Such a nice day to be outside working!
Milo pushed a toy in Bella's face and they started playing. Great play session for both dogs.
Don't mind my work attire 😂. I guess when you work from home you can have bed head and work in your jammies. During the video I was working both Bella and Milo together and separately. I use verbal ques and body language ques. I also randomly use the remote collar stim as well. They are in the phase where I don't rely on the remote collars but will still let them know it's there by using it if they are not on track or even if they are doing great...just like using food during training you don't always want to rely on food reward to get the dogs to listen but also want them to engage with your energy.
Bella finally gets the understanding of being sent to place! Milo does place really well and is helping Bella with her practice.
My son Dominic wanted to help out with the training today. Everyone struggled and it all worked out. Dominic was trying to use his body language along with verbal ques to get Bella to listen. He didn't give up which is what all dogs need. Good job Dominic and Bella working together!
Free time/ check-ins. Just make sure everyone can refocus and check in before going back to free time. This video is nothing special but I like to have all the dogs out and work on recall while distracted.
Maisa is doing "place" during dinner.
Maisa is doing some work outside off leash! I like to keep it light and not go crazy on drills when I first get them off leash. Give them some fun but get in a few check-ins.
Maisa is doing a little work off leash finally. I keep all the dogs on leash until they respond well to me. I now don't have the ability to use the leash so there is always some messy work at this point but with each repetition we will clean things up. I have introduced her to the remote collar and she is picking up on the language. However in this video everything was done with just my body language and the work we have already put in. It is still important even though I can get her to do tasks without the use of the remote collar to still use the remote collar too. This is one way we can continue to get her to listen with high distractions and give her off leash freedom outside. The end goal is to not use any tools but it is always nice to teach in case you have a dog with issues such as high prey drive.
This is just one of the things I feel that sets me apart from the rest of the dog training industry and no hard feelings but it's just my opinion. This is after 9pm and the dogs get to mingle. Yes, sometimes the dogs still get work in so I'm not just your normal 9-5 cooky cutter dog training facility. I want to have the most realistic feel and approach when it comes to getting dogs to understand what we want and need them to do. This makes it an easier transition from my home to yours.
Roxie playing with the big boys! She is given off leash freedom since she has earned it! She gets to play while I wait for good opportunities to interrupt and practice recall while distracted. I like to make sure that they can also continue to listen after the recall by asking them to do a few more things and then back to play. At the beginning play time is short while checking in can be a little longer. As time goes on less check-ins and less work to get back to play. At any time depending on her listening skills we can always make her check in for a longer time if her energy level is too intense. Shes doing great and both Norman and Roxie love each other's attention.
The struggle with "place" is creating some distance while adding duration to the command. Once the dogs understand this you can start adding in distractions. It usually doesn't take me this long to get dogs to do the place command but we got it done. Roxie keeps on shining!
Mala is working on place and I'm working on my camera man skills. As you can see I need way more work than she does.😂 I think it's time to start using my new toy I got for Christmas so I can take videos hands free and concentrate only on the dogs.
Jurgen was being trialed off leash and we both failed. I think everyone should take videos while working with their pets. It lets you know mistakes you've made. Even though he was listening at times he was also ignoring me as well. He needs more leash work before giving him another trail off leash. When outside I use a long leash up to 60ft to get the dogs to listen at a greater distance but it's also there as a safety net.
This is just how it starts! It's simple stuff really but yet it can feel hard. You can tell she knows things because of her owners putting in work. Yet even a professional can have some challenges. Here Roxie is working with me but for food. It's important to get in some repetition work and clean up the messy parts as time goes on. This doesn't happen overnight and with my structure, free time, rest time over and over again we get the dogs to listen. After we get a good response with whoever we are working with we transition into free time followed by random behaviors we need our dogs to do such as a recall while distracted. Second week is mostly all free time but working on being obedient in a more natural way and this is why the dogs stay at my home.
After a while doing structures training on a 6ft leash I'll transition to a 30ft or 60ft long line and add in the remote collar training. With everything we do we get to have off leash freedom. It takes hundreds of repetitions on a leash followed by hundreds of repetitions on leash with remote collars to get here. Even though in this video we are doing casual non structured training we are still training because everything we do the dogs pay attention too. You are doing this or that but I'm going to ask for a quick recall or any other command just to make sure you are still paying attention to me. The dogs have to understand that you're the leader and if they don't feel that then they become the leader which leads to everything all pet parents hate which is a dog that doesn't listen.
Dogs just being dogs! I like to let the dogs run around having fun but on occasion make them check in with me by listening to some obedience commands and then giving them permission to go back to play.
Cooper and Jax being worked! Jax likes to not leave me so place is a hard one. However I still have to follow through and make him do it anyway even if there is Zoey in the way. Also Cooper and Jax have been doing great not trying to kill each other!!!
Zoey off leash! Working on come, sit, place and no. Also working around other dogs as distraction.(thanks Cooper and Jax)
Doing some loose leash walking with Zoey. The key is 180 degree turns. I'm the one to create leash tension and not the dog. Once they understand I keep turning and you are not actually going anywhere they start to walk with me and give eye contact. This is when I want to reward and in Zoey's case it is just verbal since she gets easily over excited. I only say "here" when I'm turning or when I need their attention. I also use the word "no" for also not listening or following. It really just lets them know to keep up, not smell, not fixate at something distracting like the geese or they are going to fast.