Operation Bun Bun Rescue

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  • Operation Bun Bun Rescue

Operation Bun Bun Rescue Nonprofit 501(c)(3) domestic rabbit rescue located in Knoxville, TN.

Our focus is on saving bunnies in the East Tennessee area and finding them loving forever homes!

March Needs:We have 7 initial vaccines to raise money for!These 7 vaccines, will need booster vaccines as well as 1 more...

March Needs:

We have 7 initial vaccines to raise money for!

These 7 vaccines, will need booster vaccines as well as 1 more who has already started her vaccine but just needs the booster!

We have 3 neuters and 2 spays to raise money for before we can schedule them!

As soon as we can raise the money needed for these surgeries and vaccines, we will get them scheduled!!

Any amount helps as we get everyone one step closer to adoption!!! ❤️🐰


Each vaccine (both initial and booster) is $40!

We need $125 for each neuter and $165 for each spay!

Any amount helps!!

PayPal: [email protected]
CashApp: $OperationBunBun
Zelle: (330)690-5350


Supplies needed include any type of grass hay and rabbit pellets! These supplies can be found on our amazon wishlist if desired. Cleaning supplies and paper towels are ALWAYS needed!

We have lots of babies here that need alfalfa hay and young rabbit pellets! Anything helps!!

We also always need blankets and towels for the bunnies! Consider buying the bunnies a few things from our Amazon list below!



We are having an adoption event on March 8th at Southern Belles Closet from 11am-5pm! Come see us and our adoptable bunnies!

146 N Forest Park Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37909

We are looking for hosts for upcoming months for adoption events! Message us if you'd like to host!

We need a few pen toppers for these future events so we can bring more pens and less cages! Without toppers, pens are not safe for outdoor events. Toppers can be found on our amazon list linked above!


Our online store is open!! Shipping becomes cheaper with each item added to your cart! Use our link to get $10 off your first purchase (new Mercari members only) and then we get $10 when you make your first purchase! You do not have to purchase from our store to get this deal! Sign up here: https://merc.li/3STXmHNWb

Shop our store here: https://www.mercari.com/u/387768914?sv=0

Don't forget to follow our business page Bun Bun Thrift! 50% of sales go to the rescue!


Operation Bun Bun Rescue is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax deductible and help save the discarded domestic bunnies of East Tennessee!! 🐰


Available pets can be viewed here: tn1000.petfinder.com


Check out our website and leave us some feedback!



We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus!! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Tiramisu is working on bonding and should be adopted soon!!Currently in a foster to adopt home, she is working on bondin...

Tiramisu is working on bonding and should be adopted soon!!

Currently in a foster to adopt home, she is working on bonding to the other resident bunnies!

She's doing well and they'll be bonded in no time!

Lookout for her adoption post soon!!


Apple is starting her vaccine next week! We need a sponsor for her vaccine!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus!! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Bonding Series Part  #3Incorrect Bonding MethodsWe've mentioned before that there are lots of ways to bond bunnies, and ...

Bonding Series Part #3

Incorrect Bonding Methods

We've mentioned before that there are lots of ways to bond bunnies, and we think it's important to address the incorrect and harmful ways to bond.

The following bonding methods are commonly used because they appear to bond bunnies quickly with very little fighting or issues.

When 2 bunnies are extremely submissive and accept anyone, any bonding method will work because they really don't care. The likelihood of anyone adopting or purchasing 2 bunnies who have love at first sight, is one in a million. For 99.9% of us, these bonding methods will do more harm than good and will require more time bonding in the future.

In some cases, the bunnies suffer and are rehomed because their family refuses to accept the fact that they are the ones in the wrong. Please do right by your bunnies and bond correctly the first time. Don't make them suffer because you want to make things happen faster.

When researching bonding, these methods may come up. Below is a description of each and why it should not be used.

- Car/Carrier Bonding, sometimes known as "smooshing" - This method works well for chinchillas, but never bunnies. It involves putting the bunnies in a small carrier where they cannot move and driving them around in a car. This is a form of stress bonding.

The fear of small spaces and the vibrations/noise of the car are terrifying for bunnies. The scared bunnies rely on each other for comfort to get through this scary encounter. The terrified bunnies seem bonded after several days or weeks of this and move in together easily. Eventually, after a few days, a few weeks, sometimes several months later, the bunnies realize that they are safe. The fear wears off and so does the bond. If you're not home when this happens, they can seriously injure each other resulting in emergency vet care.

- Bathtub bonding - This method involves placing the bunnies in the bathtub to bond. Some of the basics are correct: bathtubs are typically not a normal bunny haven so they are neutral. Humans can stay outside of the tub and only intervene when needed. This is also a form of stress bonding.

Bathtubs are very slick and even with blankets on the bottom, bunnies cannot move quickly. When bunnies inevitably attempt to hump or fight, they slip and slide and are unable to. Their muscles strain and they give up. Normal bonding behaviors cannot be done in a bathtub so bonding cannot progress. Bathtubs can't be expanded either. A critical part of bonding is expanding the bonding pen after a few days of good behavior. This is to teach the bunnies how to claim new territory together. This method has a few correct actions described above so bonds tend to last longer, but will inevitably crumble with a trip to the vet or spring fever setting in.

- Placing bunnies in a claimed territory - some bonding sites tell you to place one bunny into another bunny's territory and break up fights. This won't work because the bunnies will not stop fighting over territory. No one wants a stranger to walk into their house and proclaim that they live here now and the residents must accept. Bunnies are very violent about this as you may be too...

- "Exposure Therapy" - Some people say that bunnies need to be placed in pens right next to each other so they get used to each other's smells and behaviors. After they settle, they say to eemove the barriers and they'll be bonded. You may see the bunnies flop together next to their shared pen walls, and think that this is a great sign!

It's actually not. Barriers between bunnies mean absolutely nothing. They each have their own territory so they couldn't care less about the other bunny after awhile. Truth is, the bunnies don't need to see each other at all before bonding and keeping them in different rooms is often easier than trying to keep everything 100% equal to prevent jealousy. More on this later. The flopping against the shared wall is a territorial behavior. They bunnies are daring the other to cross over. True bonding only happens in a neutral space. Bunnies can fight through these barriers (please don't let them do this...) and be just fine in the bonding pen because it's NEUTRAL. Everything in bunny bonding comes back to territory and neutrality.

These are just a few of the most common incorrect bonding procedures. If it seems too easy, it probably is. We really hope bonding will be easy for everyone, but the reality is that it probably won't be. It's better to prepare for the worst and be pleasantly surprised than to expect a 2 week bond and not get there.

Following an incorrect or stress bonding method only leads to fragile bonds that can break at any amount of stress or change. True, strong bonds won't be broken for any reason. Do it right the first time, and enjoy your happy fluffle for years to come!

There are a few more topics we need to cover before we get into how to bond.

Bonding starts the second another bunny comes into the home and there are many things that should be done before the bunnies are ever allowed to meet in a neutral space. Bonding too soon will only lead to more fighting, so we'll make sure you're prepared before we start!

Next week, we'll discuss common mistakes that are made before and during the bonding process so that you can avoid them!


Apple finally starts her vaccine next week!! We need a sponsor for her vaccine!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Engage with our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Bugs is STILL looking for his forever home!!Bugs, our longest term resident, was brought to us with a few other bunnies ...

Bugs is STILL looking for his forever home!!

Bugs, our longest term resident, was brought to us with a few other bunnies after their outdoor housing was destroyed in a series of storms. The other bunnies have found their forever homes, but Bugs is still looking for his!

Bugs is super sweet and laidback! He loves making new friends and relaxing on his hidey houses!

Bugs gets along with everyone! He loves cats, dogs of all sizes, and bunnies!

Bugs is approaching 8 years old, and because of his age, he is continuously passed up or refused. Bugs is a healthy guy and doesn't let his age slow him down!

He's been neutered, microchipped, and is up to date on his RHDV2 vaccine.



Clover will be spayed today! Any amount helps us cover her visit!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

On March 8th, we'll be back at Southern Belles Closet for an adoption event!! Come see us and several adoptable bunnies!...

On March 8th, we'll be back at Southern Belles Closet for an adoption event!!

Come see us and several adoptable bunnies!! We'll be there from 11am-5pm

Only approved applicants can adopt from the event, so get your applications in NOW!!

See you there!!

146 N Forest Park Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37909


Cleo is starting her vaccine today, and Clover will be spayed tomorrow!! Any amount helps!!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Baguette, Croissant, and Éclair have arrived from South Carolina!!Wayward Rabbits in Lauren, SC, was already overwhelmed...

Baguette, Croissant, and Éclair have arrived from South Carolina!!

Wayward Rabbits in Lauren, SC, was already overwhelmed when their parents joined the rescue. Adding 10 babies on top of their already strained resources led them to reach out for help!

We've had multiple adoptions in the last few months so we agreed to take whoever didn't have a rescue commitment by the time they were 10 weeks old and ready to leave mama!

At 11 weeks and 4.5+lbs, these babies are growing fast and will continue to grow quickly! They are settling into their foster homes, and we could use some help with alfalfa hay, young rabbit pellets, and other supplies from our Amazon list below!

We'll post more updates as we go, but these guys will not be available for adoption for a few months. We are not accepting interest on them yet and we won't start until they are ready for adoption. We know they will be adopted fast, so we will wait for the best homes to find them!

Stay tuned as they grow and start their vetting in a few weeks!


We need help with alfalfa hay, young rabbit pellets, litter, and toys! Shop our amazon list or donate any amount to help out! Thank you!

Cleo and Clover are going to their vet this week, and we still need help covering their visits too!



We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Bonding Series Part  #2Pre-requisites for BondingBefore you get started with the bonding process, there are a few pre-re...

Bonding Series Part #2

Pre-requisites for Bonding

Before you get started with the bonding process, there are a few pre-requisites that must be completed before you can start.

Maybe you already have a few bunnies you'd like to bond, or you're just thinking about adding to the family and researching the bonding process.

In either scenario, the bunny pairing is the least important! Breed, size, age, ability level, color, ear shape, or fur type doesn't matter when bonding bunnies, they simply do not care about these things!

The only thing that matters is that EVERYONE is spayed or neutered. As mentioned before, bunnies are extremely territorial, but they are especially territorial when their hormones are running their body.

Intact bunnies cannot form true bonds. They are extremely aggressive and will fight to severely or fatally injure. Even if one bunny is fixed, if the other is not, the bond will always be rocky. That is, if you can ever get them calm enough to coexist.

Intact bunnies bite to deglove and injure. Intact males are at risk of painful castration (ask Nicholas about his experience with this...) Have your bunnies neutered the humane way, or the other bunnies will do it for you.

Hormonal bunnies are also generally more unpredictable and aggressive because all they can think about is breeding. Remove these hormones to give your bunny a more peaceful life even if you never plan to bond.

As a general rule, you'll want to wait at least 8 weeks after their spay/neuter to allow hormones to settle down. After surgery, their hormones will surge for a few weeks before finally settling. Some bunnies need less time while others need more, but 8 weeks is a good starting point!

While spaying and neutering is the only true prerequisite, there are a few things that may make bonding easier.

As mentioned previously, bonding is a hierarchy. Someone will be the most dominant while someone else will be the most submissive. This comes down to their personalities and varies with each bunny.

The way a bunny interacts with cats, dogs, people, etc tells you nothing about how they will do with other bunnies. A bossy, sassy bunny may seem like she would be dominant, but when bonding she may quickly become the most submissive. The only way to tell is to let them meet!

If you already have a few bunnies you plan to bond, their first meeting should be in the bonding pen.

If you still need to adopt, always bring your fixed bunny to meet with other fixed bunnies to see who is more dominant or submissive. This will ensure bonding goes smoothly for everyone. Any rescue will offer this service and have useful insight on who is the best match!

If you're not sure, no worries!! Even two very dominant bunnies will bond. Dominant bunnies just need a lot more time to work through their hierarchy. This could mean your bond takes several months rather than a few weeks, but if you're committed and follow proper bonding procedures, any bunnies will bond with time!

If your first bond didn't go so well, and you're wary about the next one, don't shy away from adding to your crew!!

There are always exceptions, but bonding trios tends to be the hardest pairing regardless of the bunnies involved. Two bunnies are easier than 3, but 4 or more is the easiest!

When adding bunnies to your established fluffle, a new bunny is (probably) not going to take on 5 bunnies to get to the top. Groups settle in more nicely, so if you want a group fluffle one day, keep going and you'll get there in no time! 😉

In this series, we are bonding 4. Two dominant females, and two submissive males. One male and female were previously bonded, so we are adding a single female and a single male.

Stay tuned for more tips and instructions on proper bonding and how to make it easier for everyone!


Cleo and Clover are seeing the vet this week! We need help covering their appointments. Any amount helps!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Lex and Lexie will be available soon!! Lex and Lexie were pulled from Huntsville Animal Services. They were unable to fi...

Lex and Lexie will be available soon!!

Lex and Lexie were pulled from Huntsville Animal Services. They were unable to find them homes and their local rescues were full. We happened to have a few recent adoptions that opened up space to take them in, so they were brought to Knoxville!

These guys are very sweet and are thriving in their foster home!! They were fixed at the shelter and put together afterwards, so we are closely monitoring their bond. They're doing well so far, but since they were not properly bonded, there is the potential that it will break easily.

As Lex and Lexie go through their slow expansion phases, we'll know more! They may be available as a bonded pair if their bond has time to strengthen as they work through this hormone surge. We'll update as we go!

Lex and Lexi will be vaccinated in a few weeks as appointments become available! They'll be available for adoption after their vaccine has been completed!


Cleo and Clover are seeing the vet next week! Any amount helps cover their visits!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Nicholas is almost ready for adoption!!Nicholas was surrendered to our vet in critical condition. He had emergency surge...

Nicholas is almost ready for adoption!!

Nicholas was surrendered to our vet in critical condition. He had emergency surgery and was not expected to survive. He's beaten the odds and is continuing to thrive! Search his name on our page for his full story.

Nicholas went to the vet for his booster vaccine and recheck a few weeks ago! He looks great and most of his necrotic skin has healed or fallen away. Everyone is extremely happy with his progress!!

Nicholas has been neutered, microchipped, and is now up to date on his RHDV2 vaccine!

We are waiting for his ear to heal completely before he will be ready for adoption in case of any complications. This should be any day now, and we're hopeful for continued healing and good news!


Cleo and Clover are seeing the vet next week and we need help with these visits! Any amount helps!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Parsley will be available soon!!Parsley was pulled from our local shelter after they reached max capacity and desperatel...

Parsley will be available soon!!

Parsley was pulled from our local shelter after they reached max capacity and desperately needed help!

Parsley is super friendly and laidback! He's done very well with his transition from dumped bunny to shelter life to foster home! He is enjoying meeting new friends and we know he'll be a great addition to any home when he is ready!

Parsley is about 1 year old. He's been vaccinated and will be available for adoption as soon as we are able to schedule his neuter!


Cleo is starting her vaccine and Clover is being spayed next week! Any amount helps!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Bonding Series Part  #1What is bonding?As we go into our bonding series as an attempt to help others feel confident in b...

Bonding Series Part #1

What is bonding?

As we go into our bonding series as an attempt to help others feel confident in bonding their bunnies, it's important to understand what bonding is and why it's different than how other species accept each other.

Bunnies are extremely territorial, even when fixed, and do not immediately get along with other bunnies. Although bunnies are extremely social, getting bunnies to live with another bunny, is hard because of their territorial behavior.

Bunnies and cats often make fast friends because they do not speak the same language and their dominant behaviors are opposite of each other. Bunnies also get along with dogs and people almost immediately, but they never accept other bunnies with the same enthusiasm.

In the wild, bunnies have unlimited space to get away from each other whenever they want to. In our homes, they don't have this luxury so another bunny will always be close by sharing litter boxes, bowls, toys, etc and that's not acceptable if they're not properly bonded.

The bonding process is how we help bunnies claim territory together, rather than separately. It's a tedious process and it can be messy considering you are essentially giving them nothing to fight over. No litter box, no peepads, nothing.

While bonding, the bunnies are placed in a neutral area daily to start the process of claiming this neutral space as a pair, trio, quad, group, etc together.

They are also working out their hierarchy. In any bonded group of bunnies, someone is always the dominant bunny. Bonding can be difficult when there are multiple competitors wanting this "alpha bun" role.

It is always recommended to let the bunnies meet each other before adoption to see how their personalities mesh and if each bunny is more dominant or submissive. Multiple dominant bunnies makes for a difficult, time consuming bond. Dominant bunnies will still bond with time, but there will be more fighting, more involvement on your part, and more time is needed to figure out who is the true top bun.

Until this hierarchy is established, they may get into scuffles and pester each other to see where each bunny lies on the leaderboard. Depending on the bunnies, they may figure this out immediately or it may take weeks or months before someone backs down.

There are many methods to bonding, but not all of them lead to lasting bonds. Fragile bonds may initially appear strong until a stressful event or sickness occurs and causes the fragile edges to break.

The bonding method we use may take longer than other methods, but it has been proven to create lasting, permanent bonds. Trust us, you'll want to take the time and bond correctly the first time.

These are the basics of what bonding is and why it takes so long sometimes. In future posts, we'll go over requirements prior to bonding, how to setup your bonding pen, and what to look for as you go!

Let us know what questions you have about bonding, and we'll address them in future posts!


Cleo starts her vaccine next week and Clover will be spayed! Any amount helps us cover these vet visits!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Mask and Clover are almost ready for adoption!!Mask and Clover were pulled from our local shelter last month. They were ...

Mask and Clover are almost ready for adoption!!

Mask and Clover were pulled from our local shelter last month. They were beyond capacity and needed help, so we stepped in to pull some bunnies!

Mask is super sweet and laidback! Clover is more energetic and always getting into something! She's a sassy lionhead and can't be stopped!

These guys get along with everyone! They live with cats and dogs with no problems and loved the attention at last weeks adoption event!

Mask is already neutered and both bunnies were recently vaccinated for the year! Clover is still intact so they will be available as a bonded pair in a few weeks after she is spayed!


Banana is starting his vaccine today! Any amount helps cover his vaccine!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Just your regular reminder to use our link when ordering from Small Pet Select!!As a SPS ambassador, a portion of each o...

Just your regular reminder to use our link when ordering from Small Pet Select!!

As a SPS ambassador, a portion of each order is donated back to us to help the bunnies!

When ordering your hay, pellets, treats, toys, or other high quality products for your small animals, use our link or code at checkout to helps us raise money for vetting or supplies for our bunnies!

Order here: https://shop.smallpetselect.com/discount/RES-OBBR?rfsn=8388000.20c20a8&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate

Code at checkout: RES-OBBR

Thank you!! 🐰❤️


We need to raise money for Banana's vaccine tomorrow! Any amount helps!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Cleo is almost ready for her forever home!!Cleo came to us in rough shape after her owner passed away. We got her fixed ...

Cleo is almost ready for her forever home!!

Cleo came to us in rough shape after her owner passed away. We got her fixed up immediately, and she's onto her normal vetting schedule!!

Cleo is a sassy, outgoing lady! She never let her illness or infections slow her down! She was recently spayed but still had fun at our adoption event yesterday!

Cleo gets along with everyone but some more dominant pets may have issues with her being dominant, so be careful with introductions.

Cleo is about 2 years old. She's been spayed, and she will be available for adoption as soon as she has completed her vaccine!


We raised $707 plus what the store raised at our adoption event yesterday!! Southern Belles Closet is asking customers to donate at checkout and is matching donations today and tomorrow! If you or a family member is in need of a prom or other formal dress, head over to SBC and double your donation!! ❤️🐰


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

We're at Southern Belles Closet until 5pm today!! Come see us and our adoptable/soon to be adoptable bunnies!! Bugs is h...

We're at Southern Belles Closet until 5pm today!!

Come see us and our adoptable/soon to be adoptable bunnies!!

Bugs is here ready to go to his forever homes to any approved applicants!!

Nicholas, Cleo, Mask, and Clover will be available for adoption in the next few weeks, so come meet them too!!

146 N Forest Park Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37919


Southern Belles Closet (next to Ace) is matching any donations from now until Monday!! Come hang out with some bunnies and help us raise money for the rescue!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Nicholas will be available soon!!Nicholas was surrendered to our vet a few months ago. He was in rough shape and not exp...

Nicholas will be available soon!!

Nicholas was surrendered to our vet a few months ago. He was in rough shape and not expected to survive the night.

Nicholas has overcome sepsis, frostbite, a severe URI, lacerations, and more. He's the sweetest bunny with a huge personality! He's a big guy, and he's not afraid to use his equally large feet to thump his concerns!

Nicholas has gotten along with all dogs and cats so far! He hasn't been bunny tested yet since we are waiting for his ears to heal more.

He's about 1 year old. He's been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. We're waiting for his ears to heal a little more before he is ready for adoption!


We need to raise money for Banana's vaccine next week and to start filing our taxes! Any amount helps!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Banana was neutered a few weeks ago! Banana was surrendered with his children after their mother passed away.Banana is v...

Banana was neutered a few weeks ago!

Banana was surrendered with his children after their mother passed away.

Banana is very social and makes friends easily!!

He'll be starting his vaccine next week and then he will be available for adoption after his vaccine is completed!

Banana is about 8 months old. Look out for his available post in a few weeks!


We emptied our rescue account paying for Cleo's spay yesterday and we still need to file our taxes! We need a sponsor for Banana's vaccine asap and help replenishing the rescue account!!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!

Apple will be available soon!!Apple is Banana's daughter, surrendered with her family after their mother died. Apple is ...

Apple will be available soon!!

Apple is Banana's daughter, surrendered with her family after their mother died. Apple is the last remaining sibling who needs a foster to adopt home!

Apple is super sweet and curious! She loves to explore find new things to chew on!

Apple will be starting her vaccine soon and then she'll next in line for her spay!

She's a little lady due to malnutrition when she was growing, so we've been putting off scheduling her spay for a few more weeks.

Apple is about 4 months old. She is available to a local foster to adopt home who can take her to her vet appointments as she gets old enough! Otherwise she will be available for adoption after her spay and vaccine!


Cleo is being spayed today!! We need help with this appointment. Any amount helps!!


We are receiving Facebook's performance bonus! Comment, react, and share our posts to help us raise money for the bunnies!



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