The Animal Pad

The Animal Pad The Animal Pad is a Non-Profit, All Breed Dog Rescue based in San Diego, Ca.

We're on Amazon Smile!!

As a 501c3 nonprofit all-breed dog rescue, we are always looking for adopters, fosters, volunteers, and donations. Please let us know if you would like to get involved by contacting us at [email protected]. To donate:
PayPal [email protected]
OR visit our donations page on our website! Donate just by making your regular purchases.


Watch Grace get a little bit better each day. šŸ„¹

While we await test results, we will likely take a short break from the Grace updates here on the main page, but check our stories for your daily dose. Before we do, hereā€™s how sheā€™s been doing the past couple of days. Sheā€™s trying her hardest to beat this thing, whatever it may be. We learned that she loves kids and being in their arms instantly puts her to sleep. Sheā€™s found a new loveā€” rotisserie chickenā€” and while she canā€™t continue on this diet forever, getting nutrients of any sort into her tiny body is the most important thing right now. Sheā€™s dabbling in her GI puppy kibble too, which hopefully means we are headed in the right direction. And as of this morning, she is sassy demand barking at her foster mom. We love to see it.

Thank you and family for being her perfect place to heal. āœØ

The love notes and encouraging words are working. Thank you. We are so hopeful.

Youā€™ve got this, Grace. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Things can change so quickly in rescue. I thought I was going to be able to post a very happy update on Grace. She was discharged from the emergency hospital the day after we brought her in, which is kind of miraculous and unheard of in the TAP world, considering most dogs we bring to the ER are there for an extended period of healing time. I dropped her off to be admitted and the next morning when I got the call that Grace was doing awesome and could leave the hospital, I was pretty (pleasantly) shocked. When I picked her up shortly after, I said to the front desk staff how, honestly, baffled I was to be picking up a beautiful golden retriever puppy who only had to be hospitalized for one day. That is just not our rescueā€™s luck. It felt too good to be true, and after the last 2 days, it sadly seems to have been. šŸ’”

Grace took a weird turn yesterday. She had been happy, active, vocal, eating small amounts but pooping lots, which is nothing overly concerning for a puppy with a belly full of parasites. She had a very leaky b***y, so she was getting baths regularly. Yesterday, after her bath, Grace started displaying some concerning neurological signs. She went back to the same ER where vets ran some bloodwork and said everything appeared normal. We hoped it was a one-off incident, so she was sent home again to be closely monitored. This morning, she is constantly whining, crying out and canā€™t settle. Sheā€™s even more wobbly and lethargic than yesterday and we are seeing what appears to be a neurological tic. We are extremely worried. Sheā€™s back at the hospital waiting to see the Dr now. They just took her temperature and her tail wagged the entire time. šŸ˜­ This little dog is everything good and we will fight with everything to get her well. Her distemper test came back negative just yesterday, but Iā€™m still worried that may be what we are dealing with. We are testing again and will have results in 5-7 days.

Please keep Grace in your thoughts and send her all the love. If you want to leave her a love note here, we will read her every encouraging word.

Come on, Gracie girl. Youā€™ve got a beautiful life waiting for you, all you have to do is get better. šŸ™


SOS Team TAPā€” this very sweet, very sick 15 week old golden puppy needs you. šŸšØ

We were called by a local vet hospital to help because her owners could not afford treatment, as it is not very straight forward right now. She is a medical mystery at the moment. What we know is that she is not eating and having terrible diarrhea, but what we donā€™t know is why. She tested negative for Parvo 2x but we still arenā€™t ruling that out. Distemper is on the table and we just sent out a test that will please please PLEASE be negative, too. Either way, sheā€™s going to need a lot to stay alive.

Grace is a product of irresponsible breeding and selling happening on Craigslist. She was sold to a very sweet couple who had no idea who or what they were supporting. They had no idea that these puppies are very often from across the border and come to the US already sick. They had no idea how the mama dogs of these puppies are treated, sitting in cages and being used to breed in unsanitary conditions that carry disease that each and every litter is infected with each time they are forced to reproduce. They had no clueā€” they were just excited for their new puppy. They met the seller in a Petco parking lot, assuming the seller was picking a thoughtful and convenient spot that would allow them to go in and buy supplies for their new pup. Let this be one of the biggest red flags when purchasing an animalā€” not seeing the environment the dog was born and raised in with your own eyes. Really, just donā€™t buy a dog. Because of greed and the desire to make a quick buck off of the innocent, Grace is paying the price.

I called around to our emergency hospital contacts to see if anyone could accept Grace tonight because she needs to be in isolation. Luckily has saved the day again and will take her in. Iā€™m on my way right now. I donā€™t have an estimate yet, but I know weā€™re not getting out of here for less than $5k tonight. It may be days of hospitalization, but you know weā€™ll do everything we can.

If you are on board to help Grace, we would greatly appreciate your aid in hopefully saving her life.

PayPal [email protected]


Update on our new mama dog who was attacked on the streets of Mexicali while giving birth, who made her way to us last night with her single surviving puppy. I visited about an hour ago to take this footage, in what was the very first free moment of my day, so I could come here and updateā€” because your support for this case means everything.

First, I will start with the sad news. By the time the transporter made the 3 hour trek from Mexicali directly to our ER late last night, I received a call from the Dr. saying that the puppy had passed upon arrival. The emergency vet said that even if this transporter had grown wings and flown over, the chances of this puppy making it were slim to none. I am sad for this puppy, but even more crushed for mama, who lost all her little ones in the same day. After mama got some final moments with the baby she fought so hard for, the ER team went to work on making her better.

There has been a lot of hoopla on our page regarding this specific rescue, and I usually donā€™t let it get to me, but I was already emotional over the events of yesterday, and anyone questioning that we wouldnā€™t do what was in the best interest of this duo pushed me over the edge. Iā€™m sorry for the snarky things I said over the internet, but we kill ourselves every day for these dogs. So, hereā€™s a video of her at the vet hospital that some argued we didnā€™t actually take her to. Thatā€™s all I have the energy to say on that matter.

To clear up another common and valid concern- the people who took the video we posted yesterday definitely didnā€™t do nothing. They took that video to post for rescue help, which workedā€” because here we are. Not everyone can do everything, but everyone can do something, and they did. We applaud and appreciate that, because we would have never known of their existence if they hadnā€™t cared.

Now, back to sweet mama. If there is one promise I will make, it is that she will get EVERYTHING she needs. We will heal her from the inside out. Sheā€™s still in hospital and will need surgery next week to close her wounds. Thank you so much for your ongoing support for her.

Mama, we love you and we got you. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


It was 115 degrees yesterday in Mexicali as this mama dog gave birth on the street. While at her most vulnerable, literally birthing puppies, she was attacked by a pack of street dogs. Her puppies died all throughout the day, 1 by 1, except this little fighter who is still with her. Mama is trying to fiercely protect her pup, but she is badly injured and can hardly even protect herself.

We have to help them. Mama isnā€™t looking good but her pup is so fragile and in even rougher shape. Both need medical attention, and we will need funds and a foster to make it happen for them.

We arenā€™t supposed to be taking new dogs in. We are so full and so depleted, physically, emotionally, and financially. But this one really got me, guys. I canā€™t imagine this sweet mama watching her babies die before her and the psychological trauma sheā€™s endured. We need to heal her. She needs TAP.

Please consider donating or applying to foster with us at


PayPal [email protected]


Walking through our facility, itā€™s hard to remember what their lives were like.

With so many smiling faces greeting you as soon as you enter the doors of TAP HQ, itā€™s easy to forget where they came from and what they went through, before The Animal Pad.

Now, you probably know that times are arguably the toughest theyā€™ve ever been in animal rescue. We are feeling that in a major way. To be blunt, we simply cannot keep going at the rate we have been and cannot continue to rescue dogs without foster homes to welcome them into.

We are being sent anywhere between 50-100 pleas a day, all deserving dogs like this, who need us. They need us, but they also need YOU. We need you.

Our rescue is responsible for over 400 dogs at the moment of this video. Some are patiently waiting in Mexico to join us for their shot at a brand new life, and some are at our very full facility here in San Diego, ready to go home with you now.

Some have come back from extreme conditions but are now perfectly healthy, some are still undergoing medical treatment and would love someone willing and able to care for them, and some need a patient human to teach them to trust for the first time ever.

All of them deserve a chance. By signing up to foster with us, you are giving a dog that chance and not only changing their life, but saving it. In fostering with us, you are actually saving 2 lives ā€”
The dog you take home, and the lucky one who is waiting to take their place.

Please consider fostering with The Animal Pad today. We cover all supplies and medical care. And we canā€™t keep saving dogs without you.


Her name is Olive and someone intentionally cut off her ears. This happened in Mexico and our friends at rushed to take her in and worked hard to get her stable enough to travel to us in the states yesterday. Now, sheā€™s a TAP girl, in San Diego in a temporary foster home and loving every minute of her new life. She is one of many puppies in our care who is in need of a more permanent foster home, where she can continue to thrive and be shown that she will never, ever be hurt again.

If you are able to help us with Olive or any of our other puppies who really need you right now, please consider applying at Fostering is free and everything is provided by our rescue.

And to answer the burning question we know is on everyoneā€™s mindā€” yes, the person responsible for this atrocious act was found, police are involved, and justice will be served. And yes, this song is absolutely dedicated to him. The pathetic loser who tried to kill her, but didnā€™t even break her.šŸ–•

Anyways. Enough of that gross idiot. Like her new wardrobe?? šŸ‘—šŸ«¶


Whatā€™s the latest with Chimmie? Well, first and foremost, you guys saved her life.

Chimmie was brought into the ER a week ago by her owners after being hit by a car. Her owners elected to euthanize her, stating they ultimately couldnā€™t afford treatment, but they would also be moving soon and didnā€™t plan to bring her with them anyway. Chimmie was very fixable, but of course, that fix comes with a price tag. Always. Given our serious financial situation, we couldnā€™t say yes without hesitation, but we couldnā€™t say no either. We took a leap of faith and you guys showed up for her and our rescue in a major way. Thank you isnā€™t enough and never will be. šŸ’š

We were initially told that Ms. Chim Chim Cher-ee would be needing an amputation, but Dr. Olsen at said ā€œwatch this!ā€ and closed her wounds right up on day 2. Since then, itā€™s been daily bandage changes and rechecksā€” but the girl is healing beautifully and better than expected! She will need a hip surgery once her broken pelvis heals (which is already happening on itā€™s own with crate rest šŸ‘), but she will get to keep her leg and be good as new in the future. The future she wouldnā€™t have had without this rescue and this community.

So. We love you. Thatā€™s all.

It feels good to be alive, eh Chim? šŸ«¶

Thank you for supporting our rescue pups Hawthorne Cat !!! We can't wait to celebrate National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day w...

Thank you for supporting our rescue pups Hawthorne Cat !!! We can't wait to celebrate National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day with you all tomorrow.


In full transparency, we are in the worst financial spot weā€™ve ever been in. You know we take in the worst of the worst casesā€” the dogs that no one else willā€” sometimes because they seem hopeless even when we know they arenā€™t, sometimes because they require a lot of care that others arenā€™t willing to give, and sometimes because they are going to cost a lot of money that groups donā€™t haveā€¦ including us. We come here and ask for your support and time and time again, you help us help bring these deserving dogs back to life.

We have been hit with so many unexpected bills lately. Fluke accidents with dogs in our care that we could have never seen coming have dragged us further into the red for even our ā€œhealthiestā€ of dogs.

Things are bad. We are at the point of having to stop our intake, which means we stop saying yes to dogs who we know we could save, if only we had the funding. We have been having to say no, and when I tell you it kills a part of my soul each and every time, with each and every plea. Hundreds daily. But what can we do? If the money isnā€™t there, we canā€™t be either. And I so wish it could be different.

But then we are sent a late night text message about a dog like Chimmie. Hit by a car. Brought in to the emergency room and the owner opted to not pursue treatment. The ER tech texts as a Hail Mary, knowing if they canā€™t find a rescue to take the dog in, they have to put the dog to sleep. And if we arenā€™t the ones to say yes, there is no hope.

Chimmie is a young dog who needs her hind leg amputated. Thatā€™s what stands between her living and dying. A simple surgery that we have to do all the time for dogs in our care, who then go on to life the happiest lives as adorable tripods.

Despite being in the spot we are, we couldnā€™t say no to this one. Not this time.

Chimmie needs a surgery that will cost us about $900, but we are hoping on this $5 Friday you will support us far beyond her needs and help us get our rescue back on track. We want to keep doing this for a very long time, but we canā€™t without you.

Any amount means everything, and thank you isnā€™t enough. šŸ™

PayPal [email protected]


Come celebrate National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day with us!

Are you ready to open your heart and home to a furry family member? Join at this Tuesday, April 30th, in Rancho Bernardo at 16945 El Camino San Bernardo, San Diego 92127 from 11AM-2PM for an adoption/donation drive event!

Our pups are waiting to meet you! Canā€™t adopt? No problem! You can still make a difference by donating items from our Amazon wishlist (link below) or by dropping off much-needed supplies at the event. Every donation helps, no matter the size.

Mark your calendar and come out to help our deserving dogs find their forever homes!


This Friday night dust off your scrunchies, grab your F***y packs, and don your best 90ā€™s attire as we skate down memory...

This Friday night dust off your scrunchies, grab your F***y packs, and don your best 90ā€™s attire as we skate down memory lane !!!

šŸ—“Friday, April 26th
ā° 6pm - 9pm
šŸŽŸ $15 entry (includes skates) $5 donated back to TAP!
šŸ“ Ringer's Roller Rink
6060 Federal Blvd 92114

We have 4 adorable adoptable pups who will be making a very special appearance and canā€™t wait to meet you. To view their profiles head to or click the link in our bio.

*** This is a human event only, please leave your furry friends at home.

Saved by the Bark: Roller Rink Fundraiser

Come meet our adoptables tomorrow 4/20 from 12-4pm at adopTAPet: Fundraiser & Adoption Event

Come meet our adoptables tomorrow 4/20 from 12-4pm at adopTAPet: Fundraiser & Adoption Event


10 days ago we took this boy in and asked you to help us help him. Today, after the help of this rescue community, he looks brand new. āœØ

We loved all the name suggestions, but something about Marvel really stood out to us. Maybe because he very clearly had superhero potential from the get-go. Or maybe because all of you who supported his journey to healing are heroes to us? Either way, Marv says thanks. šŸ’š

We havenā€™t been able to fully cover his bill just yet, so if you feel so inclined, we will be collecting donations toward his total invoice (just over $13k) until the end of today and then will be closing out the fundraiser.

Ways you can help:
ā€¢Donate via this post
ā€¢PayPal [email protected]


Camp Tappy Tails is back! Have your kiddos spend their break from school with dogs! Your child will spend the week getti...

Camp Tappy Tails is back!

Have your kiddos spend their break from school with dogs! Your child will spend the week getting to know the dogs, learning all about rescue and body language. Activities include dog play time, dog related crafts, dog bath time, reading to dogs, and lots of games. Each day will have a different social emotional topic that all the activities will align with and will be taught through dogs and their rescue stories.

Hurry, spots sell out quickly, and we only have a limited amount available!!!

**Have your kiddos spend their break from school with dogs! Your child will spend the week getting to know the dogs, learning all about rescue and body language. Camps are for ages 7-12 will be held at TAP HQ (4620 Avocado blvd 91941) and will be 10am-2pm. (after care until 3 is available for an ext...

Come meet our adoptables tomorrow Sunday 4/14 at Dwell Well Realty in North Park 12-4pm.

Come meet our adoptables tomorrow Sunday 4/14 at Dwell Well Realty in North Park 12-4pm.

Come meet our adoptables today 4/13 at the Vegan Food Popup in North Park from 12-4pm.

Come meet our adoptables today 4/13 at the Vegan Food Popup in North Park from 12-4pm.

Come meet the adorable adoptable Maddi pups this Friday night at Puppies & Jiu Jitsu !!! Make sure you buy your tickets ...

Come meet the adorable adoptable Maddi pups this Friday night at Puppies & Jiu Jitsu !!! Make sure you buy your tickets before they sell out!

Mama Maddi: Ā  Available Puppies: Ā  Photos by


Arcadia was living at a vet in Tijuana for a month with a broken jaw, mangled femur, and so much more that it reads like a laundry list. She was with another rescue then but was transferred to us 5 days ago.

Hereā€™s what weā€™ve learnedā€”

ā€¢Arcadia was severely anemic and needed blood and plasma transfusions.
ā€¢Her broken pelvis was ā€œfixedā€ in TJ but not really. She has an infected wound from the surgery and bone-wise, the orthopedic surgeon says she is now irreparable.
ā€¢She isnā€™t walking and itā€™s unclear if thatā€™s due to her injuries or her being so emaciated and muscle-wasted.
ā€¢Her jaw was taped shut as an attempt to heal the injury, but the only thing that did was rip the hair from her muzzle. There is exposed bone poking through her chin but she is not stable enough to address it at this time.
ā€¢Because of her broken jaw, she has not been able to eat much of anything in the recent month. She is being fed through a nasal gastric tube now, such small amounts to avoid refeeding syndrome. Her feedings are critical and calculated down to the calorie.
ā€¢She is having trouble keeping her heart rate up. Itā€™s been falling in the 20s and even dropped to 12. Her blood pressure is falling too. Her heart is not pumping quick enough. Sheā€™s on medication to help her heart continue to beat.
ā€¢We are most recently battling low blood sugar, despite supplementation.

So, itā€™s not looking great. Arcadia is touch and go and we are aware that all of this support still may not be enough to save her. Her vet talked to me about her quality of life if we canā€™t turn this around for her soon, which is more than fair, but Iā€™m still holding out for a miracle. Iā€™ve known Arcadia for 5 days and spent a total of probably 5 hours with her. It is so hard to make a permanent decision to end a dogā€™s life when we donā€™t know much about the dog, their spirit or their fight. But if this girl survived in TJ for a month with minimal care, she deserves a chance at showing us what she can do with the best care now. We have had dogs come back from this critical a condition before.

Her bills are HIGH but we have to be all in. Can we count on you to help? Please. We have to try. Sheā€™s not ready to go yet.

Ways to donate:

PayPal [email protected]

Join The Animal Pad dog rescue TOMORROW night for an exciting match between the San Diego Wave FC and the Kansas City Cu...

Join The Animal Pad dog rescue TOMORROW night for an exciting match between the San Diego Wave FC and the Kansas City Current at Snapdragon Stadium on March 23rd at 7 p.m.

$5 from each ticket sold through our special link below will be donated back to our pups!

3/23/24 @ 7:00 PM - The Animal Pad

National Puppy Day - Wags to Riches - Celebrate   with us and Puppy Picnic Co. at L'Auberge Del Mar. !!!šŸ—“ Saturday, Marc...

National Puppy Day - Wags to Riches - Celebrate with us and Puppy Picnic Co. at L'Auberge Del Mar. !!!

šŸ—“ Saturday, March 23rd
ā° 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
šŸ“ Jim Watkins Amphitheater at Lā€™Auberge Del Mar

šŸ›ļø Pop-up shopping + photo ops
šŸ¶ Puppy adoptions
šŸø Drink specials & raffle
šŸ“ø Spring photo sessions

Tag a furiend to join you below šŸ¾

Check out all of our adoptables here:


4620 Avocado Boulevard
La Mesa, CA


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