Nouri and Smoke were sent home Friday! I took the weekend off from riding for Christmas dinners and family time! Today Sapphire got her teeth floated and I put the first rides on Chip and Cameron. #precisionequineservices
Smoke and Sapphire carrying a flag for the first time! Smoke is a 2 year old Percheron Quarter Horse cross that I put 30 days on. Sapphire is a 5 year old QH that has been with me for 5 months! #precisionequineservices
Kind of a long video but here is Nouri after 3 weeks in my program! When she arrived she had a very bad case of sticky feet under saddle, she would stop and refuse to walk at times. We don’t really know if she was ever broke to ride so I ground drove her for a week and took the time to make sure she was ready. She is much more willing and relaxed under saddle now! She was terrible with her feet, both front and back. Now she will pick up and hold all four feet up when asked without kicking or trying to walk away. #precisionequineservices
This is about a 2 week transformation! When Nouri came to me she had almost zero respect for humans. Although we don’t know her past she acted very spoiled, and would put up a fight to anything she didn’t wanna do! Now she lunges, rides, AND picks up her feet with almost no issues. She still has a long ways to go but this sure is a good start! I’ll post riding videos and videos of me working with her feet in a bit! #precisionequineservices
This is Cruz, he is an older OTTB who raced in his younger days then retired and went on to do some jumping. At some point he was put up and sat for a significant amount of time before he was purchased by the girl who owns him now. She was struggling to restart him as he had a bit of an opinion about doing any kind of work other than walking. He fought collection and refused to lope a circle! He came leaps and bounds in just 30 days, and not with just me but she was also successful with him as well! He went home yesterday and I made sure she had all the tools to keep going with his training! #precisionequineservices
Rockets first ride was 32 days ago, and this is only his second time loping! It’s important as a trainer to recognize how much pressure each horse can handle! Rocket needed a little extra time to gain the confidence I feel every horse should have! I am thankful for the owners who trust my judgement, and allow me to take the time the horse needs. It sure is fun watching them go from flighty and scared to a more confident horse! Now I get to spend the last couple weeks perfecting everything! #precisionequineservices
Miss Sapphire sure does love running barrels! She has taken everything with such ease! This is only her 5th show! If you want your horses patterned get with me, winter and spring are filling up fast and there are so many great shows to look forward to! #precisionequineservices
It’s not very often when you get one this brave, smart and willing! This is only Sapphire’s 4th show and only her second time running poles! She progresses a little bit every run, and just takes everything in stride🫶🏼 #precisionequineservices
So proud of this filly! Her 3rd show but you’d never know it! Only her second barrel entry and her first time in poles, flags and down and back!