Barnett Services LLC

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When I talked to everyone in February about increases I expressed a hope that the price would go down on Round 2. I was wrong. The price of my normal second application has DOUBLED. Instead of calling all of the customers again for an increase for that fertilizer, increase on herbicide and can't forget gas, I'm going to switch to the 18-2-4 Organic I use in the fall. The lawns looked great when we pulled up to do the 1st one after using the same organic, so why not 2 organic applications? I already had a couple organic only customers and their lawns look great. Organic instead of price increase - sounds great to me!
Be rich in the things money can't buy!


I spoke to a couple competitor's techs last week and it's the same sentiment- weather has hampered getting lawns treated this spring. Keep in mind the restrictions placed on us to treat a lawn; Snow, frost, rain and wind.
Snow- can't see w**ds, can't spray w**ds.
Frost- walk on lawn with a hard frost and it may kill the grass. I've seen lawns where the mailman (or woman) walks their route when frost is present and their footprints are clearly visible.
Rain- wash in the granular fertilizer and wash off w**d control. Sticker/surfactants mixed in tank can offset light rain.
Wind- each Herbicide states on the label the high wind threshold to reduce or eliminate the chance of drift to a non-target species. It is usually 10-15 mph! I don't want to hurt your flowers or shrubs.
Add up the number of days these conditions have existed this year then subtract that from the number of days, that will give you how many days we've been able to work. I've started to treat at 10-11:00 more times this year than ever. Wait for frost to melt, treat for 2-3 hours until the wind or rain starts up. We will finished the first application to all lawns this week!
On bugs...always have been and always will be. There's some nasty apartments and homes out there that are occupied by some nasty people. They don't care. As soon as I think I've seen the worse that there could possibly be, there's another new low. Your nightmares couldn't be as bad as reality.

As always, Be Rich In The Things Money Can't Buy!


Well another new year. Let's get right to the point, I was informed last Friday by my Lawn Care rep that fertilizer prices are up 37% (Wholesale) compared to 2021. My fertilizer price for Round 5 (organic) last fall went up 25% the second week. I didn't raise my price and lost money to treat lawns. W**d Control cost has gone up 12% as well. I will be calling all my Lawn customers this week personally to inform them of the increase. There won't be any negotiation on the price, I don't make 37% profit and won't pay to treat a lawn.
If you aren't home when I call I'll leave a message on your voicemail or answering machine. If I don't talk to you and you don't call me back your service will be cancelled. I have to place an order for fertilizer and pay for it in advance. I don't want to buy more than I'll need considering the cost and we're 6-8 weeks out from applying it. That's taking into consideration I won't recover the cost until I'm paid by the customers.
Keep in mind the components of the fertilizer are mined in China and they're not happy with the U.S. right now and all the supply chain issues. Russia just announced last week they won't be exporting the main fertilizer farmers use either.
The "good" news is Pest Control products have "only" gone up 7% wholesale. Retail prices are reported to have increased 7.5%. This is over and above paying more for fuel (gas, diesel, natural gas and electricity). Rough times!

As always, Be Rich In The Things Money Can't Buy!!


2021, what a year! On the Lawn side..Crabgrass pre-emergent shortage to start and finish with the price of fertilizer up 27%. Didn't know from one week to another if I could get fertilizer, then get it and gasp at the price. Overall lawns looked great except for our summer drought.
On the Pest side we've seen more single year severe Roach infestations than ever before. Tenants get evicted, tenant moves out. Inspectors go in and call me. We get there, open the door and 25 roaches fall down from the door frame! This happened more times than I care to remember. Bedbugs had theirs as well. Every one has a can of bedbug spray and a pound of DE powder and swears it works. I just want to ask if it works then why are we here?? Why did it take under 30 seconds to find live bedbugs?
As always, Be Rich In The Things Money Can't Buy!
Happy Holidays!!


We've had a great year with all this rain. Although we complain about mowing it, it still looks good. I've had many customers praise the results but yourself on the back! What we do I 1/3 of what he lawn needs - fertilize to make the turf healthy and thick. Apply herbicides to eliminate w**ds which compete for nutrients and water.
Your mowing is 1/3. Weather is the other 1/3. I realize that some customers become tired of mowing and lowered their blades in the hope of reducing the frequency required. I didn't leave a comment on the invoice on most knowing this was the case. I have neighbors that scalp their lawns and their lawns are nothing but w**ds. They wait until it's 4" to mow, which after mowing at 1" their w**ds go to seed. Look at your neighbor's lawns to your south and west. That's the direction the wind blows in summer. Get 6-10" of rain on top of that. That's why we are spraying so much w**d control at this time. All the w**ds we're spraying are young, not large like they were missed the last application.
My neighbors on both sides scalp their lawns. Each has mowed one width onto my property, resulting in that spot being nothing but w**ds with a long road to recovery.
Now we aren't getting any rain and the lawns are in drought stress. If you're not watering stop mowing until we get rain next week. The grass blade stores the plant's water, there's none in the soil for it to bring up right now. You cut off 1/2 of the grass blade you just took away 1/2 of its stored water. Rapid decline begins. You can go a month without food but only days without water.
On the pest side...I had to replace my computer this year in May. What's this got to do with Pest Control? Yesterday I had to schedule a Bedbug Follow-up for a commercial property that had a rental with a severe infestation (don't ask - you don't want to know). I realized this is the First follow-up I've had to do since I got the new computer because I had to create the service Bed Bug Follow-up. Talk about One-And-Done treatments! Want to grow your business? Try the best service and results combined with the lowest cost to the consumers.
Now for my 2 cents ....there's a lot of comments online berating small business owners about their pay. Every small business owner is a gambler. You spend $100 to buy products or supplies and labor in the hope that your experience and expertise with create $125 in revenue. Does that mean you, the owner make $25? Maybe, maybe not. If you make $25 you have to support yourself after taxes. I'm a widower, which to the IRS means single, which is the higher tax bracket. There were many times the first couple years when we wondered if we could make the mortgage payment that month (when my wife was alive - married filing jointly to the IRS). All this is a lead-in to say I'm glad I'm NOT A Landlord. There isn't one that I've serviced - large and small - that hasn't had at least one tenant not pay rent, utilities, etc. for a year or more. I made this comment to a small landlord 3 months ago and his comment was "We're not landlords, we're Sponsers. We are still paying the mortgage, water, gas and electric on the units and still fixing what they break". In the last 30 days I've seen horrendous things. Tenants had no intention of paying for anything, didn't try to work just living off stimulus checks. They finally get forced out - we've been there treating for their massive infestation of roaches and bedbugs in filthy conditions throughout the Rona. As an added touch they purposely left food in the fridge and freezer, unplugged them with the doors opened and opened the windows when they left. They never swept or mopped the floors when they lived there. Walk in and the smell from the rotting food is enough to gag a maggot. A landlord told me yesterday that an evicted tenant moved out Wednesday and left all their junk and trash. They turned off the air and left the house closed up. Thursday the cleaners go in and the tenants left their cat, with no food or water and Shut Off The Air! How low can you go? I see new lows weekly. The cat was alive. The landlord called the Humane Society and gave them tenant info and pictures.

As always, Be Rich In The Things Money Can't Buy!


We will have all lawn customers serviced Monday to end Rd. 1. The crabgrass pre-emergent shortage and weather made it a challenge to get anything done. Shut down in 2020 for a while, shortage in '21..always a challenge!
Another mower complained about how much he's working on lawns I service. As I have always said we get it healthy, the rain makes it grow. If you question this, wait until summer (or fall) when it doesn't rain- still have the color but not mowing nearly as much. Don't forget I use the same thing on my own yard that I have to mow.
On the pest front it's year 'round, but there's seasonal additions. Bedbugs and roaches are always indoors but once the weather looks at a calendar and realizes May is around the corner ( Snow is possible this week) maybe the occasional invading insects (ants, centipedes, spiders, etc.) will get going. Don't forget the hornets and wasps, they come with consistent warm weather. **If you get bees don't call an exterminator/Pest Control Professional, call a beekeeper or the Howard County Purdue Extension Agent for a list of beekeepers. The industry hasn't killed Honey Bees for years..we need pollination for fruits, vegetables and flowers.


2020....what a year! On the Lawn side - Plenty of rain early, then dry. Unlike 2019 when it rained every 2-3 days until September, the rain was sporadic at best. It depended on where you live as to if/how much rain you got. Minor grub activity primarily in the Silk Stocking area.
On the Pest side it never ceases to amaze me how many times we walked out of a unit thinking "How do people live like this?". One tenant asked why we all wear hats to which I replied "So the bugs don't fall from the ceiling on us!" How bad does it have to get before you say enough is enough and take action? Especially when our taxes are paying for it?
It's OK that you choose to live with overflowing mounds of trash and your sinks and countertops are full of dirty dishes, your floors haven't been swept or mopped since you moved in..but we'll overlook that! NOT!! The look on a property manager's face when I told her the floors that she just walked on (with sandals on) were covered in dog and cat excrement pretty well sums it up!
Yup, 2020 was bad being shut down for a while and conditions in some were beyond terrible but we still have some Great Customers and Employees!! Thank You all!!
Looking forward to 2021's season even though it's starting off poorly. We will answer the call.
Be Rich In The Things Money Can't Buy!


I've had numerous customers comment recently about how nice their lawns are looking. We appreciate that! That being said what we do is only 1/3 of what it takes. The other 2/3rds being the weather (temperature, wind speed and rain) and your mowing (3.5" ideal) and watering when weather doesn't do its part. Pat yourself on the back while you're at it!

Be rich in the things money can't buy!! Charlie


For everyone messaging me with a question or for a quote...Facebook messenger for business has quit working since their last 2 updates! Call 765-434-5550 during normal business hours.
**We Don't MOW!**


Thanks to the IPLLA for clarification from Governor Holcomb. Because Lawncare is outside we can go back to treating lawns. We are behind a couple weeks but will try to catch up ASAP! Although we like our customers we want you and us to stay healthy by practicing social distancing. Out yesterday it was nice to see people (strangers) watching us and smiling. One walked by and said "does this mean Summer will come?". A little hope can go a long way! Stay safe, stay home and get ready for flowers, cookouts and mowing!! I cooked burgers on the grill last week for Doug (my dog) and myself, he said they were great. Have flowers in bloom but not looking forward to mowing. Yes, I fertilized my own lawn last week then it rained, get the mower ready.


Our Lawn Care and Pest Control operations have come to a screeching halt. When this is over we'll be back as strong as ever! We have everything needed to get the job done. In the mean time the lawns will be ok and the bugs get to live another day. All will be addressed in time.
Until then, take care of yourselves and each other. Help each other, we are stronger than this. Use common sense, stay home. Don't expose yourself and others to unnecessary risk. I know, I know it's boring at home at this point. Stay busy, keep your mind occupied and enjoy the time off. Remind your children, grandchildren, relatives, friends or pets that they're important. Wave to your neighbors. Relax. Restore. Replenish your soul how you see fit.

More than ever, Be Rich In The Things Money Can't Buy!!


Gearing up for Spring! Due to dry conditions last fall in which we couldn't pull a decent plug we get to start off 2020 doing aeration and overseeding. With spring rain the seed germination should be close to 100%.
I was jokingly asked by a customer a couple weeks ago at a church dinner why we hadn't fertilized their lawn yet to which I asked ready to mow? Neither am I but the -15 windchill last week made me rethink that. Spring will be here soon (I had flowers coming up) and we'll enjoy the warm sunshine again. Just a little longer.....
Be rich in the things money can't buy!


2019 what a year for lawns, rain and rain in the spring. Couldn't get a full week of treating done for all the rain. Applications were 6-7 weeks apart, which means the previous fertilizer was done and color faded. With all the rain came w**ds, which meant blanket apply w**d control instead of spot spraying. Treated 100k square feet a day more times than I want to remember just to try to get caught up. Then for good measure throw in the customers that take 60+ days to pay, complain that the lawn didn't "look good".
My reply was it took you 2+ months to pay a $30-35 bill. Your lawn was FULL of w**ds last fall when we started. One miracle application didn't happen last fall after 20+ years of neglect. I cancelled over a dozen customers this year. They don't realize I make $4-6 on a smaller lawn per application, their terrible lawn condition, lack of proper mowing habits (one was mowing 1.5") and bad payment history makes it so they would only have 3 applications in a season unbearable. Print return envelopes, invoices, statements, phone calls to treat then trying to collect my $12 for the year isn't worth it.

Then summer...dry, hot summer. No rain. We can only live a few days without water. Unless you watered your lawn it went weeks without. We have cool-season grasses that are not supposed to be in climates over 85 degrees regularly without going into stress. Combine that with drought stress and most lawns didn't fare well. Not a good year weather wise. Challenging to say the least!

Live and learn, look forward to next year! Don't take this wrong, I have a lot of GREAT customers. I try to explain everything up front to customers but when it goes 30 days past due, get told "the check is in the mail" when it isn't and won't be for a while yet it makes me appreciate the rest of you. I get payment from some 4 days after service. One I cancelled posted on FB the trip to Vegas, concerts in Indy, dinner out, " making soo much money" selling $5 jewelry that it took her 95 days to pay a $28 bill. Left messages on her cell without reply, sent statements every 30 days, texted and got reply she "forgot". I spent my $4 on postage and my time. Makes me appreciate YOU even more. Thank You!
Be rich in the things money can't buy!!


Oh rain, where art thou? In the spring we got so much rain that it was taking 6-7 weeks to get the lawn customers treated. The rain stopped and the heat came. And stayed. It got so dry we had to hold off treating for hmm, 6-7 weeks. Deja vu. Now it's so dry the metal rod on the lawn flag bends just to get it in. Aeration and Overseeding won't get done until early spring. To pull a 2" plug you'd have to water each section of turf for 3 hours. Can you say expensive? Not only pay for the water but also the sewage bill that they don't have to treat. It will get done, just not in the desired time frame.
On the Pest Control side it seems we walk out shaking our head more and more thinking how do people live like this??
Your sink is full of dirty dishes, open snacks in every room but you can't understand why you have mice and roaches? This was said by a tenant last week!
Or you get bedbugs, buy a can of spray (1/100th of 1% active ingredient), a jug of D.E. and some dryer sheets ("well it says on the Internet...") then wait 6 months after you have 25,000 to get them treated by a self-proclaimed "professional " that doesn't want to eliminate them, only control them so you keep paying them $1500 a treatment. Wonder why I don't like the industry...

Be rich in the things money can't buy!
Be courteous to your fellow man.


Lawns are going dormant due to heat and drought stress. Stop mowing if you aren't going to water it an inch. A small amount of water won't green it back up but will keep it alive.

Be rich in the things money can't buy!


We would like to remind everyone that we have Cool Season grasses (bluegrass, ryegrass and fescues) that don't like temps above 85. Combine our high temps with no rain and your lawn could start to turn brown due to heat and drought stress. This is a defense mechanism to go dormant (just like in winter). Reduce your mowing frequency and raise your blade to mow high. If you can by all means water! Turfgrass requires 1" of water per week.
On the outdoor bug side Japanese Beetles and mosquitoes are out in force. It's mating season for the beetles and they're hungry. Females lay their eggs in the soil and those larvae are the grubs that feed on the lawn's roots.
Mosquitoes are primarily dusk/dawn feeders but if there's shade they will attack anytime. Yes, I said attack. When we're treating and all you hear is the "buzz" you ask did I spray repellent?
Take care of yourself and others.
Be rich in the things money can't buy.


What a year in lawncare so far...already on call aheads I've said "weather permitting" more than any other entire year. It's hard to get caught up when you can only get 1/2 of a route done in a day due to the rain. When you see "ChemStik" on your invoice that means a sticker was added to the w**d control just in case it starts raining it won't wash off.
Be ready for mosquitoes this year! It's going to be a bad one.

Be rich in the things money can't buy...


What an unusual spring this has been. No, not the rain and rain and rain - it did that last year also. You could be in your lawn in March to mid-April and not see a w**d. Once the soil temperature came up I have seen w**ds emerge and go to bloom in 5-7 days. Not in decades in lawn care have I seen this. In a week come up and bloom. Then Shoot them in the face and they die!
On the bug side it doesn't change much, walk out of rental units shaking your head thinking "How do people live like that?" Crack a joke amongst yourselves to get it out of your mind and move on. Saw my first honey bee and wasp of the season on Sunday. Saw my first sunburn of the season on Monday, the woman looked like a lobster! Ouch!

Be rich in the things money can't buy! Take care of yourselves and yours...


Kokomo, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm


(765) 434-5550


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