So I'm taking pics and videos of adoptables.. My phone was resting on the table and this song was playing while I filmed. Jumping spiders hear" through vibration and this guy danced around the whole time (this went on for 5+ minutes 🤣). "Wavey Davey" is apparently a Glass Animals fan. If someone doesn't adopt him soon then I'll be keeping him 😅
#jumpingspiders #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspider #jumpingspiderpet #jumpingspidersofinstagram ##phidippus #glassanimals #waveydavey
The way this jumper blamed me at the end 🤣
#jumpingspiders #spiders #phidippus #salticidae #funnyanimals #arachnids #invertebrates
New galaxy keychains available! I have a few different colors - can pick up at expos, locally, and shipping available!
#jumpingspiders #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspider #spiders #jumpingspiderpet
Nashville!!! Come see me - I'm here until 5 😁
*Don't try this at home* 😅 Separating a Texanus communal. They are so fun!
#jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspiders #jumpingspiderpet #petjumpingspider #phidippustexanus #phidippus #salticidae #petspider #truespider
Successful pairing today! Phidippus princeps. They have fun loving personalities despite being a smaller species. Really looking forward to sharing this species with you all later this year 😁
#jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspiders #jumpingspiderpet #phidippusprinceps #phidippus
Introducing the Magnolia Green jumping spider! This is a tiny species with an unusual appearance. This spider is translucent which results in seeing the eye cones when they move. 👀
#jumpingspiders #magnoliajumpingspider #naturelover #truespider #spider
One of my new mamas - She's a SC locale regius with the most beautiful green chels!
#jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspiders #petjumpingspider #phidippusregius
Adumbratus spiderlings. It won't be long until they are ready to venture out of the nest and start hunting 🤩
#jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspiders #jumpingspider #phidippus #phidippusadumbratus #spiderling
Cutest flailing arms award 🏆 goes to.. Texanus! Really though, how freaking cute is this little one? 🥹🕷️
#jumpingspider #phidippus #phidippustexanus #petjumpingspider #jumpingspiderpet #jumpingspiders