently brainstorming ways to help Sammy get some time up off his hind legs to prevent irritation as he moves. He's a short lit
Sammy update!!
Last Tuesday, Sammy was dropped off at our vet following an ER visit the weekend prior.
To summarize, Sammy was in rough shape and began seizing soon after getting to his foster home. He also had a maggot infestation and a large wound on his back end. About an hour after intake, he was rushed to UT emergency. Sammy is splayed legged. For a more detailed backstory, search "Sammy" on our page!
Before his appointment with our regular vet, we believed that he was about 5 weeks old despite being told that he was 8 weeks old by his previous owner. Our vet agreed with this estimate - until she saw his xrays.
Sammy's joints were almost completely fused, which happens at 4 months old. Based on his bone development, we're estimating his age at 12 weeks old. This brought up some new concerns. Why is he so small?
He could just be a really tiny dwarf baby, and since we know nothing about his siblings or parents, we can't rule that out. More likely is malnutrition and developmental issues. What we do know is that he has two rear splayed legs which is a developmental problem, so this could be contributing to his small size as well as improper diet.
Sammy passed his neuro exam and has no signs of neurological disorder! He hasn't had anymore seizures since intake, so our vet agrees with the theory of low blood sugar, low body temperature, and anemia causing his seizures. All of these are a result of him not eating for several hours prior to coming to us.
Bunnies NEED access to hay at all times at the bare minimum. He hadn't had anything to eat for hours and was immediately given alfalfa hay when he arrived. Not having food of any kind for even a few hours can prove fatal for an adult bunny. Imagine what it does to a baby...
Sammy's wound is healing well and we switched to a topical antibiotic rather than the oral one prescribed at the ER. His genitals were still so swollen from severe urine scalding that we had been unable to sex him, so we say "he" loose
Bunabee will be available soon!!
Bunabee is our first intake of the year!! He was surrendered to our NC location because his owner knew he needed more than a small outdoor hutch.
He has been thriving since coming in and he's the sweetest boy! He enjoys running laps with various toys and he requires lots of attention at all times!!
Bunabee is about 3 years old and he's been neutered! He is currently being fostered in Marble, NC but he needs a Knoxville foster in order to come to Knoxville and complete his vetting!
He won't be available for adoption until he has arrived and had been microchipped and vaccinated.
If interested in fostering Bunabee or another bunny, let us know!!
We've successfully raised enough funding to get our remaining bunnies (for now) fixed!! We'll schedule the last surgery on Monday!
Now, we need to work on raising money to get 6 bunnies vaccinated!! Each bunny needs $80 ($40 for each vaccine) to be fully vaccinated! Any amount helps!!
PayPal: [email protected]
We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus for the next few weeks! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!!
Bunabee is a fun little guy who will be available soon!!
Bunabee was surrendered to our NC location recently. His owner knew that an outdoor hutch was not suitable and wanted a better life for him! We were happy to help her give him that!
Bunabee is so friendly and loves attention!! He has been thriving in his foster home!!
He has already seen our vet due to getting a little too "excited" about the other bunnies... Poor guy rubbed against his entire pen creating an infection. He'll be seeing our vet again for a recheck in a few weeks to make sure it's been resolved! Neutering is next on his list.. 😆
Bunabee is the sweetest bunny! He is about 3 years old. He will be neutered, microchipped, and fully vaccinated prior to adoption!
More on Bunabee soon!
Only 1 more vaccine sponsor needed!! $35 fully covers our next vaccine clinic!
Venmo: Operation_Bun_Bun
We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus for the next few weeks!! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!!