A Good Read, co-written by a Special Dachshund Friend and Customer: Shirley Jones. Dachshund Gifts Book FYI: Well Rounded Story...including the Rescue of a Sweet Little Red Dachshund, from an Earthquake. Parts of this story are based on True Events. Heart Throbbing, Non-Stop Action that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This Book has been dedicated to Dachshunds all over the World and a special dedication to the Author's own sweet little dachshund, whom has recently passed. Check it Out and tell us what you think. Purchase this book in Paperback or eBook at Amazon.com and Smashwords.com. Other devices can be downloaded from the Publisher's Site at: Casadesnapdragon.com.
(Note: This is a book recommendation, only. Dachshund Gifts does not sell or endorse this book. The information above is an opinion and recommendation only.)
Note from Co-Author, Shirley Jones:
"To all my face book friends: My sister and I wrote a book entitled SPIRITS OF THE JUNGLE.
Cheryl's lifelong dream of exploring as an archeologist in 1972 has finally come to fruition as she and four other archeology students and two professors take a riveting seven month journey to Central America. Aware of the war between two opposing armies of rebel soldiers deep in the jungle, they trek and dodge bullets while exploring caves with lavish Mayan treasures. Temptation leads to eventual consequences as they discover gold and crystal skulls forbidden to be removed.
Cheryl's love of nature and unbridled curiosity often lure her to explore alone and is sought by a spirit offering her a priceless, dangerous gift. Her persistence in acquainting herself with a small child, heightens the danger to her and the group, leading to their capture and are escorted to a hidden underground facility controlled by N**i soldiers. A marvelous secret is revealed.
Their journey draws them to meet missionaries and priests, including a personal alien contact and lights of an unknown source.
Accepting an invitation by an ominous archeologist and a tribe of ancient people, Cheryl discovers too late a deadly truth.
The end of their travels is erupted by a devastating earthquake killing two team members. Cheryl's pain is eased by the love of a lost dachshund."