Oscar 4th stage Sunday June 14
Last stage Sunday June 14th at Miamitown, 1st Ohio shoot. Oscar is two for two in CMSA competition! Starting to look like a real shooting horse. Really proud of him this weekend.
Oscar stage 3 on Sunday.
Made some equipment changes. Oscar kept getting better all weekend. He helped me win my class Sunday as well.
Oscar, his first CMSA competition. We won our class and it was a qualified win for me.
Oscar, his first CMSA competition. We won our class and it was a qualified win for me. Moved me up to a L3!
Dee fording the Wea today
Dee fording the Wea today.
Wrangler running " the Snake." at KY Cowtown Rangers shoot, LaGrange, KY
Wrangler running #62, "the Snake" at KY Cowtown Rangers shoot June 7-2020
Oscar running the "football"
Oscar. Tried a different approach to this patter with Oscar and it worked well for him. He did great!
Oscar at KY Cowtown Rangers shoot June 6-2020
Oscar did real good. He has come a long way.
Course #7 at KY Cowtown Rangers shoot June 6, 2020
Wrangler was awesome as usual. Did cut that barrel a bit close but it stayed up. Fun shoot.
#25 Marengo 5-30-20
#25 Marengo 5-30-20
Jordin and Yeager two
Jordin and Yeager two
Yeager and Jordin one
Yeager and Jordin one