I know a lot of you are on my personal page but for those of you who are not I wanted to let you know My dog Max has had a very rough week he was fine on Monday morning ate breakfast, went outside to potty and was running around as happy as can be by 10:30am he started having diarrhea, by 12:30 he wouldn’t eat anything not even his treats, by 3:30 he was breathing super heavy and holding his mouth open I then messaged my vet and sent videos of what Max was doing they said to either keep an eye on him or take him in some where when I was done talking with the vet Max was laying on the couch and his breathing seemed to be doing better at around 11:00pm his breathing was still good at 3:30am Tuesday morning he was doing that heavy breathing again and holding his mouth open so I took him to the williamston er vet.. they did x rays, and gave him some fluids and some pain meds the x rays showed his lungs and heart were good and there were no blockages the only thing is showed was some inflammation in his G I tract and beginning signs of arthritis in his spine they sent us home with a probiotic and prescription can food to help reset his g I tract and some pain meds and said to feed him a bland diet. He wouldn’t eat anything I tried to give him but he was drinking water yesterday he still was t eating and he still seemed to be in pain so the vet came and drew some blood to run some tests the bloodwork came back normal except for the inflammation in his G I tract and then today he went to the vet and they did an overall exam and did more x rays and an ultrasound the vet found a tumor in Max’s right a**l gland that is the size of a golf ball and they did aspirate it and it came back cancer so our next step is to do an ultrasound to see if it has spread to the prostate once I get the results back from the ultrasound I will go from there…. If anyone believes in soul dogs Max is my soul dog! I don’t know what I would do without him and I will do everything I can to help him but I also don’t want him to suffer…. This has been an extremely tough week for me seeing my boy like this! Please keep Max in your prayers 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️