With bitter cold temperatures upon us please take these safety precautions with your pets to insure they are not lost in these frigid temperatures!
❄️ Don't let your dog run loose in this weather. I wish I had a dollar for every owner who said "I let him out to do his business. He always comes back." Except the time he didn't.
❄️ If you've just adopted a dog or taken in a new foster dog, you need the protocols of a maximum security prison. Your dog is at high risk of bolting at the first opportunity. I wish I had another dollar for every case we get where the dog went missing within 24 hours in a new home.
❄️ If you're going out of town and will be entrusting your dog to the care of a family member, put the fear of God into them. I wish I had yet another dollar for dogs that went missing while Grandpa was watching them.
❄️ If your dog is elderly and starting to act confused at times, don't let them outside without you to watch them.
❄️ Live near a river? Never let your dog out of sight. There may be a crust of ice near the shoreline but dangerously thin ice further out. Your dog won't know the difference. Similar story with ponds, especially those with an aerator. If you wouldn't let your toddler walk on ice, then don't let your dog, especially if you're not there to see him go under.
❄️ No retractable leashes. Ever. You fall and drop the leash, and your dog will be in the next county before you know it. Or he'll be wrapped around a tree in the woods somewhere, and if he's tangled up really badly and can't reach his leash to chew through it, he'll freeze to death in hours. So just don't.
This is the worst possible time to lose a dog. Please do everything you can to keep your dogs secure.