Meow Nancy here! Oh my GAWSH 😍 you guys sold out Pokemon Trivia online! THANK YOU! However IF you’re dying to go and bummed that you missed out on purchasing online, give us a call and you might be able to snag a spot 😸 (don’t forget that there’s Onigiri! 🍙)
We have 5 available spots left for Catnip & Paint Night on January 25th! 🎨 Do not hesitate to book! This is our most popular event and we would LOVE IT if you could come 😺 express your inner piCATsso 🧑🎨
Join us on February 7th for FELINE IN LOVE: SLUMBER PARTY 💕 this is our new Valentines event this year! It’s gonna be cute 💖 it’s gonna be cozy 💗 there’s gonna be pizza 🍕 your cutest pajamas are SO encouraged 💞
head on over to our website meow!!!