Hi Friends, colleagues and pet parents. I'm excited to let you know about my new veterinary service. Welcome to Paws Over the Rainbow, https://www.pawsovertherainbow.com/, a dedicated in-home euthanasia service for dogs and cats. With over 31 years of experience helping families navigate one of the most difficult moments in their pet's journey, I understand how important it is to have the option of in-home euthanasia.
Having walked this path with my own beloved dog, Jilly, I understand the deep bond we share with our pets and the importance of saying goodbye in a way that is gentle, peaceful, and filled with love. That's why I created Paws Over the Rainbow-to provide a compassionate, stress-free farewell in the comfort of your home, where your pet feels safest. Until now, families in our area haven't had many options for in-home euthanasia. I am committed to filling that need, offering evening and weekend services.
This is an additional service I am offering alongside my work at Country Club Veterinary Clinic, where I will continue to provide care for your pets. My goal with Paws Over the Rainbow is to extend that same compassionate care into the home when the time comes to say goodbye.
This page is a place to learn more about my services, find resources on pet loss, and share in a community that understands the love and grief that come with saying goodbye. I invite you to like and follow for updates, support and heartfelt stories.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your pet's journey Over the Rainbow Bridge.