Hey all! So we have been flooded with calls and FB messages so I thought I would update everyone at once.
So I am back to grooming on my own with the help of two wonderful bathers, but I am the only groomer here. This may change in the future but at this moment in time I am wanting to groom on my own and have no plans on hiring another groomer. I am also trying to lower my stress levels so I have put a cap at 6 grooms a day.
Between this and the fact that grooming shops everywhere this time of year are pretty busy, I have been booking up much, much faster than usual. I am also going on vacation June 21st-30th so the shop will be closed during that time.
As of right this minute, I am booked for GROOMS until July 7th, and days are filling up fast! I have been turning down business left and right because nobody wants to wait a month but I'm only human and can only do so much.
I strongly encourage my wonderful regulars to get their next appointment down on the schedule when they pick up their pups and for those who don't come as often to please call 2-3 weeks in advance of when your dog actually needs a grooming to ensure you get a spot.
As I've said before, this may change in the future, but as of right now folks... THE DAYS WHERE I CAN GET DOGS IN FOR GROOMING WITHIN A WEEK ARE OVER!
I am sorry for the inconvenient wait times ya'll, I'm still here just doing what I love. Remember tho that I do have 2 amazing bathers and can get baths in much sooner. If you are just needing a good combout, bath and blowdry to hold them over till the next groom, that shouldn't be much of a wait.
I appreciate you all so very much, hope to see ya soon, Thanks-Hollie