Sure, it sucks I just got done shoveling the porch, deck, paddock, and path to the bucks… BUT LOOK 😍 Guess getting gas for the snowblower can wait ❄️🌲⛄️
Zippy loves it too 😍 I have had struggles seeing her bred on US, but I know she is solely on her friendly demeanor 😉
All the goats were very thankful for Holiday Cookies from their favorite doctor! Hand delivered to our house by the clinic staff ❤️❤️ The pups and Thomas are in the comments as well 😉
It’s snow season! I would take this 10x over rather than the drizzly crap we’ve been having! Menáge agrees and has decided she LOVES to eat snow. Juno is unaware due to fluff levels. Lacie is just crompching on ice 😂
No, I don’t keep $26,000 on hand for a rainy day.. so how the heck did I buy this thing!?
I have a few small things to do and then I’ll share it’s story ❤️😍
Booboo and KP are going to the same lease home..
While BooBoo is on my “starvation diet”.. KP is enjoying the extra milk bucket buffet 👑🍼
Twin Arrows, have fun turning this one into an adult 😂
It’s easy to lose our passion, our heart, our reason.. when the constant performance numbers and show results and budgets are constantly in our minds and our information intake daily… These sort of days make it worth it ❤️I spoke to a young lady at our county fair, where we swept the board. I was thinking of how it’s all working, it’s paying off, my future plans were wild. She asked me about a stud service. Me and her chatted while her accompanying adults stepped aside and said “this is your thing”. I gave her the same info I’d give anyone: health testing, correct conformation matings, and mentorship.She was in tune, knowledgeable, and excited. I felt warm and fuzzy, inspired.. but albeit didn’t think much more of it during the fair as we talked about a winter date.Today I opened my mail to this: Thank you, Lilly, for inspiring me to continue doing what I’m doing. People like you will keep the spirit of dairy goats alive. I cannot wait to chat more about your herd goals ❤️
9 goats clipped (including escutcheon trims for kids and udder shaves with 40’s) and a trailer and truck packed in a total of 8 hours 💅🏻
Do not reccomend.
Yes I have a therapist.
Catching Zip took an hour, an undercover team, disguises, manipulation, unprecedented wit, and a tempting backyard of “grass”.
I managed to capture the release of this elusive creature (domesticated, clipped Zipadeedoda).
Sound for best effect.
for anyone wondering what I mean when Zippy cackles at me like a manipulative psycho.
Yoshi is ALLLLL smiles!
Big thank you to the sponsors of the Best Buck in Show award for the CCGA Barn in The USA show last weekend!
Yoshi and Teddy Enjoyed their nightlight :)
FoggyCreek Farm
Diamond L Goats/DLMG Farms
Evergreen Haven