✨Thoughtful Thursday✨
Why we make YOU (or your child) wear a helmet???
We know that helmets might seem “lame” and that there are some other barn’s that don’t require helmets, but we care too much about your noodle. Here’s the facts:
-head injuries account for 50% of horse related accidents leading to hospitalization
-A 2016 study by the journal of Neurosurgical focus found that horse back riding accounted for a higher amount of concussions than football
-A literature review by Sara L. Mastellar, PhD, Equine Faculty, Ohio State ATI found the following:
1. 81% of riders admitted to having some sort of riding related injury in their riding career
2. 21% of those injuries resulted in hospitalizations
3. Approximately 60-70% of horse related fatalities were due to head injuries
4. The United States Pony Club saw a 60% decrease in head injuries when helmets were mandated
5. The average hospital stay for a horse related injury was 5-6 days
All of this to say we CARE about YOU! While our horses are well trained (I mean- did you see our other post, they can read) accidents happen.
At Punkin Acres it is mandatory for all riders under the age of 18 to wear a helmet. Riders 18 and up are encouraged to wear a helmet. We provide helmets for all lesson students to use during their lessons .
If you’re interested in purchasing your own helmet, Farm and Fleet, Brothers Country Supply, Rural King, and Tractor Supply are great places to look. Please remember BIKE HELMETS ARE NOT RIDING HELMETS. They are not rated or constructed to keep you safe during equine activities.